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Topics - maxg

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Other Sports / Commonwealth games
« on: August 04, 2022, 05:34:57 PM »
VB ! I was to ask you . Did you see the Joseph boxing match. ?  I think he get rob !

General Discussion / Now that is how yuh write ah FO letter
« on: July 14, 2020, 11:52:02 PM »
Duke: I want no part of allyuh


Political Leader of the Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) and Tobago East candidate Watson Duke has cancelled the planned meeting with One Tobago Voice (OTV) co-founders Christlyn Moore of Tobago Forwards, Ashworth Jack of the Tobago Organisation of the People (TOP) and The Platform of Truth (TPT) led by Hochoy Charles.

One week ago, Duke wrote the party requesting a meeting to discuss how the OTV and the PDP could fight as one against the PNM.

However, Duke is now saying he wants no part of the OTV team.

“You don’t put new wine in old wine skins. I want no part of allyuh. I was trying to work with allyuh but I recognise allyuh bad mind, allyuh envious, allyuh wicked. You all are a bunch of backstabbers and, apart from that, you all are a bunch of losers.”

In an open letter to Duke, Moore said it is regrettable that the teams have not been able to collaborate in the interest of Tobago’s people.

“While I understand that manipulation and misstatement may be the tools of many politicians, it was regrettable to count you in that number.”

She admitted that she has had disappointing moments with Duke previously.

“You announced to the national public in a previous election cycle, that you were in fact a supporter of the ruling PNM. I have managed to forgive this matter, though it is difficult to forget.

“You met with me in the middle of the 2016 THA election to agree on a compromise position re: candidates, and your utterances were so outrageous and egomaniacal that it became clear that your main reason for meeting was to grand-charge. As an aide-memoire, that was the meeting where you insisted that your party was assured to win at least eight of the THA seats.”

Moore said Duke also agreed to a merger with the Tobago Forwards, under the PDP banner, at a meeting with her in 2019, but thereafter could not be found to implement any of the agreed terms of the merger.

“You failed to respond to any correspondence regarding the merger, and instead articulated in the public space that your party had instructed you not to merge.

"You fixed a meeting with OTV for July 10, 2020 where the date and time was agreed by your party’s deputy political leader Farley Augustine and the venue suggested by him, only to have your lady deputy political leader Faith BYisrael throw a tantrum about not being a part of the decision making on the venue.

“You have introduced at least three stories in the media, and three different ones with OTV leadership about why you requested a meeting with OTV, and why you eventually aborted that meeting. Keeping a story straight is not your strong suit, I have come to learn – I suggest you work on that matter before taking any oaths.”

Moore said she thinks she has a better record than Duke in keeping undertakings.

“I will wish you the best. While I have not been able to trust you, perhaps the electorate will see what I have not been able to discern and, in so doing, install you as the representative for Tobago East. It will certainly be a hard choice facing our people, but they are experienced in separating the wheat from the chaff. May the force be with you and whatever the outcome Vox Populi, Vox Dei.” Moore said she would respond to all attacks directed towards her by Duke.

“I have held my tongue because a public spat between people who are seeking to reach a collaborative consensus is not productive, but I have to admit that it has been a failed endeavour, and my collaborative efforts with you, spanning the last seven years, are now at an end.”

Keep Tman busy, before he get caught up in his United front capacity  :devil:

General Discussion / Ray Apollon as per his daughter
« on: May 26, 2020, 11:54:31 AM »

"As a child, I used to get teased at school. One day, a girl said, “Oh, my dad is a doctor!” And I said, “Well, my dad is a wrestler!”

And I gave her a head-butt!

That was the only time I was ever put in any form of punishment in any school"

Other Sports / Commonwealth Youth games..in gauva season ?
« on: June 29, 2019, 05:26:11 PM »
Is Commonwealth Games bid wise?
by Guardian Media
Sat Jun 29 2019

The re­cent an­nounce­ment by Trinidad and To­ba­go Com­mon­wealth Games As­so­ci­a­tion (TTC­GA) and T&T Olympic Com­mit­tee (TTOC) pres­i­dent Bri­an Lewis that this coun­try had won the rights to host the 2021 Youth Com­mon­wealth Games was met with mixed, if not luke­warm re­sponse from some sec­tors of the pub­lic.

And that re­sponse may have been war­rant­ed, giv­en that John Pub­lic had not pre­vi­ous­ly been aware that T&T was about to make a late bid for the event, hav­ing learned that the Com­mon­wealth Games Or­gan­is­ing Com­mit­tee had deemed the pre­vi­ous­ly cho­sen host coun­try, Belfast Ire­land, to be un­pre­pared at the cur­rent stage to bring off a suc­cess­ful event due to po­lit­i­cal in­sta­bil­i­ty there.

This in it­self is al­ready a sig­nal to the TTC­GA that its own bid should have been based on a sol­id foun­da­tion—in this case the in­fra­struc­ture by way of fa­cil­i­ties, sta­dia and oth­er­wise and the fi­nan­cial sup­port to fund the ini­tia­tive–since it will be no easy task.

Lewis, by his own ad­mis­sion, has al­ready not­ed that host­ing such an event will be a Her­culean task. In this re­gard, Mr Lewis ini­tial­ly claims to have the full sup­port of Sports Min­is­ter Sham­fa Cud­joe and the Gov­ern­ment, for which he was ul­ti­mate­ly thank­ful. This, how­ev­er, was a pre­cur­sor to the Mr Lewis’ bid, since one of the guide­lines for suc­cess­ful bids is the back­ing of the host coun­try’s gov­ern­ment, due in part to the fact that most of the fund­ing for such ac­tiv­i­ty is gov­ern­ment fund­ed un­less cor­po­rate cit­i­zens are con­vinced it is worth their while.

The ques­tion that aris­es now, there­fore, is whether the T&T Gov­ern­ment will have the fi­nan­cial re­sources nec­es­sary to un­der­take the re­quired re­ha­bil­i­ta­tive works that will no doubt be nec­es­sary at some of the venues be­ing eyed for use. The Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, for ex­am­ple, will need some work. In this re­gard, we are lucky that there are fair­ly new fa­cil­i­ties at Cou­va which can host a few of the sport­ing dis­ci­plines.

But Mr Lewis must tell the pub­lic soon what is the TTC­GA’s plan. Which venues will be used? What work will need to be done to bring those fa­cil­i­ties up to in­ter­na­tion­al­ly-sanc­tioned lev­el? What al­so will be the eco­nom­ic and oth­er ben­e­fits to T&T?

The lat­ter ques­tion is crit­i­cal giv­en the con­tin­u­ing state of the econ­o­my. His­to­ry will show that sev­er­al coun­tries which have host­ed ma­jor sport­ing events have lit­tle to show years af­ter ex­cept huge debt and aban­doned sport­ing fa­cil­i­ties. Clos­er to home, we have three sta­dia—Man­nie Ramjohn in Mara­bel­la, Ato Boldon in Cou­va, and Lar­ry Gomes in Ari­ma—built for the 2001 FI­FA World Youth Cup which now bare­ly fa­cil­i­tate the de­vel­op­ment of our ath­letes and foot­ballers.

Need­less to say, this news­pa­per hopes the TTC­GA has in­deed care­ful­ly weighed the ram­i­fi­ca­tions of this suc­cess­ful bid.

Other Sports / Junior Olympics - swimming
« on: October 08, 2018, 12:45:15 AM »
2 Trini born in the 100 fly, heat 5 tomorrow. Kyle Yorke representing T&T, Joshua Liendo representing Canada, both in tough going in 6 th and 7 th respectively. Would probably need top 5 finish to move on to semi's.
Good swim boys.


Other Sports / TT get Gold in Kick up
« on: October 04, 2018, 11:34:21 AM »
Their son ODYSSEUS PETROPOULOS captured a gold medal at Canadian intl competition, Mom although from Trinidad represents Canada, Dad although from Greece and son(Canadian)  represents TT.  :chilling: :cheers: :wavetowel:

Thanks Petropoulos family

Cricket Anyone / Making a jail in TT does sound sweet for youths ?
« on: August 05, 2018, 10:34:32 AM »

Education, Phones, drugs, limes and fete matches, basketball, football, cricket, table tennis, internet, tv and all kinda perks...and hardly any travel

yuh doh have to leave school early, before graduation, to hold down a job, just to give all the money to landlords, groceries, services, try to feed children, stressing to help family, trying to not get rob and survive and still end up with nothing...almost seem more beneficial to become a perpetrator than a victim. Ah youth who haven't seen a lot of alternatives mighten know nah !

General Discussion / hmmm ah doh forget so easy..magic tricks
« on: August 04, 2018, 12:34:43 AM »
the fella with lifesport, the fella with the back seat money delivery for TTFA, the whole Tarouba billion dollar project, the fellas with the insurance money fiasco, the fellas with the fifa/concacaf money bobol in TT ...play ah new tune, nah dj..maxg only playing the same songs over an over, over an over     ;D

General Discussion / Smart man card ?
« on: May 23, 2018, 11:33:52 PM »
How we putting smart stuff in chupid ppl hand..anyway, I shouldn't talk

Is this like the Mr Daniel smart boards ?

General Discussion / Lady Justice gone mad in TT
« on: March 10, 2018, 10:28:14 AM »
So who compensating the victim of the murder, or was the victim the real criminal. Good people who not hurting and interfering with anybody getting shaft, and a man who kill his mother for whatever reasons, we say he was sick and we forget to threat him, so give him 5 million.. nobody can’t convince or explain to me ,  cause is madness .


Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Rio is no joke
« on: March 07, 2018, 07:19:55 PM »
Whey dem have time. Maybe dem doh just jam an wine, well, till later


Other Sports / Little Gymnast
« on: March 03, 2018, 01:26:35 AM »
Mucurapo Gymnastics Achievers star in Florida

Mucurapo Gymnastics Achievers Club athletes and coaches show off their trophies and medals won last week in Florida.

The Mucurapo Gymnastics Achievers’ Club gave a sterling account of themselves last week at the 30th annual 2018 Florida Beach Gasparilla Classic held at Tropicana Field, St Petersburg, Florida. The competition took place from February 23-25. The TT club participated in levels ranging from one to 10, winning two trophies and 24 medals. One of the trophies was a second-place all-round team trophy in the level one category, and the other was won by Jadea Bowen, who placed third in the level one individual category.

Head coach of Mucurapo Gymnastics Achievers Club, Alexis Adamson, on the team’s return home on Wednesday, said, “We placed very well. I’m very pleased with the girls.” She said the club had been training rigorously for the past six months for this competition which showed in their results.

Their training consisted a combination of cardio and endurance exercises, stretches, and practice of the different gymnastic techniques. Adamson said she was very proud of her girls’ performances as they only had financial support from parents of the team.

The team consisted of girls ages six to 13 who have been involved in the sport for varying amounts of time. One of the older girls, Renelle Carter, said, “I felt excited about the competition. There was hard training, but we got medals.”

Adamson added, “Parents should get their kids involved in this sport. It’s a beautiful sport and it helps academically. People can get scholarships for this sport.”

She revealed the club will now shift focus to participating in local meets this month.

“We are going to keep training and achieving our goals to stay on top,” she said.

Other Sports / Carifta swimming
« on: March 22, 2017, 12:20:02 PM »
All the best TT

March 22, 2017

Jada Chai collects her 15-17 female 1st place trophy at NAGLC from ASATT President Wendell Lai Hing
The Amateur Swimming Association of Trinidad and Tobago (ASATT) has selected a 36 athlete swim team and a 7 member open water team that would represent Trinidad and Tobago at the CARIFTA Swimming Championships in Bahamas from 15 - 19 April 2017.
Times from 1st October 2016 to the recently concluded National Age Group Long Course Championships (NAGLC) were considered, with the minimum qualifying criteria being the median 8th place final time from the last three Championships. While Trinidad and Tobago has won the most CARIFTA trophies, in the 2016 edition the team placed a distant 5th which has been the lowest ranking to date. However, with the depth of the team, swim team Manager Bertram Blackman is confident that the team has a shot at recapturing the trophy.
Blackman who is on his fifth stint as a team official, and 2nd consecutive stint as a manager, is pleased at the team selection
"We have a very experienced cadre of team officials who I am confident can bring the best out of our team. The team itself features a nice mix of experience who have already made the CARIFTA podium, and debutants who have had excellent recent successes by virtue of national records and attaining top tier qualifying times. This group can be nurtured to ensure we have success when we compete at CCCAN right here in Trinidad and Tobago in June, and I am proud to be a part of this unit."
Among the team veterans are Amira Pilgrim, Kael Yorke, Jada Chai, Justin Samlalsingh and Jeron Thompson who have all won regional medals in the past. Age group recordholders Zarek Wilson, Zoe Anthony, Nikoli Blackman and Josiah Changar are poised to make their CARIFTA debut. Jada Chatoor who established the only national record at the recently concluded NAGLC is also a strong contender for CARIFTA gold.  Trinidad and Tobago continues to participate in the open water portion of the tournament and the Head Coach to lead the charge of this contingent is Mrs. Hazel E Haynes. The members will have a 5km distance on the 19th April, in their quest for CARIFTA metal.
The first national team training session is scheduled for 7am Saturday at the National Aquatic Centre in Couva.


Other Sports / MAS slate unvieled for ASTT elections
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:41:15 AM »
MAS slate unveiled for ASATT elections
Monday, September 26 2016

The Movement for Aquatic Success (MAS) officially revealed their slate to contest all positions in the
elections of the Amateur Swimming Association of Trinidad and Tobago (ASATT) scheduled for October
Wendell Lai Hing, a FINA certified referee and a member of the CCCAN (Central American and Caribbean
Amateur Swimming Confederation) technical committee who had previously indicated his intention to
challenge Joseph Mc Leod for the presidency, expressed pride and satisfaction in his team as they were all
announced at the campaign launch which happened at the Centre of Excellence on Republic Day.
The team includes three former swimmers and national record holders in Franz Huggins, Chantal RossThomas
and Anthony Edwards. Huggins, who is the local coach of Olympian Dylan Carter, will be contesting
the position of 1st vice president, a position which would see him oversee the technical arm of the sport.
He is the owner of swim club Arieos Aquatechs and established over 30 national records.
Ross­Thomas, who still holds multiple records despite her departure from competition over a decade ago, will
be contesting the post of 2nd vice president, a position which oversees the fundraising aspect of the
Association. She also holds Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Sport Management and was previously
employed at the Ministry of Sport. She addressed the gathering on Good Governance and Financial
Edwards, the youngest on the team at age 26, is the candidate for Assistant Secretary/ Treasurer. He also
addressed the gathering on his graduation from athlete to professional as an engineer, and also to a coach
and administrator.
He identified how the sport assisted in his personal development, and indicated the various challenges he
encountered and promised to be “a voice for coaches and swimmers”.
Jason Wickham, who served from 2006 ­ 2011 as ASATT Assistant Secretary/Treasurer and Public Relations
Officer (PRO ), will be making his return to contest the PRO position. Wickham, who unsuccessfully contested
the president position in 2013, currently co­manages the Centre of Excellence Swimming Pool Complex and
has pledged to contribute to transform the image of the Association.
Rounding off the team are Andrea Brache and Indardeo Maharaj.
Brache will be contesting the position of Secretary while Maharaj the position of Treasurer.
Brache is the holder of an Executive Masters in Sport Management and has 14 years experience in Sport
Administration and has been an active volunteer at the club level. Maharaj also is a volunteer within the
fraternity with decades of experience in the corporate world and is the Managing Director of his own business.
The gathering included learn­to­swim instructors, water polo and swim coaches and administrators, parents,
technical officials and even athletes current and past. Among those in the audience making contributions
during the open forum included two­time Olympian Sharntelle Mc Lean, swimmer Cherelle Thompson, former
president of ASATT and head coach of Tidal Wave Aquatics Hazel Haynes and long­time learn­to­swim and
competitive coach Ralph “Linky” Yearwood.
Lai Hing was pleased at the turnout at this interactive session which saw persons get an avenue to freely
express their views. Among the issues raised by the audience were the general democracy of ASATT ,
transparency, the emasculation of council as it relates to decision making, lack of proper planning and the
National Aquatic Centre.
Of particular concern to those in attendance are the allegations of “ghost clubs”. This term was coined to
describe clubs who are on the Association’s register but do not actively participate in the activities of the
Association, and do not have the requisite amount of athletes to be deemed a constitutional member. Lai Hing
assured the audience that measures were being taken to deal with this issue should the need arise.
While the constitution of ASATT provides that the term of the officers of the association shall be one year, the
last election was held on October 31 2013. At the October 14 election, the audited accounts of 2012, 2013,
2014 and 2015 are expected to be presented.
Team MAS candidates:
President ­ Wendell Lai Hing
1st Vice President ­ Franz Huggins
2nd Vice President ­ Chantal Ross­Thomas
Secretary ­ Andrea Brache
Treasurer ­ Indardeo Maharaj
Assistant Secretary/Treasurer ­ Anthony Edwards
Public Relations Officer ­ Jason Wickham

Other Sports / Catherine Earle amazing
« on: September 13, 2016, 08:25:08 AM »
Earle claims Taijiquan bronze at Pan Am
Tuesday, September 13 2016

Catherine Earle showed that age is nothing but a number as she earned a bronze medal for Trinidad and Tobago at the 11th Pan American Wushu Championships in Lubbock, Texas, USA, from August 8-15.

The Wushu Association of Trinidad and Tobago (WATT ) fielded a team of three athletes with 70-yearold senior athlete Earle earning bronze in the Taijiquan (Tai Chi) event. Her competitors were both in their twenties.

Earle last competed in 2004 and 2005 at the Great American Cup Championships, which were held in Merida, Venezuela and World Tai Chi Kung Day event in San Juan, Puerto Rico, respectively. She won gold in both of those competitions.

With the bronze medal, TT have now achieved a total of 25 medals at the Pan American and International Wushu Championships.

Earle is a long-time student of the Tai Chi Institute of Trinidad and Tobago. Kung fu athletes, Sifu Sterling Richardson of Northern Shaolin Academy, Tunapuna and Navish Saroop of National Wushu Training Centre of San Fernando headed by Master Irvin Rosales, competed but were unsuccessful in getting on the podium.

Team manager, Sifu Rahman Khabir noted that the participation was indeed a learning experience especially for Saroop who is nine years old.

General Discussion / Machel Monday and Mediocrity
« on: February 06, 2016, 12:07:57 PM »

Jeremy Francis
Managing Director/Principal Consultant at Beyond Consulting Limited

Machel Monday and Mediocrity.

Feb 5, 2016

The Productivity race, is a race to the bottom.

I have a distinct memory of the hue and cry that was raised when local entertainer Machel Montano dropped out of A levels to pursue his career in music. I remember it, because I was in school at the time- the fact that he is only three years my senior meant that to some degree, we were contemporaries (that and the fact that whilst he went to Presentation College, I had the privilege of attending arch rivals St. Benedict's College).

In short order he proved his critics wrong, and after a string of hits and high energy, theatrical performances, Machel remains one of the most successful and sought after entertainers in the region. And rightly so. He gets the importance of productivity.

 I raise this example to segue into my topic- the obsession of education in Trinidad & Tobago and the wider Caribbean region- and the negative impact it has on workplace productivity. 

The pressure to do well in school is enormous, and has been for a long time. Whilst many of the parents in the baby boomer generation may not have gone much further than secondary school, they made sure that their kids- Generation X and beyond, went all the way. To the point where Millennials  basically come out of the womb with degrees. Children are learning several languages in some primary schools, they are technology whizzes, and can clearly articulate why their baby sister is being naughty. And, nothing is wrong with that.

But in a scenario where a first degree is as common as O'Levels used to be in the past, and Masters and MBA graduates are being churned out in the thousands every year, the workforce is being flooded with scores of young, bright persons, who do not have the first clue about work ethic or commitment.

It is clearly evident in the entitlement mentality. 'The fact that I have a degree means that I should be well paid. No, it does not matter that I don't have experience. I am bright. And yes, I expect to be promoted by the end of the year. And every year after that. In fact, you should just make me the CEO now.' And they mean it.

Truth be told, the GATE (Graduate Access to Tertiary Education) program has not helped the situation, and in my opinion, should be scrapped. Many young persons are doing degrees, simply because it is free, and in areas that they have little or no interest in. They then flood the market in their early 20's with little to no work experience and with high expectations... now employers have to become surrogate parents.

Don't get me wrong, higher education is necessary and needed for a society to progress, but it quickly loses its potency when the average graduate is unable to apply what they have learned in the real world- and to contribute meaningfully to the economy.

We have this obsession with being 'bright'. With having the highest education qualifications possible. And we look down on those professions that do not require these standards- the so called 'blue collar' workers. What many people don't realise, is that these blue collar workers make more in a month than many of their white collar office dwelling counterparts. And they work harder too.

So whilst we are pushing our kids towards a doctorate and debt (to pay those fees), big international companies like EY (formally Ernst and Young) and Penguin Random House (one of the largest publishers in the World), have ditched degrees as a requirement for employment. Other international firms are sure to follow their lead.

Because intuitively, we know that it takes a lot more than a degree to be successful in business. Having one does help. The rigour of study and the networks formed are definitely an asset.

But so is real work experience.  For now, the well paying and 'respectable' jobs are earmarked for the degree holders. They come to work having never worked a day in their life, like spoilt brats, waiting for opportunities to be given to them. I know this because I was one of them.

When I got my first job out of university, I was one of a handful of persons at the company that had a university education. And by handful, I mean one of about three. The CEO, and most of the managers did not count among that number. Much less for the general staff. To say I was treated like royalty in those first few weeks was an understatement. But then the honeymoon ended, and reality hit like a ton of bricks- a degree will get you through the door, but you have to work really hard to stay in the building. I had to un-learn the privilege I felt I earned and start over.

I stayed in that first job for six years. A lot of that time was frustrating, and the pay was small, but I had a lot to learn, and a point to prove. That foundation was key to the professional that I am today. Unfortunately, a lot of our new graduates won't stick around that long; in fact within the first couple of years, most of my contemporaries had already changed jobs several times. And again- nothing is wrong with that- each story is different.

As parents we push our kids to excel in school. Common Entrance, now SEA is a nightmare for kids as well as parents (read: mothers). We are elated when they come home with straight A's. But we don't teach them responsibility by not having them wash  their own dishes, and cleaning up after themselves. We don't teach them the entrepreneurial spirit, by not making them find ways to earn their allowance. We don't because it wasn't done for us. But the cycle needs to be broken.

Our current cycle of low productivity won't be fixed until these kids coming into the workplace get a 'degree' of a clue.

Until then, I'm waiting on the stage, with Machel.

Football / Need advice on best procedure
« on: October 01, 2015, 06:45:25 PM »
There is a youth who sometimes runs with us..His dad is part of our fete match team. This youth is the best allround player at that age I have ever seen, and I have seen many. This guy can play snr pro now, but if he's not seen .Seeker, come up, we have Scarborough this wknd. Anyway, he father from St Martin , so he not going that route. He will surely make Canada, if they don't bias him. Hard to make a Canadian team from Quebec, has always been. I have a funny feeling if we don't get him into a program fast, he will burn like money. He doesn't play with a club at present, but he travels with teams to Tournaments (national & International). We're keeping him motivated so far - not to hard - he's a real ballho..according to his dad he's maintaining good school marks..but he's definitely to good for our college system here. Thoughts ? What would be normal contact. I don't think writing to clubs will do it. I have been out of the loop to long, I don't know the major players anymore. Guidance please.


He don't just want to be known as a hockey player..Gonna go shake this guy and his parents hands...i'm add:in a position to be  - friends with his coach   lol

"Subban has been quietly visiting children at the hospital for the past few months, Martine Alfonso, the associate executive director of the Montreal Children's Hospital said""


Reggae stars sing at Youth Training Centre

Saturday, June 20 2015

DRUM PLAYING: Young men from the Youth Training Centre, play the drums yesterday at the function. ...

INMATES at the Youth Training Centre (YTC) yesterday received words of wisdom from four Jamaican Reggae stars as they paid them a visit at the annual Fathers’ Day programme at the facility in Arouca.

Freddie McGregor, Capleton (Clifton George Bailey III), Tarrus Riley, and Alaine Laughton told the inmates that it was important they never return to the institution. The artistes are in Trinidad for a concert, “410 – Southern Reggae Festival” at Skinner Park, San Fernando, tonight.

Speaking to them first was McGregor and he told the young men that he was a father of eight and he does not think a parent should have to go to a penal institution to look for his children.

“You don’t want to be here. Circumstances do happen and cause some of you to be here but I want to say to you, make this be the last time you ever come to a place like this,” he said.

Riley in his remarks told the inmates that they needed to look towards their future, because their life did not stop at the institution.

“People make mistakes, some of the greatest people in the world lose their freedom at some time, Marcus Garvey from Jamaica, Malcolm X from America. You don’t have to stop here, you don’t have to end here. You have to self motivate, look into yourself, and know that you are more than what you see right now. Inside every young man there is a King. Think about your future, when you leave here, don’t come back here,” he said.

Laughton in her short address told them that they had promise and should remember that whatever they did in the past, will not dictate what their future will be. “There is so much for you, this is not the end, it is a speed bump, it does not define you,” she said.

Before addressing the young men, Capleton began singing a few verses from some of his hits which the inmates enjoyed. He then told them that they had to be courageous and strong and obedient to their parents. He also noted that for there to be a difference in society, people need to “parent each other’s children.”

“If someone is behaving in a disorderly conduct we are supposed to go and correct them, put them in their place and let them understand,” he said. Acting Prisons Commissioner Sterling Stewart said the programmes at the facility empower the youths.

General Discussion / is the last sentence do meh in...take ah wave, nah
« on: January 11, 2015, 05:13:47 PM »
Trinidad Express Newspaper National News of Trinidad and Tobago

Print this article

NOC leases helicopter for US$5,000 an hour

Originally printed at http://www.trinidadexpress.com/news/NOC-leases-helicopter-for-US5000-an-hour-288162631.html
By By Asha Javeed asha.javeed@trinidadexpress.com
January 10, 2015

It will cost US$5,000 (TT$32,000) an hour to use the National Operations Centre’s newly-leased helicopter, a Sikorsky S76D.

The NOC will pay US$9.9 million (TT$62 million) for the five-year lease on the helicopter, which was sourced from the helicopter leasing company, Milestone Aviation Group.

The Sunday Express understands the original acquisition of the helicopter was to have it weaponised but Commander Garvin Heerah                   yesterday shot down that suggestion.

Heerah explained that it was outfitted for utility and operational uses, which include troop transport, airborne firefighting, aerial surveillance and border patrol.

He explained that the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) did not allow NOC to weaponise any aircraft.

Director of the CAA Ramesh Lutchmedial yesterday said the helicopter would not be placed on the civilian registry but would be placed in a special registry classified as State registry.

He said the helicopter only came into the country last week and was not yet included on the official registry.

He explained that because the helicopter belongs to National Security, it does not have to comply with the rules for civilian aircraft.

“Operationally, they can do what they want,” he said.

Lutchmedial explained that the owners of the helicopter met with the CAA and it was agreed that the CAA will have final oversight of the maintenance of the helicopter because the intention is for it to be put back into commercial use after the lease is up.

He said the CAA had to review all inspections and modifications of the helicopter, much like what is done for Caribbean Airlines’ fleet.

In a statement issued Thursday, it was noted that the demand for air operations and air law enforcement had increased in the past year.

“The present fleet of helicopters operated by the National Operations Centre (NOC) is more than 30 years old and has continued to provide exceptional support due to the robust maintenance programme and professionalism of the NOC flight crews,” the statement from the Ministry of National Security had said.

It noted that Government has embarked on a helicopter acquisition process in an effort to augment this increased operational demand.

“In the interim the NOC has leased two helicopters, one Sikorsky 76 aircraft outfitted for operational, utility, medevac and troop transport and one AS 355 light twin used helicopter outfitted for Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) law enforcement support,” it said.

Heerah said the recommendation for the helicopter came from the National Helicopter Services Ltd (NHSL), which NOC used in an advisory capacity for the acquisition.

Chairman of the NHSL Captain Mark Desant said NHSL had a pre-existing management contract for the helicopters with the Special Anti-Crime Unit of Trinidad and Tobago (SAUTT) for the helicopters which was similar to what it now has with NOC.

“It was not recommended by us. They got to choose whatever they wanted. And they wanted the type we use,” said Desant.

National Security Minister Gary Griffith said that the helicopters will prove instrumental in dealing with boarder security and assisting land operations during police patrols.

In terms of aerial surveillance, he noted that the blimp was not covert enough.

“The blimp was not covert and that was one of the obvious problems. In addition, it was not giving information on real time. What we have with the helicopter is real time footage which will be fed to the NOC for rapid response,” he said.

He said the helicopters will be very visible for Carnival fetes.

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