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Author Topic: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!  (Read 25175 times)

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2007, 11:05:06 PM »


I welcome your definition of a contact sport

Here's one of many from the web that say the same thing


Would you argue then that physical contact is more central (less tangential) to the sport of baseball than it is to football ?

football/soccer is a contact sport- there is no debate about that....if you choose to be a statistical outlier by thinking otherwise- feel free.

I reserve judgment on your comment about the statement about public schools as it is tangential to this thread and undermines the spirit of the message board...

I not into reading Tarot cards, playing wid Ouija boards or holding hands in Seance and thing...so all this "spirit of the message board" thing is really beyond me.  Let me know what else de spirits telling yuh.

If you making YOUR point by re-stating, damn near verbatim what I said in refutation of your original statements...den boss I can only conclude dat you cyah read.  Sorry if dat hits home...ah was trying tuh be less pointed, but in de process I impugned the smarts of public school students all arung.


As for "Contact Sport"...sports where contact is a central and accepted part of the game:

Ice Hockey
Rugby, American Football, Aussie Rules...etc..
...not complete, but it's a start.  My guess is that you'll bristle at football being left off, but that's your prerogative.

As far as being a ''statistical oulier'', lol...you would have to provide statistics in support of your claim in order to first denounce me as being in the minority.  Now if you're saying that my opinion is in the minority ON THIS WEBSITE...then no scenes, I'll take that to mean that I'm in good company, because the vast majority of de regular posters here are babbling idiots, plain and simple. 

I go mash plenty corn wid dat one dey but objective posters who sift beyond the over-patriotic hubris that passes for "loyalty" on here would know that it's the truth.

Apologies in advance if ah bruise some sensitivities, lol.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2007, 11:07:54 PM by Bake n Shark »

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2007, 06:01:18 AM »
Ok B&S, you're a smart fella/girl (no assumptions  ;D) with a good sense of humor and you can read....but you're still missing my point....

The question is not necessarily whether physial contact is central or tangential to football, because that is all relative and hence subject to interpretation and opinion...It is however my opinion that physical contact IS central to the game of football, regardless of good officiating and how much contact is allowed etc...because the degree of physical play can play a very very big part in the outcome of a game and the success of a football team- at most if not all levels....that is what I was getting at

My point though (which you missed) is that regardless of the above, I consider football to be a contact sport, because my definition (and the generally accepted definition) of a contact sport is "any sport that involves physical contact with the opponent" whether incidental or not.....and even if by implying that the definition of contact sport is contingent on how central physical contact is to the game, then there is still no argument that baseball is more of a contact sport than football is (which you seemed to imply in your previous post below)whilst there is physical contact in baseball as you point out....it's a stretch to say that physical contact in general is central to the game of baseball........

Not a contact sport?  Neither is football.

Contact in football is incidental and tangential to the game, not a part of the game otherwise there would be no such thing as a foul.   .

very weak argument/logic- a foul is called against illegal contact, not just any contact...fouls are called in American football too for certain types of contact- A.F. is undoubtedly a contact sport....we can at least agree on that..

Now, if you seriously think baseball is not a contact sport, then clearly you've never seen a man round first base and deliberately run into the second-baseman in hopes of preventing the double-play. 

Examples of non contact sports.....

Track & Field

Sports that involve no physical contact between opponents. My guess is that you'll bristle at football being left off, but that's your prerogative

 :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:
« Last Edit: June 11, 2007, 06:33:45 AM by kicker »
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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2007, 07:12:54 AM »
never discuss sports with americans,their games are de most exciting and in their opinion needs balls guts and glory to play.its typical american mentality.if they didnt invent it its no good.thank god de REST OF THE CIVILIZED WORLD SEES IT DIFFERENTLY.
soon ah go b ah lean mean bulling machine.

Offline Bakes

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #33 on: June 11, 2007, 08:13:07 AM »
Ok B&S, you're a smart fella/girl (no assumptions  ;D) fella with a good sense of humor and you can read....but you're still missing my point....

The question is not necessarily whether physial contact is central or tangential to football, because that is all relative and hence subject to interpretation and opinion...

I'll refute you quick and simple...by the very definition you provided:
because my definition (and the generally accepted definition) of a contact sport is "any sport that involves physical contact with the opponent"
In football...is it necessary to make contact with the opponent in order to play the game as defined by the rules?  Of course not.  Eliminate all contact and yuh could still play de game.

It is however my opinion that physical contact IS central to the game of football, regardless of good officiating and how much contact is allowed etc...because the degree of physical play can play a very very big part in the outcome of a game and the success of a football team- at most if not all levels....that is what I was getting at

Refutation #2

Physical play can take on a central role in the game, but isn't central to the game itself.  If that were the case then the more physical teams would win all the time.  Teams from leagues like La Liga and Serie A where the degree of physical play is minimal relative to say the EPL, would perennially fail when going up against more physical squads, such as a Man U., a Liverpool or even a Newcastle.  Physicality isn't central to the game, it's tangential...meaning it can influence the outcome of the game, but physicality itself won't determine the game.  If being physical were central to football then there would be some sort of standard mandated in the rules dictating it's scope...that is, what is the minimum allowed?  What is the maximum?  Instead we have a tacit recognition that it is part of the game...an inevitability.  Since phyiscal play is inevitable we (the rules committee) will define what becomes excessive...aka fouls.  And you and I know that what's "excessive" is fairly subjective and determined by the officials on the field.  My point being, there's no hard and fast gauge on this thing you insist is central to the sport.  If tomorrow an official in the Gold Cup decides he's blowing the whistle on ANY physical contact, the game can still be played with sacrifice to neither the letter nor spirit of the game.  That is to say...one can still matriculate the ball downfield and into the opponent's goal...rule out physical contact and you still have football (it may not be a fun game, but still football)

Compare that to other contact sports such as boxing or wrestling etc...rule out physical contact and there is no sport. Period. Central to football is balance, speed, dexterity and other essential footballing skill. Ability to play physical is an asset on the field but it's not an absolute necessity otherwise lithe and diminutive players (Latas for instance) won't stand a chance on the field.

My point though (which you missed) is that regardless of the above, I consider football to be a contact sport, because my definition (and the generally accepted definition) of a contact sport is "any sport that involves physical contact with the opponent" whether incidental or not.....

I dunno where you get yuh definition from, but I'm willing to bet that  "whether incidental or not" is your own addition to the definition.  There is no way such a broad and sweeping definition could ever be functional, because then

Tennis (I have seen "incidental" collisions at the net)
cycling (tons of crashes when men 'incidentally' bump bikes)
distance running (ever see man trade elbows near de end of ah 1500m race?)
NASCAR (nuff cuff pelt on de infield grass arready cuz man bad drive next man)
Pitch aka Marbles (when you and yuh pardna stoop down by de ring tuh pick up allyuh tau and allyuh knees 'incidentally' bounce up.

...I could go on making the list even sillier, but I think you get my drift.

A more functional definition of a contact sport in my mind would be "any sport which necessitates contact in order for it to be played"...or take the contrapositive of that definition, "any sport that MINUS physical contact, cannot be played".  Clearly football doesn't fit that criteria, does it?

and even if by implying that the definition of contact sport is contingent on how central physical contact is to the game, then there is still no argument that baseball is more of a contact sport than football is (which you seemed to imply in your previous post below)whilst there is physical contact in baseball as you point out....it's a stretch to say that physical contact in general is central to the game of baseball........

You misconstrue my argument spectacularly.  It was never my intent to engage in the silly-ass debate about the inherent manliness of either sport, because I have an appreciation for both...football by a mile, but still love mih baseball, tuh de point dat even mih mammy an all love it now b/c ah me.

I would never call baseball a contact sport, but I would also never say that it is NOT a contact sport.  Seemingly contradictory? Sure. But examine the facts:  In baseball there are rules that allow for more than incidental contact.  A runner is absolutely allowed to 'truck' (run him over like ah steamroller, for those of you following de conversation at home) a fielder in hopes of dislodging the ball.  I doh know de FIFA rule book inside out, but please find me a similar rule in football if you can.  One that comes to mind is the 50/50 ball situation, but I'd still like to see the wording on that.

So in sum, no..it is not my point that baseball is more or less a contact sport than football.   My point is that to rule out baseball as a contact sport, one would similarly have to rule out football as a contact sport, therefore that criterion cannot be used in the silly-ass debate on the manly merits of either sport.

Not a contact sport?  Neither is football.

Contact in football is incidental and tangential to the game, not a part of the game otherwise there would be no such thing as a foul.   .

very weak argument/logic- a foul is called against illegal contact, not just any contact...fouls are called in American football too for certain types of contact- A.F. is undoubtedly a contact sport....we can at least agree on that..

Even what is "illegal" isn't well-defined though.  I think is more that fouls are called on "excessive" contact, b/c you and I both know that what some refs call others wouldn't.  So there's no hard and fast "illegal" contact.  Just what some jackass in pinstripes or ah yellow shirt decides is "too much".


You and I both know it have plenty contact in football and we like it dat way.  We just disagree on how central that contact actually is to the game as defined by the rules.  I know real man reading dis and rolling dey eye but I can appreciate a good debate same way.  :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:
« Last Edit: June 11, 2007, 08:15:01 AM by Bake n Shark »

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2007, 08:26:25 AM »
I'll refute you quick and simple...by the very definition you provided:
because my definition (and the generally accepted definition) of a contact sport is "any sport that involves physical contact with the opponent"
In football...is it necessary to make contact with the opponent in order to play the game as defined by the rules?  Of course not.  Eliminate all contact and yuh could still play de game.

oh goouud, allya "splitting hairs"
 ;D ;D
buh I understan wha you mean ;)
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Offline Trini Madness

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2007, 08:54:08 AM »
Ey u ever play in trini . First american sports all have protection . U ever get ah hard swinging shin on shin from ah player from lavantile ,it is feel like kicking motherc**t iron .f**k that, it really dangerous doh fool yourself.

not in baseball...the only piece of protective equipment in the game is the helmet.....and some people choose arm guards or one shin guard thats optional. but for a pitcher or infielder or outfielder theres no protection. taking a line drive in the back hurts like a b**ch. (after the ball is pitched the ball is hit right back at u and is coming twice the speed) say if u throw 90 mph the ball coming right back at u at 190 mph. so that gives u 0.1 - 0.2 seconds to react.
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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2007, 08:57:09 AM »
Today I was told Baseball is more "MANLY"  than Football(soccer)....i.e. real men play baseball......men who play football are skinny and girly!!!

before I talk about the rest of the converstion with this baseball fan and my rebuttal I would like to here your thoughts.....

How do we define "manly" so that we can make a determination as to which is more "manly"?
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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2007, 09:00:19 AM »
I cant agree with this..

First and foremost in baseball dem fellahs get to catch with a bigass glove while in cricket that ball could get hit back same speed to the bowler and he have to catch with bare hands..

the catcher have chest guard box, big pads-guard something, armguards, helmet, grill.. On top of that the ball softer than a cork ball and when you take a lash, you get to walk to first base, but in cricket, when you get lash the most you get is some ice and a pat on the back from the wicketkeeper if you lucky..

Offline Bakes

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2007, 09:25:15 AM »

oh goouud, allya "splitting hairs"
 ;D ;D
buh I understan wha you mean ;)


breds, dai'z de problem when yuh have ah schupid question to begin with...all the subsequent arguments become a twisted game of Reductio ad absurdum...until at de end all ah we siddung looking at each other like "wait...wha' it is we arguing again???"

Offline WestCoast

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2007, 09:30:34 AM »
How do we define "manly" so that we can make a determination as to which is more "manly"?
well dis is THE qualifier for sure and when you take into account people's bringing, culture, and what sports that they are familiar with, then you have just as many opinions.

breds, dai'z de problem when yuh have ah schupid question to begin with...all the subsequent arguments become a twisted game of Reductio ad absurdum...until at de end all ah we siddung looking at each other like "wait...wha' it is we arguing again???"

BUT wait for the inevitable TANGENT, ;D in which direction the arguement takes off with no resolution in sight.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2007, 09:35:49 AM by WestCoast »
Whatever you do, do it to the purpose; do it thoroughly, not superficially. Go to the bottom of things. Any thing half done, or half known, is in my mind, neither done nor known at all. Nay, worse, for it often misleads.
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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2007, 11:51:50 AM »
i wouldnt think a thread about baseball would pop up on this forum. well i am one trini (probably de only one) who does play baseball (semi-pro ;D). i love the sport but when it comes to "manlyness" football is wayyyy past baseball. and to be honest i cant watch a baseball game....too slow and too boring i have to be playing. but for football i can watch de full 90 mins.

ah think i sense FF and them fellas coming to crack jokes on meh... ::)

yes stick to baseball  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #41 on: June 11, 2007, 12:14:55 PM »
Off topic...but to settle Bake and Sharka nd Kicker's tangential discussion. It seems like Kicker's definition of contact sport is right and it includes football/soccer as it is called in this def...Depends on how much faith you want to put in the Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness, American Academy of Pediatrics


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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #42 on: June 11, 2007, 12:42:27 PM »
The assness of the statement does not deserve a debate  >:( >:( >:( >:(

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #43 on: June 11, 2007, 12:45:52 PM »
Off topic...but to settle Bake and Sharka nd Kicker's tangential discussion. It seems like Kicker's definition of contact sport is right and it includes football/soccer as it is called in this def...Depends on how much faith you want to put in the Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness, American Academy of Pediatrics


The default answer to any B&S post is "take win"

Only someone trying to win an argument would disqualify football/soccer as contact support on account of how tangential/central physical contact is to the game.....as long as the sport involves physical contact btw opponents it's contact sport- a plain & simple definition known by all most. Noriega had to be rushed to hospital with head injuries on a play in which there was no foul by any individual- Petr Cech nearly lost his life earlier this season in a risky yet possibly non-malicious play- yet football/soccer is not a contact sport  ??? wateva.......As I said b4 it's not even debatable....

but you're right, that discussion was tangential to the thread....so we overs it  :beermug:
« Last Edit: June 11, 2007, 12:50:48 PM by kicker »
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Offline Bakes

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #44 on: June 11, 2007, 12:58:37 PM »
Off topic...but to settle Bake and Sharka nd Kicker's tangential discussion. It seems like Kicker's definition of contact sport is right and it includes football/soccer as it is called in this def...Depends on how much faith you want to put in the Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness, American Academy of Pediatrics


The very link you provide undermines your position by claiming that 
A full-contact sport is similar to a semi-contact sport, but which contains physical contact between the combatants with the aim of causing a knockout or otherwise rendering the opponent unable to continue the match

there is even definition of a semi-contact sport
A semi-contact sport is typically a combat sport involving striking and which contains physical contact between the combatants simulating full-power techniques

Now with respect to football, here's what brainiac's link says

Current medical terminology in the United States uses the term collision sport rather than contact sport to refer to American football, lacrosse, and ice hockey. The term contact sport is used to refer to sports, such as basketball and association football that allow limited contact. For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement in 2001 entitled "Medical Conditions Affecting Sports Participation" that included the following definitions:

“ In "collision" sports (eg, boxing, ice hockey, football, and rodeo), athletes purposely hit or collide with each other or inanimate objects, including the ground, with great force. In "contact" sports (eg, basketball and soccer), athletes routinely make contact with each other or inanimate objects but usually with less force than in collision sports. ”
  — Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness, American Academy of Pediatrics, [1]

This terminology may have evolved from a quote from Vince Lombardi, who is reported to have said, "Football isn't a contact sport; it's a collision sport. Dancing is a contact sport."

So which is is brainiac...is it the Committee's statement or the one that precedes it?  We love to villify the Americans, particularly with respect to anything related to "Association" football...but here dey say football is contact sport so we running tuh de mountain tops with it.

Clearly the case is at best undecided...yet you opine that Kicker's is "right".

Go figure.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2007, 01:00:44 PM by Bake n Shark »

Offline Trini Madness

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #45 on: June 11, 2007, 01:25:09 PM »
i wouldnt think a thread about baseball would pop up on this forum. well i am one trini (probably de only one) who does play baseball (semi-pro ;D). i love the sport but when it comes to "manlyness" football is wayyyy past baseball. and to be honest i cant watch a baseball game....too slow and too boring i have to be playing. but for football i can watch de full 90 mins.

ah think i sense FF and them fellas coming to crack jokes on meh... ::)

yes stick to baseball  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

see what i mean  :-[ ;D ;D ;D :beermug:
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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #46 on: June 11, 2007, 01:26:04 PM »
So which is the more manly sport ?  ;D ;D ;D
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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #47 on: June 11, 2007, 01:34:23 PM »
they arguing about which is the more "manly" sport by trying to define and determine which is a contact sport and which isn't.

Before allyuh run to allyuh sources, journals, degrees and wikipedia and start to eschew and espouse..

Just to come back to simple terms..

Shouldn't the more manly sport be the more physical demanding one??

I know in football man does cover all kinda 8000m plus a game easy. In baseball you could take a 3 swing and sit down and the fittest baseball player is probably not as fit as the below average soccer player.

In my opinion, any professional sport where a pot belly man can earn a salary should not market itself as a "most manly" sport.

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #48 on: June 11, 2007, 01:39:04 PM »
they arguing about which is the more "manly" sport by trying to define and determine which is a contact sport and which isn't.

Before allyuh run to allyuh sources, journals, degrees and wikipedia and start to eschew and espouse..

Just to come back to simple terms..

Shouldn't the more manly sport be the more physical demanding one??

I know in football man does cover all kinda 8000m plus a game easy. In baseball you could take a 3 swing and sit down and the fittest baseball player is probably not as fit as the below average soccer player.

In my opinion, any professional sport where a pot belly man can earn a salary should not market itself as a "most manly" sport.

The contact sport argument was a side argument......
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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #49 on: June 11, 2007, 01:53:16 PM »
Off topic...but to settle Bake and Sharka nd Kicker's tangential discussion. It seems like Kicker's definition of contact sport is right and it includes football/soccer as it is called in this def...Depends on how much faith you want to put in the Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness, American Academy of Pediatrics


The very link you provide undermines your position by claiming that 
A full-contact sport is similar to a semi-contact sport, but which contains physical contact between the combatants with the aim of causing a knockout or otherwise rendering the opponent unable to continue the match

there is even definition of a semi-contact sport
A semi-contact sport is typically a combat sport involving striking and which contains physical contact between the combatants simulating full-power techniques

Now with respect to football, here's what brainiac's link says

Current medical terminology in the United States uses the term collision sport rather than contact sport to refer to American football, lacrosse, and ice hockey. The term contact sport is used to refer to sports, such as basketball and association football that allow limited contact. For example, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement in 2001 entitled "Medical Conditions Affecting Sports Participation" that included the following definitions:

“ In "collision" sports (eg, boxing, ice hockey, football, and rodeo), athletes purposely hit or collide with each other or inanimate objects, including the ground, with great force. In "contact" sports (eg, basketball and soccer), athletes routinely make contact with each other or inanimate objects but usually with less force than in collision sports. ”
  — Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness, American Academy of Pediatrics, [1]

This terminology may have evolved from a quote from Vince Lombardi, who is reported to have said, "Football isn't a contact sport; it's a collision sport. Dancing is a contact sport."

So which is is brainiac...is it the Committee's statement or the one that precedes it?

Clearly the case is at best undecided...yet you opine that Kicker's is more accurate.

Go figure.

hahahahahahaha. ok..this is too funny.  are you for real? ..the definitions of full contact sport and semi contact sport are pretty clear in wikipedia. Full-contact and Semi contact are tyeps of contact sports. Soccer is considered an extreme semi-contact sport according to wikipedia. Wikipedia then goes on to state the exact same definition as brainiac (oh..you conveniently left that out) and includes soccer as a contact sport. Football, hockey, rugby etc.are considered collision sports. It's all simple..soccer is considered a contact sport anyhow you take it. Sure the degree of contact is different from ohter sports, but football is clearly a type of contact sport according to all defintions here. If you want to be more specific, then you can call it a semi-contact sport. Kicker says football (soccer) is a contact sport..you said it is not. I really doh care, but you pushing the bound of sanity if yuh asking people to read the wikipedia link and pretend it does not flow into the brainiac defintion. With a little common sense you can put 2 and 2 together.

yuh really on a mission today bredz ;D

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #50 on: June 11, 2007, 02:07:51 PM »
You could show the man a million definitions and he'll still disagree. He's just a contrarian, but entertaining nonetheless
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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #51 on: June 11, 2007, 02:09:22 PM »
football is a more manly sport than baseball because in the world today more man play football than baseball.  ;)

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #52 on: June 11, 2007, 02:12:41 PM »
You could show the man a million definitions and he'll still disagree. He's just a contrarian, but entertaining nonetheless

yeah..but a contrarion makes you think
this just making me laugh

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #53 on: June 11, 2007, 02:17:17 PM »

It is a non-semi-incidental-contact sport.

Real babbling idiots roun here.

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #54 on: June 11, 2007, 02:20:45 PM »

It is a non-semi-incidental-contact sport.

Real babbling idiots roun here.

yuh forget tangential ;)

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #55 on: June 11, 2007, 02:25:33 PM »
Why are we debating that tou-tou head?

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #56 on: June 11, 2007, 02:27:40 PM »
Anybody who has played football at any level including as basic as sweating in the park would know that football is a contact sport without having to refer to wikipedia.

Offline trinbago

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #57 on: June 11, 2007, 03:22:52 PM »
Shouldn't the more manly sport be the more physical demanding one??

I know in football man does cover all kinda 8000m plus a game easy. In baseball you could take a 3 swing and sit down and the fittest baseball player is probably not as fit as the below average soccer player.

In my opinion, any professional sport where a pot belly man can earn a salary should not market itself as a "most manly" sport.

I agree with this statement: which ever is more physically demanding I think is one of the answers: when yuh yuh passing 32-33 years old, its considered you are passing your prime age in football.....there are are not that many people over 38/39 in football. The avg age is way younger compared to baseball.

In baseball however, some men in their 40's are considerd to still be in their peak: take Clemens  or Valentine...there are a lot more older players still playing in baseball compared to football....

Plus I look at some of these guys in baseball aside from the youngins...but many of them are overweight in my opinion (don't confuse overweight with being fat or obese).

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #58 on: June 11, 2007, 03:29:18 PM »
no need to reply to the baseball man.  The baseball man is a buller-man.  Best to avoid that man before he try to play fight with you or something.

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Re: Baseball is a more "MANLY" sport than Football(soccer) !!
« Reply #59 on: June 11, 2007, 03:37:45 PM »
Ok, I now see that the baseball person is actually a woman.  Well Trinbago, maybe dee woman just teasing you and want you to show her the manliness of a football player...lol


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