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Messages - Mr Fix-it

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 103
Cricket Anyone / Indoor cricket
« on: February 05, 2024, 09:57:55 AM »
Long time I have not played indoor cricket...Cah for the hell of me remember the rules.  Can someone point me to the rules/scoring etc?


Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: "Haiti I'm sorry" by David Rudder
« on: February 05, 2024, 09:54:36 AM »
Why!!! I like it here

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Jumbie in Bajan food fest
« on: April 04, 2023, 11:43:40 AM »
Jumbie big now....We have to get him back on the forum to give us some cooking tips

Jack of All Trades (DIY) / Re: DIY Resources
« on: April 04, 2023, 11:25:39 AM »
Long time I have not been on the forum and Covid quiet down so its time for the DIY projects to make a comeback


Just logged in to bump this post to make sure it stays alive forever :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Long time I didn't bump this up lol.  How are my friends on the forum :rotfl: :beermug: :devil:

I was just coming to hit a mid year bump but I guess I was late  :bs: ;D

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: "Haiti I'm sorry" by David Rudder
« on: November 27, 2017, 12:58:43 PM »
Last bump was Jan, we coming up to Dec, so I think it's time to give an almost 1 yr bump to the top  :beermug: :devil:

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: August 22, 2017, 01:12:09 PM »
Looks like the last ep is going to be the best for the season and then you have to wait 2 yrs for season 8 LOL

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: August 17, 2017, 12:31:00 PM »
Well all I have to say is........Damnnnnnnnn

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: "Haiti I'm sorry" by David Rudder
« on: December 09, 2016, 08:20:22 AM »
Lord fadda...this still here  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: torrent sites....
« on: December 09, 2016, 08:17:39 AM »
Hey Lefty,

Long time I didn't come here.  Anyway download the client and follow the config instructions and you wouldn't regret it.

It have all the rips from paid sites etc.  I've dumped cable and netflix long time now.  Yu don't need to buy an android box or anything.  You can run it off PC/MAC etc.

Just check it out.

Hey Flex,

Plans get put on the back burner as the kids are taking all my time.  I ended up having multiple tanks instead but sold everything in Feb.

Will post some picks later but yeah plan buss

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: torrent sites....
« on: September 10, 2016, 07:48:08 AM »
Forget Torrents, use Kodi (AKA XBMC)

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: The Walking Dead Thread
« on: March 11, 2016, 10:42:18 AM »

General Discussion / Re: Drunk Doctor attacks Uber Driver
« on: January 25, 2016, 08:51:47 AM »
I'm not a woman beater but de burners she would collect for that sh$t would da been epic. :devil:

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: WDAID
« on: November 05, 2015, 08:11:44 AM »
The bigger question is where Dutty was hiding all this time :devil: :beermug:

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: The Walking Dead Thread
« on: October 26, 2015, 06:13:16 AM »
Boy I still holding out hope for next week.  I'm sure they would linger this one out for a couple eps. before we're given a confirmation either way.  Good ep and I didn't see it coming.  But as Gimple say, he's loyal to the show and not to any character(s).  Not to mention the unkillable list was getting longer and longer so is time to trim some fat.

Football / Re: RIP Daft Trini
« on: September 07, 2015, 12:45:46 PM »

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Post ah movie thread
« on: July 02, 2015, 06:59:45 AM »

Football / Re: Condolences Thread
« on: June 26, 2015, 06:22:15 AM »
Condolences to the Hart family.  RIP

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: June 16, 2015, 08:45:07 AM »
You really feel that's it for Jon Snow? I hope he was having a bad dream or something, hard to believe Olly set him up like that.

Yeah on another forum the actor basically went cussing to the writers and they told him,"Yep, your dead..., dead, dead, no coming back"

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: June 16, 2015, 07:26:50 AM »

This damn show
Next season better start with Melisandre laying some hands on Jon Snow and pulling a Lazarus.

What about the atonement.

All I could think is how the mighty have fallen.

Wht kinda sorf King allows this t happen to his family.

I didn't feel sorry for her one bit, she had to be humbled and she's the one who gave them power.

But breds, that was the ultimate in humiliation.

Having said that, she have good form for an old Tanti.  ;D
Not so fast, but I'm not complaining about the 2-3 minutes we got http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/game-of-thrones/11675895/Game-of-Thrones-fans-complain-about-Lena-Headeys-use-of-a-body-double.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

Aaah well, I found it strange, that she would show off the bush for about two minutes in front of a street full of people.  :(

As soon as I see her drop draws I tell de wife dias ah double.....That body cah get so bad since 300 LOL.

Tired eat at the pit n pub

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:08:27 AM »
Just use XBMC/Kodi.  It's better and you don't have to search around for the torrent.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: The Walking Dead Thread
« on: April 01, 2015, 06:10:43 AM »
finale was dread! real dread season 6  should be someting if dey keep up d pace

Too many unrealistic scenes.

Come nah man. Yuh watching ah show about zombies, and yuh talking bout unrealistic scenes?  ;D

Hahahahahaah, Tallman yu bad

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: The Walking Dead Thread
« on: February 27, 2015, 08:02:17 AM »
But in the comic, the cannibals were finished off in short order.  Didn't last maybe a couple books.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: The Walking Dead Thread
« on: February 09, 2015, 08:59:42 AM »
OK who see this ep?

General Discussion / Re: Tapatalk
« on: December 31, 2014, 12:49:55 PM »
Hey Tallman,

You might want to check on the security for this app.  I'm on a couple other forums and they basically stopped using it for some security flaw that it has.  Not sure what it is and I didn't really follow up on it.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: The Walking Dead Thread
« on: December 05, 2014, 10:18:47 AM »
Morgan slow no ass.  Whole season he lookin for Rick.

By the look on his face when he saw the map, I'd say he wasn't really looking for Rick, and more just roaming around. 

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