On the one hand, I am not critical of BM's stance on this. Something would be wrong if none of us didn't get some kinda horrors over how Zamora in particular and Samuel move. Is a love we have for our country and it should bother us when men turn us down, especially men who can add value to the team.
On the other hand, we must be bigger than something like ego. Are we going to cut off our nose to spoil our face because we didn't like their initial response? It's easy for us to be critical for their choices when we have no such decision to make. Men like Latas, Yorke, Ince, Lawrence, etc. can only play for T&T, there's no chance to play for England, Portugal, Brazil, etc. That being said, most of them have made decisions that in some form or fashion we felt offensive to the T&T cause. Yet we were able to forgive them and move on. We are stuck with them and them with us.
Zamora and Samuel have belated decided to join the cause and they've done it at a time when we're more likely not to qualify. Like it or not they are soca warriors now. The important thing now is that they are one of us... faults and all, regardless of if we approve or not. Best to just get on with it and back them to help us win matches.