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Topics - Weh-it-is

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Football / Which player has something to prove?
« on: June 04, 2009, 10:31:45 AM »
Who do alyuh think have something to prove for this upcoming T&T vs Costa Rica game and why.

Would you say Latas or maybe Yorke because the game is in his home town? Does KJ need to prove that he is the real deal or does Jason Scottland show that he means business, as now coming off a great season with his club?

Will Brichall show us and his new club that he can regain his form and score like he did against Bahrain to take us to another WC. Will newly added pro-league players, step up to the plate now given an opportunity to represent the county? Or would you say…Hyland, Keon, Carlos, Avery or even Cornell after his relegation. What about newly reinstated Collin Samuel or Dog.

Post your thoughts on here let us hear what you have to say...

Football / Constructive Criticism here...
« on: February 12, 2009, 08:22:25 AM »
Greetings to all.

I wanted to start a tread to give some ideas of things that we might be missing in order to better the team per say. Constructive criticism! Post as you please…

From looking at the game last night, I would say that we are still not confident as a team. The players are still playing timid. (Confused) They lack confidence which is why we were backed into a corner in the second half like a bunch of amateurs. We must stop the “ voom kicking” Why would our defense continue to kick the ball down the field back to the opposing team continually, to come back to pressure us on defense? This is a result improper coaching.

This team also needs more time playing together, more so than just a couple days before the games. It was visible that, some of the players on defense were a lil confused on marking assignments, when, where and what times to pressure tackle…this mistake resulted in two goals. The defensive players needs better coaching.

Our midfield was a major part of why our defense continued to be pressured in the second half. Why can’t our links hold on to the ball and create? Keon Daniel should be moved into the central midfield position. There is not enough creativity going on in the midfield, which is a result of our stagnation to move forward also being pressured on defense.  We are a work in progress…

Football / Fire Maturana now and stop pulling stones!!!
« on: December 07, 2008, 04:15:54 PM »
Alyuh know it was coming. "Fire Maturana now" All who think he need to ride out now post yuh comments leh we hear yuh frustration about this fool we have as a coach and why he should be fired.

If we had Latas and Yorke with Brichall we may have won the digicel right, so that means the coach is a non-factor.

Well we get three hot ones from the Americans. We are now last place on the charts with 2 points. Their are still people who believe that this mad man Maturana aka cobo man must continue to experiment with our Soca Worriers national team. :thinking: Have we given up or are we going to put a stop to this madness with our voices??? Post your frustrations about this coach on this tread FAST!

Football / Youth coaching seminar with AC-Milan.
« on: October 15, 2007, 05:06:55 PM »
 If any of you are a youth or even an adult coach this will help your program. If you're interested in going on this trip to Italy here are the details.  We must move fast….                                                                   

                                                                     GISA    GRIMALDI’S ITALIAN SOCCER ACADEMY
            4821 South 28th Street, B1, Arlington, VA  22206             
              703/998-5765, 571/216-1985cel, Livorno928@aol.com
Buon Giorno Gentlemen!                              15 May 2007

The GISA, in cooperation with Paolo Gatti, who runs AC Milan’s youth camp operations worldwide, has agreed to begin our Phase 1 focus on organizing an AC Milan Seminar for American Youth Coaches. Paolo and I have put together a unique program to familiarize you with “AC Milan’s Way” of developing pro youth prospects through its specific training methodologies. This will be open to 20 youth coaches on a first come first serve basis.
Please make travel arrangements to arrive Sunday Morning on November 25, at Malpensa International Airport (MXP) in Milano. You will be lodged at the Hotel Tazza D’Oro in the metro area (maps provide upon arrival). Take a moment to review the Itinerary at this moment.  An AC Milan (ACM) staff person will be present at MXP to help with renting either a large van for 8 coaches (which remains with us - this costs extra), or a car for 4 coaches. If you make those car rental arrangements state-side, the rates will be cheaper. Once we have the final list of coaches participating, a contact list will be emailed out, and a car rentals can be coordinated the coaches. When we travel about, I will navigate, while you guys drive. ;-) A Serie A Match in San Siro Stadium will occur that Sunday  at 3:00 PM. The opponent is still to be determined. UPDATE: Milan vs. Juventus is scheduled on Dec 2!!!

On Monday Nov. 26th the schedule begins with a Press Conference & Orientation at AC Milan Headquarters. Each morning from Tuesday on, will entail a classroom Q & A breakdown of the technical/tactical aspects of each afternoon’s youth practice. Select Topics will also be discussed (see page 2). AC Milan’s Pro Youth Teams will be seen in action, so I’d suggest bringing a video camera for each training session. I will be your simultaneous translator, during the entire time, which can be considered a scary thought… ;-) All coaches will receive an AC Milan Certificate of Participation.

GISA- AC Milan Coaching Seminar for American Coaches begins as follows:

Date         Time      Topic &/or Scheduled Event
Monday, Nov. 26      08:30   Breakfast at Milano’s Hotel Tazza D’Oro
10:00   Press Conference & Orientation in AC Milan’s HQ
         13:00   Lunch at Milanello Sports Center
         15:30   Primavera Practice (U-19) Coach Galli
         20:00   Dinner at Hotel Tazza D’Oro

Tuesday, Nov. 27   08:30   Breakfast at Tazza D’Oro
10:00   Tech/Tactical Reviews & Select Topics Discussed at AC Milan’s HQ
         13:00   Lunch
         15:30   Allievi Nazionale Practice (U-17) Coach Evani
         17:30   Soccer School (1999-00)
         20:00   Dinner at Hotel Tazza D’Oro

Wednesday, Nov. 28   08:30   Breakfast at Tazza D’Oro
10:00   Tech/Tactical Reviews & Select Topics Discussed in Classroom
         13:00   Lunch
         14:30   Beretti Practice (U-18) Coach Baresi
         17:30   Soccer School (1996)
         20:00   Dinner at Hotel Tazza D’Oro

Thursday, Nov. 29   08:30   Breakfast at Tazza D’Oro
10:00   Tech/Tactical Reviews & Select Topics Discussed in Classroom
         13:00   Lunch
         15:30   Giovanissimi Nazionale Practice (1993)
         17:30   Afternoon Free To Explore the Sites
         20:00   Dinner at Hotel Tazza D’Oro

Friday, Nov. 30      08:30   Breakfast at Tazza D’Oro
10:00   Tech/Tactical Reviews & Select Topics Discussed in Classroom
         13:00   Lunch
         15:30   Esordienti 1994 & Esordienti 1995 Practices
         20:00   Dinner at Hotel Tazza D’Oro
Saturday, Dec. 1      08:30   Breakfast at Tazza D’Oro
10:00     Morning Free To Explore the Sites
         12:00   Lunch
         14:30   AC Milan  Match (U-19’s)   
Afternoon Observations of Esordienti ’95 & ’96, & Pulcini ’97 Matches
20:00   Dinner at Hotel Tazza D’Oro
Sunday, Dec. 2      AM   Departure from Milano’s Malpensa Airport to the USA

Topics  Discussed at an AC Milan’s Training Center:

•   AC Milan Way Soccer Methodologies  (A. Evani)
•   Athletic/Fitness Development of the Youth Soccer Player (Milan Lab - Prof. Daniele Tognaccini)
•   Development of the Goal Keeper (S. Rossi)
•   Power Point Presentation of Training Methodologies for 11-13 & 14-16 year olds (Paolo Gatti)
•   Meet AC Milan’s Men Team Coach C. Ancelotti; Tactical Comparisons of 4-3-2-1 or 4-3-1-2 vs 4-4-2

Fees Include:               Total = $1200 plus airfare
•   Nov. 25 – Dec. 2 Sojourn to Milano, Italy
•   3 Meals a Day, Plus Accommodations (double occupancy)
•   Rental Van (Costs Extra) for Transportation to & from Practice Fields & Games
•   Bi-Lingual Coaching Support, Supervision, & Processing
•   Medical support
•   Coaching Notebook and Certificate of Attendance
•   AC Milan Coaching Gear
o   2 Kit Set, 1 Training Suit, Training Bag
o   30% Off AC Milan Soccer Shop

Local American Coach Will Be Compensated as Follows:
•   Local Team Coach who attends GISA-AC Milan’s Seminar Program receives a $500 bonus at the Team Camp Phase in the USA, when they commit their team to be scrutinized by our Pro Italian Coaches.
•   If Entire Team attends the GISA-AC Milan XMAS Soccer Tour, Local USA Coach Receives $1500 & participates in a 3-match schedule in Italy free of charge (see soccer tour details in December).
•   If by chance a talented player is signed to a pro contract at age 18, a monetary compensation (% TBD) will be given to the local coach responsible for bringing player to our attention.

Payment Terms & Enrollment Timetable*
Timely payments are crucial for the smooth processing of your paperwork (see below). Please review the GISA policy on Cancellations & Adjustments.
•   Sept. 1st - $700  deposit due with submittal of all signed documents.
•   Oct. 15th is the deadline for the 2nd payment of $500.

*Payment Sent To: GIANNI GRIMALDI,
at 4821 S. 28th Street, B1, Arlington, VA, USA , 22206
**Communications & Correspondence While On Tour In Italy:
GISA-Gianni Grimaldi’s   tel: 011-39-339-220-8601, email: Livorno928@aol.com
** When leaving messages, please be advised that if you attempt to telephone at Noon EST (in the USA), it would be 6 pm local Italy Time! ;-)


•   Medical Form: Vital Data & Emergency Authorization. In the event of any medical emergency this document provides our GISA-AC Milan staff with the necessary data & authorization if the need arises. Please submit original & keep a photocopy.
•   Passport & 2 Copies Photocopy of Passport: Participants are responsible for obtaining their own passports. Please submit 1 photocopy of the passport’s vital data & photo page & keep 1 photocopy.
Cancellations & Adjustments
Cancellations in writing after September 1st, will result in a $350 cancellation fee. After October 15th no refunds will be given for any cancellations. Participants should obtain travel insurance (e.g. AAA) to cover the unforeseen circumstances leading to family emergencies before departure in November. GISA would obviously be sympathetic towards your concerns, but we in turn have deadlines to meet & commitments made in advance. 
Due to the planning of such an initiatives to a foreign country, merchants at times make adjustments due to current market forces. Simply stated, “all plans when met with current realities, are consequently adjusted.” Merchants for example, have been known to slightly raising their rates (e.g. hotels)... We therefore cannot be held responsible for such unforeseen changes. Adjustments will be made, and notification of changes will be forth coming with a full explanation in the final bill. Presently, 1 Euro = $1.34. It changes daily!!!
Forms & Conditions:
Grimaldi’s Italian Soccer Academy (GISA) & AC Milan reserves the right to make the appropriate adjustments, whenever necessary to the itinerary, scheduling, practices, classes, matches & prices at any time. This also comprises any losses or accidental costs incurred to delays or changes in schedules, defaults, overbooking by hotels as a result of strikes, weather, wars, governmental initiatives, quarantines, etc.
GISA reserves the right when necessary to substitute accommodations, training facilities, and matches. Participants who have violated any laws in Italy will be terminated from the GISA/AC Milan coaching seminar and are not entitled to any refund for the remaining portion of the course. Participants endorse, indemnify & hold harmless AC Milan, GISA, its directors, staff and representatives of any and all liabilities in regard to any and/or all claims brought against AC Milan, GISA, its directors, staff and representatives.
AC Milan, GISA, its director, coaches & staff, employees and/or agents state that all arrangements for transportation, meals, and lodging are made by them with the expressed conditions that they will not be liable for any accident, injury, damage, loss, delay or irregularity which may be due to default or reason in by the individual engaged in executing the arrangements of the coaching seminar.
AC Milan, GISA, its director, coaches & staff, employees &/or agents are not responsible for any injury or loss of property to the participant prior to, during or after the seminar. Participants are completely responsible for obtaining their own passports.
Your signature implies that you have read and agreed to the above terms & conditions, and approve of participating in the GISA-AC Milan Coaching Seminar Program. Payment of the deposit &/or signing the attached forms will be considered as an endorsement to the above conditions and all circumstances enclosed in this document. This document has been read, understood & signed voluntarily by the legal representative for the participant. I also give GISA & AC Milan permission to utilize any photograph of a participant for promotional use.

Signature ________________________________________ Date _______________
Medical Form: Vital Data, Emergency Authorization & Signature

Name ________________________________ Signature _______________________________Date _______________

Date of Birth _______________________ Size of Jersey:  _______ Shorts: __________ Training Suit: ________

Address, City, State & Zip ______________________________________________________________________________

Email & Telephone # _______________________________________________________________________________

Team Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Medical and Insurance Information
All participants must be covered under a health insurance policy while in attendance of the GISA/AC Milan Coaching Seminar Program. I likewise authorize the coaches, trainers or medical professionals to make the necessary decisions in the event of any needed medical or surgical treatment.

Health Insurance Company _____________________________________ Policy # ________________________________

Contact, in case of an emergency _________________________________________ Tel # _______________________

List allergies, medication currently taking and special instructions _______________________________________

General Release From Liability
I approve attending GISA-AC Milan Certification Program, & vouch that the participant is in good health & is physically able to participate. The participant has medical insurance. I indemnify & hold harmless GISA and AC Milan as well as its representatives from any claims for personal illness/injury that participant may sustain during the tour. This waiver has been read, understood & signed voluntarily by the legal representative for the participant.
On site medical assistance will be provided and permission given to extend over the counter medication by qualified personnel ________ Yes or _________ No Please Initial.

GISA Ground Rules of Conduct: Please Read Carefully

1) The breaking of any local laws and/or arrest and detention by local police will result in the immediate expulsion from the GISA-AC Milan Coaching Seminar Program. Participant will be held responsible to follow up with the local police & government if participant is detained.

2) The purchase of illegal drugs or related drug paraphernalia will result in the immediate expulsion of the participant.

In the event of expulsion, no refunds will be given. Participant will incur further costs, e.g. any long distance telephone calls, airplane fares, involving the return home. The above ground rules have been read & understood and therefore signed below.

Participant’s Signature _____________________________________ Date _______________

•   Take on board only backpack & waist-pack with documents.
•   Bring along an ATM card.
•   Bring 2 additional photo ID’s, & separate them into waste-pack & backpack (make necessary xerox copies of passport, etc).
•   Bring 5 gifts to pass out to the AC Milan staff or locals as a sign of friendship.

General Discussion / Licks passing in schools?
« on: August 20, 2007, 02:39:12 PM »
I have a question. In Trinidad do they still beat children in schools for not passing or failing and exam? Is it still ok to beat children? I was talking to someone today and I told them I uses to geh beat when I was in primary school, if I had the wrong answer and thing. They look at me and start laughing hard.

Football / Why they pruduce???
« on: August 23, 2006, 09:13:44 AM »
Can someone give me some knowledge on why certain countries produce better player than others. Such as Brazil, France, Germany, England, Italy etc.  There are other countries with the players that play the same game and never get to be the Ronaldo's, T Henry's etc. What is it… Is it that there is some type of structure in place in that contry or a certain type of food they eat that’s different than ours.  I would really like to know!  ???

Football / Opened Doors!
« on: August 22, 2006, 08:23:19 AM »
I wanted to start a tread for a player who I would call a LIVING LEGEND. He actually has open doors for alot of the players from Trinidad who are playing in Europe today. I remembered him at the ages of 14-16 playing with Signal Hill and playing against him with the national under 16. He was one of the first ever players to be chosen or signed at the age of 16 by a manager from an English club called Aston Villa. The manager notice the player gift while playing a scrimmage game in Tobago who was marveled with his skills and then wanted him to switch teams during the game… so that he would play on his squad on the day because of his nifty moves.

The player then moved on to playing with Aston Villa who then sold him for what was a record signing by Sir Alex Ferguson from Man-U. He was one of the main reasons why a Treble was won by Manchester United one the year of 1999 one of the most powerful clubs in Europe.  We have a player who is an ambassador of the game we call football. Dwight Yorke’s name will always be remembered… sometime I think he’s overlooked for was he have done and what he’s doing for the sport in our country.  He has opened up many of doors with accomplishments!

Jokes / Geh ah Bull!
« on: August 11, 2006, 07:55:57 AM »
Ah man geh ah bull pescil run down thee road and come back and say" Ah went New York and now come back""   :rotfl:

Ah man geh ah bull and climb ah fig tree and say you can't ketch meh!   :rotfl:

Ah buller man geh ah bull and run down Frederick Street and tell ah police officer he wah turn back straight yes! :rotfl:  :rotfl:

Ah man geh ah bull and say "I'm ah Soca Warrior"! :rotfl:

 :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

General Discussion / Sharks in Maracas!
« on: July 26, 2006, 02:13:45 PM »
Ah feeling like eating ah shark and bake from Maracas with everything!  :rotfl: Yuh geh ketch ammit it!

Football / Boss ah feeling sick today!
« on: June 13, 2006, 08:12:43 AM »
Is reaaale people from Trinidad all over the world go be sick come Thursday morning! LOL Ah done start coughing at meh desk already! Ah go need ah socaworrier game pill to make me feel better yes! Is I alone or who else feeling sick?  :rotfl:

Football / First Coach?
« on: June 08, 2006, 06:39:51 AM »
I was just wondering if any of the members on here were either brought up under any of these coaching schools or any coaching school or who influence you as a coach while coming up. Were you part of any of these…New Town Soccer Coaching School in Maraval under ah man name Jean Jah Lillywhite or Alvin Corneal Coaching School? Drop ah line if any!

Football / Our Defense!
« on: June 01, 2006, 07:47:53 AM »
I had to start a separate tread for this. If anyone knows of this beautiful sport we call Football they would know that the defense is one of the most important part of a team. After watching and analyzing the game on yesterday you can see that is not that much of our midfield or strikers are not up to it...but it's our DEFENSE that is at much of the fault of our lack luster performance! The defense responsibility is defend as well as start off the plays from back there...if it's maybe down middle or on the flangs. Some our defenders seem to have no clue of controlling the plays or creating from back there and that my friends can create some major problems on any team. We don't really have any defenders that are able to stay up with fast strikers and that is a another problem by it self. Hopefully they would get better within ten days or the formation will change in order to assist the defense because boy oh boy they need help.

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