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Author Topic: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.  (Read 17439 times)

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #30 on: August 05, 2015, 11:38:32 AM »
Just to reply to some of the points made by Deeks & KD. There is no belief that Tim-Kee is corrupt. However it is felt within the Ministry and SPORTT that TTFA receive far too much, do not manage their finances correctly, are very secretive about their finances, arrogantly expect MoS to foot every bill presented and their achievements do not equate to the investment made by MoS on behalf of the taxpayers. These are not all necessarily the view of Sancho, but people who help to orchestrate policy and implementation.

TTFA had complaints about the previous Permanent Secretary, yet within a month of the new P.S. taking office, she had serious concerns. Not being a "football person" she was unaware that TTFA would also receive travel grants from CONCACAF for Gold Cup. This caused serious questions to be asked and that lack of transparency will now haunt any TTFA funding requests.

The scheduling of games is another concern. If TTFA can fund them, then that's great. But if support is expected then MoS should have been consulted in the planning stage. The fiscal year ends in September and new money won't flow until end of October. Also, how can MoS budget for expenses that they don't know about? This is the same prob;em with Match fees and stipends. MoS doesn't negotiate them so why should they pay them? How can one party agree a figure with another party without knowing if the third party can actually pay?

This is where the conflict happens. And RTK can always run to the press and complain and he knows that during an election season this will damage Sancho.

Offline Jumbie

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #31 on: August 05, 2015, 11:53:49 AM »
Just to reply to some of the points made by Deeks & KD. There is no belief that Tim-Kee is corrupt. However it is felt within the Ministry and SPORTT that TTFA receive far too much, do not manage their finances correctly, are very secretive about their finances, arrogantly expect MoS to foot every bill presented and their achievements do not equate to the investment made by MoS on behalf of the taxpayers. These are not all necessarily the view of Sancho, but people who help to orchestrate policy and implementation.

TTFA had complaints about the previous Permanent Secretary, yet within a month of the new P.S. taking office, she had serious concerns. Not being a "football person" she was unaware that TTFA would also receive travel grants from CONCACAF for Gold Cup. This caused serious questions to be asked and that lack of transparency will now haunt any TTFA funding requests.

The scheduling of games is another concern. If TTFA can fund them, then that's great. But if support is expected then MoS should have been consulted in the planning stage. The fiscal year ends in September and new money won't flow until end of October. Also, how can MoS budget for expenses that they don't know about? This is the same prob;em with Match fees and stipends. MoS doesn't negotiate them so why should they pay them? How can one party agree a figure with another party without knowing if the third party can actually pay?

This is where the conflict happens. And RTK can always run to the press and complain and he knows that during an election season this will damage Sancho.


kimmy .. politician master he is!

edit/add - not buying everything the Minister selling either.

« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 01:23:31 PM by Jumbie »

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #32 on: August 05, 2015, 02:42:38 PM »

Breds don't waste your time with these brainwashed people... They only see one way, they think TK is some saviour and Sancho ruining football, when he exposed corruption and also has these dictators on the back foot.. He's not perfect but no one is..

They are mad Sancho happens to be with UNC... If Sancho was a PNM till I die like weary, bakes, brown sugar or one of those myopic stooges then he would be accepted.. They don't realize all these politicians are manipulators.. Sancho jump at an opportunity, God given.. Everything happens for a reason.. TK doesn't have the time or focus for the job.. With the new constitution he will be departing soon form the position.. So it's best he make it amicable while he's there...

Last time I check.. Sancho not running our football, he merely facilitating the process for MOS in helping TTFA..

Where is TK sponsors and investment?

Provocative comment, but I suspect you don't honestly believe this? (or should no longer believe this?) ... particularly since you've been presented with ample evidence to the contrary?

(P.S. Yuh jes love calling Bakes name, eh ... I think he's invoked subliminally or mentioned overtly in all of your posts).
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 02:45:16 PM by asylumseeker »

Offline Controversial

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #33 on: August 05, 2015, 02:54:18 PM »

Breds don't waste your time with these brainwashed people... They only see one way, they think TK is some saviour and Sancho ruining football, when he exposed corruption and also has these dictators on the back foot.. He's not perfect but no one is..

They are mad Sancho happens to be with UNC... If Sancho was a PNM till I die like weary, bakes, brown sugar or one of those myopic stooges then he would be accepted.. They don't realize all these politicians are manipulators.. Sancho jump at an opportunity, God given.. Everything happens for a reason.. TK doesn't have the time or focus for the job.. With the new constitution he will be departing soon form the position.. So it's best he make it amicable while he's there...

Last time I check.. Sancho not running our football, he merely facilitating the process for MOS in helping TTFA..

Where is TK sponsors and investment?

Provocative comment, but I suspect you don't honestly believe this? (or should no longer believe this?) ... particularly since you've been presented with ample evidence to the contrary?

(P.S. Yuh jes love calling Bakes name, eh ... I think he's invoked subliminally or mentioned overtly in all of your posts).

actually Seeker, Bakes, weary and sugar have not said a word against TK... so why should I believe differently? Most of the ferocious attacks originate from PNM supporters or sympathizers...not all, as many people are caught in the middle of a PR war to discredit one another, so they choose the middle, when really, there is no middle, it is weighed heavily against TK... if you can point out some statements that prove my statement wrong, please inform me, maybe I missed them or misinterpreted them.. weary and sugar have always been huge supporters of Sancho but the minute he picked up that yellow partisan jersey, the stance changed...

i am an open minded person and I'm willing to admit if I am wrong, but I would need to see the evidence that is contrary to my belief..
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 03:01:21 PM by Controversial »

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #34 on: August 05, 2015, 03:10:00 PM »

Breds don't waste your time with these brainwashed people... They only see one way, they think TK is some saviour and Sancho ruining football, when he exposed corruption and also has these dictators on the back foot.. He's not perfect but no one is..

They are mad Sancho happens to be with UNC... If Sancho was a PNM till I die like weary, bakes, brown sugar or one of those myopic stooges then he would be accepted.. They don't realize all these politicians are manipulators.. Sancho jump at an opportunity, God given.. Everything happens for a reason.. TK doesn't have the time or focus for the job.. With the new constitution he will be departing soon form the position.. So it's best he make it amicable while he's there...

Last time I check.. Sancho not running our football, he merely facilitating the process for MOS in helping TTFA..

Where is TK sponsors and investment?

Provocative comment, but I suspect you don't honestly believe this? (or should no longer believe this?) ... particularly since you've been presented with ample evidence to the contrary?

(P.S. Yuh jes love calling Bakes name, eh ... I think he's invoked subliminally or mentioned overtly in all of your posts).

actually Seeker, Bakes, weary and sugar have not said a word against TK... so why should I believe differently? Most of the ferocious attacks originate from PNM supporters or sympathizers...not all, as many people are caught in the middle of a PR war to discredit one another, so they choose the middle, when really, there is no middle, it is weighed heavily against TK... if you can point out some statements that prove my statement wrong, please inform me, maybe I missed them or misinterpreted them.. weary and sugar have always been huge supporters of Sancho but the minute he picked up that yellow partisan jersey, the stance changed...

i am an open minded person and I'm willing to admit if I am wrong, but I would need to see the evidence that is contrary to my belief..

Where should we start first? With the "PNM till I (i.e. they) die" charge?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 03:12:07 PM by asylumseeker »

Offline Deeks

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #35 on: August 05, 2015, 03:29:42 PM »
King Deese, forget Jack, meet TIM Kee . Breds, you could forget Jack, not me. Because he is the elephant in the room. I eh letting the socalled special advisor of the hook not one iota. He had this ball rolling over 25 yrs. I already stated my case as it concerns RTK. Disappointing as far as raising money's outside of the govt. That is his main job and it has been disappointing to say the least.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #36 on: August 05, 2015, 06:32:54 PM »
It EH have no saints in this nah- all ah dem seems to be opportunistic-
Will the present minister reveal if he intents to honour the government payback of the monies given to the 2006 players? Wasn't the condition that once. They pursued the then SA and procured funds that the money would be reimbursed? What has happened to that course of action? Oh yeah like all other issues that gone and forgotten - call dat ah government buy out nah - right!
Do the frigging moral thing and take a stance to repay taxpayers money and follow through with the course of action.

All ah bunch ah scamps - dam opportunistic money grabbing incompetent I dividuals bleeding the country dry Steups - I done with all dis nonsense and it have folks in here siding up to the powers to be yuh ent see the crap we in - yeah he give dem the boots alright - more than dat  he sell he soul for the pieces of silver or millions- people wake up and use the boots to kick they arses out - say no to People Pillaging  money from the coffers.
Ps- in WC 2006 man pull  he dreadlocks and pull he down-the result was a disaster - who pulling he hair now? Who is he Delaila? Ah boi they find yuh weakness and yuh getting pulled down again! Wake up Toco and Make ah  point- don't  make the samemistakeagain!
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 10:12:04 PM by AB.Trini »

Offline Controversial

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #37 on: August 05, 2015, 09:16:06 PM »

Breds don't waste your time with these brainwashed people... They only see one way, they think TK is some saviour and Sancho ruining football, when he exposed corruption and also has these dictators on the back foot.. He's not perfect but no one is..

They are mad Sancho happens to be with UNC... If Sancho was a PNM till I die like weary, bakes, brown sugar or one of those myopic stooges then he would be accepted.. They don't realize all these politicians are manipulators.. Sancho jump at an opportunity, God given.. Everything happens for a reason.. TK doesn't have the time or focus for the job.. With the new constitution he will be departing soon form the position.. So it's best he make it amicable while he's there...

Last time I check.. Sancho not running our football, he merely facilitating the process for MOS in helping TTFA..

Where is TK sponsors and investment?

Provocative comment, but I suspect you don't honestly believe this? (or should no longer believe this?) ... particularly since you've been presented with ample evidence to the contrary?

(P.S. Yuh jes love calling Bakes name, eh ... I think he's invoked subliminally or mentioned overtly in all of your posts).

actually Seeker, Bakes, weary and sugar have not said a word against TK... so why should I believe differently? Most of the ferocious attacks originate from PNM supporters or sympathizers...not all, as many people are caught in the middle of a PR war to discredit one another, so they choose the middle, when really, there is no middle, it is weighed heavily against TK... if you can point out some statements that prove my statement wrong, please inform me, maybe I missed them or misinterpreted them.. weary and sugar have always been huge supporters of Sancho but the minute he picked up that yellow partisan jersey, the stance changed...

i am an open minded person and I'm willing to admit if I am wrong, but I would need to see the evidence that is contrary to my belief..

Where should we start first? With the "PNM till I (i.e. they) die" charge?

Are you refuting weary, sugar and the other names mentioned are not PNM supporters? And it has not affected their stance on Sancho? With Bakes it is more complex, part personal vendetta, part affiliation..

You can add, lefty, sando prince and others to the list as well..
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 09:21:15 PM by Controversial »

Offline Deeks

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #38 on: August 06, 2015, 12:45:48 AM »

Breds don't waste your time with these brainwashed people... They only see one way, they think TK is some saviour and Sancho ruining football, when he exposed corruption and also has these dictators on the back foot.. He's not perfect but no one is..

They are mad Sancho happens to be with UNC... If Sancho was a PNM till I die like weary, bakes, brown sugar or one of those myopic stooges then he would be accepted.. They don't realize all these politicians are manipulators.. Sancho jump at an opportunity, God given.. Everything happens for a reason.. TK doesn't have the time or focus for the job.. With the new constitution he will be departing soon form the position.. So it's best he make it amicable while he's there...

Last time I check.. Sancho not running our football, he merely facilitating the process for MOS in helping TTFA..

Where is TK sponsors and investment?

Provocative comment, but I suspect you don't honestly believe this? (or should no longer believe this?) ... particularly since you've been presented with ample evidence to the contrary?

(P.S. Yuh jes love calling Bakes name, eh ... I think he's invoked subliminally or mentioned overtly in all of your posts).

actually Seeker, Bakes, weary and sugar have not said a word against TK... so why should I believe differently? Most of the ferocious attacks originate from PNM supporters or sympathizers...not all, as many people are caught in the middle of a PR war to discredit one another, so they choose the middle, when really, there is no middle, it is weighed heavily against TK... if you can point out some statements that prove my statement wrong, please inform me, maybe I missed them or misinterpreted them.. weary and sugar have always been huge supporters of Sancho but the minute he picked up that yellow partisan jersey, the stance changed...

i am an open minded person and I'm willing to admit if I am wrong, but I would need to see the evidence that is contrary to my belief..

Where should we start first? With the "PNM till I (i.e. they) die" charge?

Are you refuting weary, sugar and the other names mentioned are not PNM supporters? And it has not affected their stance on Sancho? With Bakes it is more complex, part personal vendetta, part affiliation..

You can add, lefty, sando prince and others to the list as well..

Breds, the people at home cannot devoid themselves from party politics. Them in the lions den. We in foreign watching from the outside. Weary and Sugar and them are the ones who have to walk the streets and turn their  backs all the time, because some punk from East of the river might try to jump them.  If people align themselves to a party, they are called brainwashed. If they show no interest or sit on the fence, they are accused of being apathetic. There were many PNM people who voted UNC to get rid of Manning. Weary or Sugar may have done that. One of them said so on this forum. You could say you either here nor there. Weary, Sando and others making it plain where their interest lies. You know where yours lie. If you were in TT you would definitely vote for one of them. Me too.

The reason why they bussin Sancho is of course he join the UNC. The same party that coveted the special advisor who shame this country internationally. The same special advisor who was bussin the blacklisted warriors throats. This entire forum was on the Warriors side right thru. But when Brent went with UNC, they see it as some kind of betrayal. That is just the way they feel. He went political, so they turn on he.  There are 2 parties in TT. UNC and PNM. Pick friggin one!!!!
« Last Edit: August 06, 2015, 01:47:04 AM by Deeks »

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #39 on: August 06, 2015, 06:19:38 AM »
Just to reply to some of the points made by Deeks & KD. There is no belief that Tim-Kee is corrupt. However it is felt within the Ministry and SPORTT that TTFA receive far too much, do not manage their finances correctly, are very secretive about their finances, arrogantly expect MoS to foot every bill presented and their achievements do not equate to the investment made by MoS on behalf of the taxpayers. These are not all necessarily the view of Sancho, but people who help to orchestrate policy and implementation.

TTFA had complaints about the previous Permanent Secretary, yet within a month of the new P.S. taking office, she had serious concerns. Not being a "football person" she was unaware that TTFA would also receive travel grants from CONCACAF for Gold Cup. This caused serious questions to be asked and that lack of transparency will now haunt any TTFA funding requests.

The scheduling of games is another concern. If TTFA can fund them, then that's great. But if support is expected then MoS should have been consulted in the planning stage. The fiscal year ends in September and new money won't flow until end of October. Also, how can MoS budget for expenses that they don't know about? This is the same prob;em with Match fees and stipends. MoS doesn't negotiate them so why should they pay them? How can one party agree a figure with another party without knowing if the third party can actually pay?

This is where the conflict happens. And RTK can always run to the press and complain and he knows that during an election season this will damage Sancho.


Just to reply to some of the points made by Deeks & KD. There is no belief that Tim-Kee is corrupt. However it is felt within the Ministry and SPORTT that TTFA receive far too much, do not manage their finances correctly, are very secretive about their finances, arrogantly expect MoS to foot every bill presented and their achievements do not equate to the investment made by MoS on behalf of the taxpayers. These are not all necessarily the view of Sancho, but people who help to orchestrate policy and implementation.
Based on what criteria do we “receive far too much”? Based on what evidence do we “not manage our finances correctly”. Remember, this is a ministry that is steeped in financial impropriety. The MOS has routinely changed their commitment and expect us to properly plan, then when we do locate other funding Sancho makes an issue of that by coding that we aren’t being transparent.

We have a number of emails that were shared with MOS that show the breakdown of how the CONCACAF money would have been used and as far back as June 29, we alerted MOS about the CONCACAF funds and how we would use them for the other national teams since the MOS themselves stated our had run out.

I also wonder what criteria they use to measure “achievement” and how much taxpayers dollars should be provided based on their arbitrary achievement. Do you see the insincerity and disingenuousness of his statement? Coupled with the fact that the senior team under Stephen Hart has very successful and are entering the fourth round of world cup qualifying because of the banner year they had in 2014. Lastly, they had a great Gold Cup, including playing in the “greatest match of the Gold Cup history” vs. Mexico. Clearly the money has been a wise investment as people are excited about this team once again.

Also, we don’t expect the MOS to foot every bill. The MOS has paid for travel, match fees, and hotel traditionally. This has been a long standing arrangement and when we first began speaking with Sancho and staff, these were the three items they committed to continue supporting. The problem is some in the ministry, including Sancho, believe the player match fees are too high which is an incredible statement considering the match fees he was getting when he played was more. On the other hand, I prefer a sliding scale match fee system where the players will get $--- for a loss, $---- for a tie, and $---- for a win. Currently, they get $same amount for a win, lose, or draw.

TTFA had complaints about the previous Permanent Secretary, yet within a month of the new P.S. taking office, she had serious concerns. Not being a "football person" she was unaware that TTFA would also receive travel grants from CONCACAF for Gold Cup. This caused serious questions to be asked and that lack of transparency will now haunt any TTFA funding requests.
This is funny because Brent and Kevin hated the previous PS and actually forced him out. Furthermore, our complaints about the previous PS were more than understandable. He was very much the cause of the distrust that arose. The current PS is working with as we speak and Kevin is in no position to speak on her behalf. We fully explained how the CONCACAF funds were used and backed up our explanation with records.

The scheduling of games is another concern. If TTFA can fund them, then that's great. But if support is expected then MoS should have been consulted in the planning stage. The fiscal year ends in September and new money won't flow until end of October. Also, how can MoS budget for expenses that they don't know about? This is the same prob;em with Match fees and stipends. MoS doesn't negotiate them so why should they pay them? How can one party agree a figure with another party without knowing if the third party can actually pay?
Kevin is speaking out of turn once again. As recently as this afternoon, William Wallace was meeting with the PS to go over the budget for the upcoming budgets for the friendly matches in September and October. Now get this; these budgets were submitted back in April and included the FIFA calendar dates. But the most ridiculous line is about the match fees; “MOS doesnt negotiate them so why should they pay them?” That speaks clearly about Sancho and Harrison’s expectation to run the FA because they provide the funding. So they want to now negotiate our player match fees and match contracts? They already try to tell us who we can take on our staff on trips. There are people in MOS who do not understand their job is to facilitate and serve sporting bodies NOT RUN THEM.

Even though they repeatedly say they don’t want to run football, we get the distinct impression that we have to ask their permission to do anything or else they will threaten to cut off funding and that my friend is classic government interference and why FIFA is so harsh on the matter when they see it. If we weren’t willing to fight and manage this, FIFA would have the right to suspend our FA and keep the senior team from participating in world cup qualifiers.

This is where the conflict happens. And RTK can always run to the press and complain and he knows that during an election season this will damage Sancho.
Another ridiculous statement. Brent cannot see a microphone or camera he is able to turn away from and he was the one who repeatedly made incorrect statements about the TTFA. Our two releases were directly caused by comments Sancho made to the press. Whatever, pressure Sancho is now getting he brought on himself. Check out Lasana’s articles since he became minister and tell me who has been the aggressor.

The PM gives the 2006 players $1.3 million US and says it has nothing to do with the TTFA and the legal case should continue and they say we are playing politics. They tell us they won’t support playing New Zealand in Los Angeles even though our airfare, hotel, and ground expenses were paid for by New Zealand because they wanted the match to be played in Trinidad since it was on the week of local elections AND THEY HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY WE ARE PLAYING POLITICS.

“The more a man speaks of honor, the quicker I check the spoons when walks out the door.”

« Last Edit: August 06, 2015, 06:25:26 AM by Flex »
The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #40 on: August 06, 2015, 06:46:54 AM »
Here we go again.

Offline Controversial

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #41 on: August 06, 2015, 07:05:16 AM »
Just to reply to some of the points made by Deeks & KD. There is no belief that Tim-Kee is corrupt. However it is felt within the Ministry and SPORTT that TTFA receive far too much, do not manage their finances correctly, are very secretive about their finances, arrogantly expect MoS to foot every bill presented and their achievements do not equate to the investment made by MoS on behalf of the taxpayers. These are not all necessarily the view of Sancho, but people who help to orchestrate policy and implementation.

TTFA had complaints about the previous Permanent Secretary, yet within a month of the new P.S. taking office, she had serious concerns. Not being a "football person" she was unaware that TTFA would also receive travel grants from CONCACAF for Gold Cup. This caused serious questions to be asked and that lack of transparency will now haunt any TTFA funding requests.

The scheduling of games is another concern. If TTFA can fund them, then that's great. But if support is expected then MoS should have been consulted in the planning stage. The fiscal year ends in September and new money won't flow until end of October. Also, how can MoS budget for expenses that they don't know about? This is the same prob;em with Match fees and stipends. MoS doesn't negotiate them so why should they pay them? How can one party agree a figure with another party without knowing if the third party can actually pay?

This is where the conflict happens. And RTK can always run to the press and complain and he knows that during an election season this will damage Sancho.


Just to reply to some of the points made by Deeks & KD. There is no belief that Tim-Kee is corrupt. However it is felt within the Ministry and SPORTT that TTFA receive far too much, do not manage their finances correctly, are very secretive about their finances, arrogantly expect MoS to foot every bill presented and their achievements do not equate to the investment made by MoS on behalf of the taxpayers. These are not all necessarily the view of Sancho, but people who help to orchestrate policy and implementation.
Based on what criteria do we “receive far too much”? Based on what evidence do we “not manage our finances correctly”. Remember, this is a ministry that is steeped in financial impropriety. The MOS has routinely changed their commitment and expect us to properly plan, then when we do locate other funding Sancho makes an issue of that by coding that we aren’t being transparent.

We have a number of emails that were shared with MOS that show the breakdown of how the CONCACAF money would have been used and as far back as June 29, we alerted MOS about the CONCACAF funds and how we would use them for the other national teams since the MOS themselves stated our had run out.

I also wonder what criteria they use to measure “achievement” and how much taxpayers dollars should be provided based on their arbitrary achievement. Do you see the insincerity and disingenuousness of his statement? Coupled with the fact that the senior team under Stephen Hart has very successful and are entering the fourth round of world cup qualifying because of the banner year they had in 2014. Lastly, they had a great Gold Cup, including playing in the “greatest match of the Gold Cup history” vs. Mexico. Clearly the money has been a wise investment as people are excited about this team once again.

Also, we don’t expect the MOS to foot every bill. The MOS has paid for travel, match fees, and hotel traditionally. This has been a long standing arrangement and when we first began speaking with Sancho and staff, these were the three items they committed to continue supporting. The problem is some in the ministry, including Sancho, believe the player match fees are too high which is an incredible statement considering the match fees he was getting when he played was more. On the other hand, I prefer a sliding scale match fee system where the players will get $--- for a loss, $---- for a tie, and $---- for a win. Currently, they get $same amount for a win, lose, or draw.

TTFA had complaints about the previous Permanent Secretary, yet within a month of the new P.S. taking office, she had serious concerns. Not being a "football person" she was unaware that TTFA would also receive travel grants from CONCACAF for Gold Cup. This caused serious questions to be asked and that lack of transparency will now haunt any TTFA funding requests.
This is funny because Brent and Kevin hated the previous PS and actually forced him out. Furthermore, our complaints about the previous PS were more than understandable. He was very much the cause of the distrust that arose. The current PS is working with as we speak and Kevin is in no position to speak on her behalf. We fully explained how the CONCACAF funds were used and backed up our explanation with records.

The scheduling of games is another concern. If TTFA can fund them, then that's great. But if support is expected then MoS should have been consulted in the planning stage. The fiscal year ends in September and new money won't flow until end of October. Also, how can MoS budget for expenses that they don't know about? This is the same prob;em with Match fees and stipends. MoS doesn't negotiate them so why should they pay them? How can one party agree a figure with another party without knowing if the third party can actually pay?
Kevin is speaking out of turn once again. As recently as this afternoon, William Wallace was meeting with the PS to go over the budget for the upcoming budgets for the friendly matches in September and October. Now get this; these budgets were submitted back in April and included the FIFA calendar dates. But the most ridiculous line is about the match fees; “MOS doesnt negotiate them so why should they pay them?” That speaks clearly about Sancho and Harrison’s expectation to run the FA because they provide the funding. So they want to now negotiate our player match fees and match contracts? They already try to tell us who we can take on our staff on trips. There are people in MOS who do not understand their job is to facilitate and serve sporting bodies NOT RUN THEM.

Even though they repeatedly say they don’t want to run football, we get the distinct impression that we have to ask their permission to do anything or else they will threaten to cut off funding and that my friend is classic government interference and why FIFA is so harsh on the matter when they see it. If we weren’t willing to fight and manage this, FIFA would have the right to suspend our FA and keep the senior team from participating in world cup qualifiers.

This is where the conflict happens. And RTK can always run to the press and complain and he knows that during an election season this will damage Sancho.
Another ridiculous statement. Brent cannot see a microphone or camera he is able to turn away from and he was the one who repeatedly made incorrect statements about the TTFA. Our two releases were directly caused by comments Sancho made to the press. Whatever, pressure Sancho is now getting he brought on himself. Check out Lasana’s articles since he became minister and tell me who has been the aggressor.

The PM gives the 2006 players $1.3 million US and says it has nothing to do with the TTFA and the legal case should continue and they say we are playing politics. They tell us they won’t support playing New Zealand in Los Angeles even though our airfare, hotel, and ground expenses were paid for by New Zealand because they wanted the match to be played in Trinidad since it was on the week of local elections AND THEY HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY WE ARE PLAYING POLITICS.

“The more a man speaks of honor, the quicker I check the spoons when walks out the door.”

When was the NZ match scheduled for?

Match fees should be on a scale... And the players shouldn't be paid less than before imo... All valid points..

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #42 on: August 06, 2015, 07:11:16 AM »
FROM A TTFA Insider = Name?

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #43 on: August 06, 2015, 07:20:00 AM »
Just to reply to some of the points made by Deeks & KD. There is no belief that Tim-Kee is corrupt. However it is felt within the Ministry and SPORTT that TTFA receive far too much, do not manage their finances correctly, are very secretive about their finances, arrogantly expect MoS to foot every bill presented and their achievements do not equate to the investment made by MoS on behalf of the taxpayers. These are not all necessarily the view of Sancho, but people who help to orchestrate policy and implementation.

TTFA had complaints about the previous Permanent Secretary, yet within a month of the new P.S. taking office, she had serious concerns. Not being a "football person" she was unaware that TTFA would also receive travel grants from CONCACAF for Gold Cup. This caused serious questions to be asked and that lack of transparency will now haunt any TTFA funding requests.

The scheduling of games is another concern. If TTFA can fund them, then that's great. But if support is expected then MoS should have been consulted in the planning stage. The fiscal year ends in September and new money won't flow until end of October. Also, how can MoS budget for expenses that they don't know about? This is the same prob;em with Match fees and stipends. MoS doesn't negotiate them so why should they pay them? How can one party agree a figure with another party without knowing if the third party can actually pay?

This is where the conflict happens. And RTK can always run to the press and complain and he knows that during an election season this will damage Sancho.


Just to reply to some of the points made by Deeks & KD. There is no belief that Tim-Kee is corrupt. However it is felt within the Ministry and SPORTT that TTFA receive far too much, do not manage their finances correctly, are very secretive about their finances, arrogantly expect MoS to foot every bill presented and their achievements do not equate to the investment made by MoS on behalf of the taxpayers. These are not all necessarily the view of Sancho, but people who help to orchestrate policy and implementation.
Based on what criteria do we “receive far too much”? Based on what evidence do we “not manage our finances correctly”. Remember, this is a ministry that is steeped in financial impropriety. The MOS has routinely changed their commitment and expect us to properly plan, then when we do locate other funding Sancho makes an issue of that by coding that we aren’t being transparent.

We have a number of emails that were shared with MOS that show the breakdown of how the CONCACAF money would have been used and as far back as June 29, we alerted MOS about the CONCACAF funds and how we would use them for the other national teams since the MOS themselves stated our had run out.

I also wonder what criteria they use to measure “achievement” and how much taxpayers dollars should be provided based on their arbitrary achievement. Do you see the insincerity and disingenuousness of his statement? Coupled with the fact that the senior team under Stephen Hart has very successful and are entering the fourth round of world cup qualifying because of the banner year they had in 2014. Lastly, they had a great Gold Cup, including playing in the “greatest match of the Gold Cup history” vs. Mexico. Clearly the money has been a wise investment as people are excited about this team once again.

Also, we don’t expect the MOS to foot every bill. The MOS has paid for travel, match fees, and hotel traditionally. This has been a long standing arrangement and when we first began speaking with Sancho and staff, these were the three items they committed to continue supporting. The problem is some in the ministry, including Sancho, believe the player match fees are too high which is an incredible statement considering the match fees he was getting when he played was more. On the other hand, I prefer a sliding scale match fee system where the players will get $--- for a loss, $---- for a tie, and $---- for a win. Currently, they get $same amount for a win, lose, or draw.

TTFA had complaints about the previous Permanent Secretary, yet within a month of the new P.S. taking office, she had serious concerns. Not being a "football person" she was unaware that TTFA would also receive travel grants from CONCACAF for Gold Cup. This caused serious questions to be asked and that lack of transparency will now haunt any TTFA funding requests.
This is funny because Brent and Kevin hated the previous PS and actually forced him out. Furthermore, our complaints about the previous PS were more than understandable. He was very much the cause of the distrust that arose. The current PS is working with as we speak and Kevin is in no position to speak on her behalf. We fully explained how the CONCACAF funds were used and backed up our explanation with records.

The scheduling of games is another concern. If TTFA can fund them, then that's great. But if support is expected then MoS should have been consulted in the planning stage. The fiscal year ends in September and new money won't flow until end of October. Also, how can MoS budget for expenses that they don't know about? This is the same prob;em with Match fees and stipends. MoS doesn't negotiate them so why should they pay them? How can one party agree a figure with another party without knowing if the third party can actually pay?
Kevin is speaking out of turn once again. As recently as this afternoon, William Wallace was meeting with the PS to go over the budget for the upcoming budgets for the friendly matches in September and October. Now get this; these budgets were submitted back in April and included the FIFA calendar dates. But the most ridiculous line is about the match fees; “MOS doesnt negotiate them so why should they pay them?” That speaks clearly about Sancho and Harrison’s expectation to run the FA because they provide the funding. So they want to now negotiate our player match fees and match contracts? They already try to tell us who we can take on our staff on trips. There are people in MOS who do not understand their job is to facilitate and serve sporting bodies NOT RUN THEM.

Even though they repeatedly say they don’t want to run football, we get the distinct impression that we have to ask their permission to do anything or else they will threaten to cut off funding and that my friend is classic government interference and why FIFA is so harsh on the matter when they see it. If we weren’t willing to fight and manage this, FIFA would have the right to suspend our FA and keep the senior team from participating in world cup qualifiers.

This is where the conflict happens. And RTK can always run to the press and complain and he knows that during an election season this will damage Sancho.
Another ridiculous statement. Brent cannot see a microphone or camera he is able to turn away from and he was the one who repeatedly made incorrect statements about the TTFA. Our two releases were directly caused by comments Sancho made to the press. Whatever, pressure Sancho is now getting he brought on himself. Check out Lasana’s articles since he became minister and tell me who has been the aggressor.

The PM gives the 2006 players $1.3 million US and says it has nothing to do with the TTFA and the legal case should continue and they say we are playing politics. They tell us they won’t support playing New Zealand in Los Angeles even though our airfare, hotel, and ground expenses were paid for by New Zealand because they wanted the match to be played in Trinidad since it was on the week of local elections AND THEY HAVE THE NERVE TO SAY WE ARE PLAYING POLITICS.

The more a man speaks of honor, the quicker I check the spoons when walks out the door.

Nice insight Flex.

FS made his comments and it was answered. Fair deal.

Both parties need to come together cause I am sure both have good and bad points.

Its sad that Sancho have tured a full time politician and he was the one always fighting for T&T football players.

If he so cares, why not revisit the FPATT?

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #44 on: August 06, 2015, 07:21:40 AM »
FROM A TTFA Insider = Name?

Just guessing, but it's either Sheldon, Lincoln, small mag if he still there or Wallace... Of course I could be dead wrong  :D

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #45 on: August 06, 2015, 07:42:44 AM »
FROM A TTFA Insider = Name?

I am the punishment of God...If you had not comitted great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #46 on: August 06, 2015, 08:20:24 AM »
Sancho want transparency but yet he in de press lying everyday.

De man is all flash, show him a camera and a mic and he talking even if its for masala radio station 101.1fm.

De longest ropae have ah end.

Faster than a speeding pittbull
Stronger than a shot of ba-bash
Capable of storming any fete

Offline sjahrain

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #47 on: August 06, 2015, 08:41:13 AM »
The more we divide the harder it becomes for us to unite
Like my mama would say politricks is in everything from the air we breathe to the water we drink
Plus its elections time again,who are going to vote for now
As all want control of the cash register
Its a blessed day

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #48 on: August 06, 2015, 09:47:07 AM »
The more we divide the harder it becomes for us to uniteLike my mama would say politricks is in everything from the air we breathe to the water we drink
Plus its elections time again,who are going to vote for now
As all want control of the cash register
Its a blessed day

Very well said my friend.

Divisions in the Church

I appeal to you, brothers,1 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you2 and that you may be perfectly united3 in mind and thought - 1 Corinthians 1:10 NIV.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #49 on: August 06, 2015, 10:01:07 AM »
The more we divide the harder it becomes for us to uniteLike my mama would say politricks is in everything from the air we breathe to the water we drink
Plus its elections time again,who are going to vote for now
As all want control of the cash register
Its a blessed day

Very well said my friend.

Divisions in the Church

I appeal to you, brothers,1 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you2 and that you may be perfectly united3 in mind and thought - 1 Corinthians 1:10 NIV.

Amen to that... Together we stand, divided we fall..

Right now the nation is allowing politics to divide us a people..

Offline Deeks

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #50 on: August 06, 2015, 10:14:36 AM »
Well fellas, politics is all about bread and butter. It has always been about that. When your side win, you get most of the bread and butter and also the means to keep it that way. And vice versa. 

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #51 on: August 06, 2015, 12:38:58 PM »
FROM A TTFA Insider = Name?

Obviously, it's Sheldon. Which is fair enough, as Bakes isn't here to speak for TTFA anymore. It's actually refreshing to hear direct from TTFA. But I am, of course, not in agreement with all of Sheldon's comments. For example, I clearly stated that "it is felt within the Ministry and SPORTT" and  "people who help to orchestrate policy and implementation." If these were the feelings of myself or Sancho, I would have said that. Sheldon knows this is the feeling because when he attends meetings, they tell him these things! Yet he is now trying to say that it is myself and Sancho saying this. (Although some of those areas we may also believe!)

The Ministry has had a shocking that parallels TTFF's! But I don't believe there are any "financial impropriety" at the feet of Minister Sancho?

We have a number of emails that were shared with MOS that show the breakdown of how the CONCACAF money would have been used and as far back as June 29,  True enough. Sadly, we have emails from 25th of June from TTFA saying that CONCACAF only pay for internal flights and TTFA have to pay for travel to and from the host nation!

Sancho (and myself) both said that the match fees were too high if the Ministry was expected to pay them because the Cabinet note and subvention would be exhausted if we continued to pay those kind of fees. So said, so done. Now we had to pull teams out of competitions because money done. We also said that players should be paid more than they do, but that money should be sourced by TTFA. Is it so outrageous to expect an employer to pay wages? What if TTFA decide to pay US$3,000 match fee? Why do staff get match fees? Nobody expects anyone to work for free, even those representing their country, but the more money spent on match fees, the less is available for other national teams. The U23's and the women were the only athletes paid for attending PanAm. Sancho didn't get paid for playing at PanAm neither did players like Sean de Silva, Leston Paul etc. Pay them by all means, but source the funding from other directions.

All of this talk of interference and not wanting to pay was the Ministry trying to ensure that funds were not exhausted with debts outstanding. Any teenager will complain about his parents not giving him enough money and how they made him buy his own trainers when he wanted to go to a fete.

It's laughable that Sheldon describes RTK now as a victim. Who was the last sporting president to meet with Sancho? Who described Sancho as the "worst sport minister ever"? "Who refused to meet the Minister?" Of course, that wasn't aggressive, right?

As for running football, well, it seems no one else is! When does Pro League, Super League and TTFA sit down and plan a way forward? Anil Roberts tried to do it and it never happened. Football takes a huge slice of the MoS funding, which may be ok, but it has to be managed. We have a massive World Cup campaign on the horizon, but what about the other 10 national teams? They have campaigns too. It's a huge task for TTFA to manage, but it is clear that they need additional funding. This can only come from corporate or directly from the public. How can we attract this investment? Who is spearheading a player's association? How will it be funded? Who is developing a promotion/relegation plan for league football? How will that be funded?

Football does not belong to TTFA, it belongs to the people. The people do not vote for TTFA officers, they vote for governments. If they don't like what Sancho does, they can vote him out. They can't vote out RTK or his successor. They can't vote out Sheldon Phillips.
So, why can't the Ministry of Sport, football's biggest investor, have a say in how football is developed? The MoS can't make TTFA, Pro League or Super League do anything they don't want to. But perhaps they can develop a blueprint to a way forward?

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #52 on: August 07, 2015, 07:45:31 AM »
I warned you guys about Brent Sancho and to an extent Kelvin Jack a long time ago.

These two gooses are hungry and will do anything for money.

All of you guys here jumped on me, now I am glad you are seeing for your own eyes.

I know the guy personally, he will sell his ass for fame if he gets a chance and guys pay attention, his sidekick Harrison is enjoying the ride on his lap, this guy was a bum in England, Sancho took him up and now he is in T&T politics trying to suffer our own country footballers and some here can't see this?

I remember, him writing Kamla begging her to go after Jack for their money, they were calling her, crying.

At least Jack Warner gave back a lot more, he fed Sancho and company for many years.

I dare Sancho to come after Jack Warner, like you guys suggesting.

And for all the haters, I can bet my last dollar Jack is not going anywhere, don't believe the hype.

« Last Edit: August 07, 2015, 09:10:26 AM by Jack Horner »
Jack Warner will rise again and the world will beg him him to return and he will say "NO".............

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #53 on: August 07, 2015, 08:31:25 AM »
 :rotfl:  :rotfl: :rotfl:  :rotfl:

manchild say Sanko wuss than Austin oui!

As Sanko strums "Bitch better have my money"! on he quatro.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #54 on: August 07, 2015, 11:55:13 AM »
I warned you guys about Brent Sancho and to an extent Kelvin Jack a long time ago.

These two gooses are hungry and will do anything for money.

All of you guys here jumped on me, now I am glad you are seeing for your own eyes.

I know the guy personally, he will sell his ass for fame if he gets a chance and guys pay attention, his sidekick Harrison is enjoying the ride on his lap, this guy was a bum in England, Sancho took him up and now he is in T&T politics trying to suffer our own country footballers and some here can't see this?

I remember, him writing Kamla begging her to go after Jack for their money, they were calling her, crying.

At least Jack Warner gave back a lot more, he fed Sancho and company for many years.

I dare Sancho to come after Jack Warner, like you guys suggesting.

And for all the haters, I can bet my last dollar Jack is not going anywhere, don't believe the hype.

Bum? Boy, you have a real ass fetish, yes.

At least Jack Warner gave back a lot more, he fed Sancho and company for many years. Well Jack starved the poor Haitian earthquake victims. Until Warner can fess up and tell us what he did with the money he stole from the earthquake victims, keep your worthless opinions to yourself.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #55 on: August 07, 2015, 12:43:26 PM »
I warned you guys about Brent Sancho and to an extent Kelvin Jack a long time ago.

These two gooses are hungry and will do anything for money.

All of you guys here jumped on me, now I am glad you are seeing for your own eyes.

I know the guy personally, he will sell his ass for fame if he gets a chance and guys pay attention, his sidekick Harrison is enjoying the ride on his lap, this guy was a bum in England, Sancho took him up and now he is in T&T politics trying to suffer our own country footballers and some here can't see this?

I remember, him writing Kamla begging her to go after Jack for their money, they were calling her, crying.

At least Jack Warner gave back a lot more, he fed Sancho and company for many years.

I dare Sancho to come after Jack Warner, like you guys suggesting.

And for all the haters, I can bet my last dollar Jack is not going anywhere, don't believe the hype.
I may not agree with everything about Sancho, Harrison, Phillips or Tim Kee but they're a damn sight better than you and your parasitic family. GTHOH with that BS

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #56 on: August 07, 2015, 06:44:57 PM »
FS, sorry to hear about Central lost.

By the way, did you guys got any visa issues?

I noticed a few players were missing?

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #57 on: August 07, 2015, 10:39:42 PM »
I want to start up a private recycling factory in Trini. I wonder if it have room on this site for me to siddong and talk sh!t bout ' the gov't have a duty to support recycling' when i submit my budget for water and lights and toxicologists. i wonder if the owners and administrators of this website will be parroting that same BS?

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #58 on: August 08, 2015, 04:40:13 PM »
I want to start up a private recycling factory in Trini. I wonder if it have room on this site for me to siddong and talk sh!t bout ' the gov't have a duty to support recycling' when i submit my budget for water and lights and toxicologists. i wonder if the owners and administrators of this website will be parroting that same BS?

Do you know where the Ministry of Recycling office is... or if you know anything of it's statutory mandate to the public?

The Ministry of Sports was created by Act of Parliament to oversee sports and sports-related activity in TnT.  This includes funding where necessary. Football is a sport and deserves funding the same as other sporting bodies.

The real measure of a man's character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.

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Re: Minister Sancho continues to give T&T football the government boot.
« Reply #59 on: August 09, 2015, 09:18:12 AM »
I want to start up a private recycling factory in Trini. I wonder if it have room on this site for me to siddong and talk sh!t bout ' the gov't have a duty to support recycling' when i submit my budget for water and lights and toxicologists. i wonder if the owners and administrators of this website will be parroting that same BS?

Do you know where the Ministry of Recycling office is... or if you know anything of it's statutory mandate to the public?

The Ministry of Sports was created by Act of Parliament to oversee sports and sports-related activity in TnT.  This includes funding where necessary. Football is a sport and deserves funding the same as other sporting bodies.

This is true. But there are 10,s of thousands of athletes who feel that football should, as you said, be funded "the same as other sporting bodies."  For example, I went to a Special Olympic presentation to celebrate the 48 medals they won in Los Angeles. They feel they should get more. Hell, I feel they should get more. And they raised funding from Digicel and several other sponsors as well as the pittance provided by MoS.


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