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Topics - Boodsy

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General Discussion / Surfer 'almost swallowed' by whale
« on: November 03, 2011, 06:46:11 PM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/qoP1N0OyFic" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/qoP1N0OyFic</a>
SANTA CRUZ, Calif. - A surfer and a pair of kayakers nearly became a snack for a massive whale off the coast of California, a video posted on YouTube shows.
The video, posted by Barb Roettger, shows the surfer and kayakers paddling in relatively calm water when suddenly a large humpback whale breaches between Roettger and the surfer and kayakers. Just before the whale breached, hundreds of small fish can be seen jumping out of the water.
"A pod of humpback whales has been hanging out of the Santa Cruz coast, noshing on anchovies that flock to the area to feed on planton," Roettger wrote on YouTube. "The woman found herself in the middle of a feeding frenzy called lunge feeding, which occurs when whales herd anchovies and shoot straight up out of the water with their mouth wide open to catch the fish."

Cricket Anyone / Gayle backs ‘Red Force’ for Champions League
« on: September 16, 2011, 10:22:46 AM »
Gayle backs ‘Red Force’ for Champions League
By KERN RAMLOCHAN Sports Editor Friday, September 16 2011

OPENING BATSMAN Chris Gayle has backed Trinidad and Tobago to win the Nokia Champions League T20 which bowls off Monday in Hyderabad, India.

Trinidad and Tobago left on Wednesday for India and will play Sri Lanka Twenty20 champions Ruhuna on Monday at the Rajiv Ghandi Stadium followed by English Twenty20 champions Leicestershire the next day at the same venue for a place in the main draw.

“They have been playing good T20 cricket for the last couple of years and can win if they qualify for the main draw,” said Gayle.

He lamented the fact that they were forced to qualify but felt that the depth in the squad will make the “Red Force” a lethal threat at the tournament.

“It is unfortunate that they have to play in the qualifier. They have been playing good T20 cricket and they have been dominant in the Caribbean,” noted Gayle.

He added, “They have the experience from being there so they know what it is like. Definitely I am confident that they will do well and qualify, they will go past the qualifying stage and hopefully do well in the preliminary rounds.”

Trinidad and Tobago will be without all-rounders Dwayne Bravo and Kieron Pollard who have opted to play for their Indian Premier League Clubs (IPL). Bravo will represent defending champions Chennai Super Kings and Pollard Mumbai Indians. However, Gayle is confident that Trinidad and Tobago will not miss the duo because of abundance of talent being produced by the Trinidad and Tobago Cricket Board.

When asked about Trinidad and Tobago’s ability to compete at the Champions League Gayle said, “Yes they definitely can...I mean you saw it in the regional tournament. Bravo and Pollard did not take part and they actually won it without the two big names.”

The former West Indies captain highlighted the quality of the “Red Force” by the manner in which they defeated the West Indies Players’ Association XI at the Balls of Fire II match.

“I am confident that they can do it (without Pollard and Bravo) because they beat us with a good competitive team at the Balls of Fire,” noted Gayle.

Only three members of the national team did not compete at the inaugural Champions League tournament and Gayle cited the experience gained when Trinidad and Tobago finished as runners-up to the New South Wales Blues as a critical element to them being one of the favourites to win.

“Most of the guys have been there in India and that is good for the team. There is no reason why they cannot do well and win,” he added.

The Jamaican will represent Royal Challengers Bangalore who are in Group ‘B’ in the main draw and have been in intense preparation.

Gayle is expected to lead the batting for Bangalore after finishing as the top scorer in the IPL with 608 runs from 12 matches at an average of 67.55.

“I am looking forward to my first Champions League. I am looking forward to it actually and I hope I can play a good part in Champions League,” said Gayle.

The attacking opening batsman stated his desire to continue his good Twenty20 form from the IPL and lead his team to glory.

“Like I said it was a massive IPL, I took a lot of positives but the Champions League is a different scenario. There will be different teams we will be playing against and different situations. It is going to be a big good contest amongst the bowlers from the different teams. So the build up like I said, I am excited to be a part of it. I want to do well there just like any other player and I am looking forward to it, fingers crossed hopefully,” Gayle added.

General Discussion / Virgin Atlantic plane in 'mishap' in Tobago
« on: August 12, 2011, 06:19:41 AM »
Virgin Atlantic plane in 'mishap' in Tobago: airport closed
By Joel Julien joel.julien@trinidadexpress.com
Story Created: Aug 12, 2011 at 12:57 AM ECT

THE ANR Robinson International Airport in Tobago was shut down last night after a Virgin Atlantic plane entered a closed-off section of the runway and blew a tyre which left the aircraft disabled.

In a press release last night, the Ministry of Transport announced that the airport has been closed until further notice.

The release stated:

"As at 8 p.m. tonight, A Virgin Airways Boeing 747 – 400 destined for Gatwick London indivertibly encroached on a closed off section of the western taxi way.

"The aircraft inadvertently encroached on a section of the airport that was undergoing repairs and which was lighted in red. As a result of the encroachment, one of the tyres on the aircraft was blown and the aircraft was disabled.

"In the circumstances the ANR Robinson Airport is currently closed, while the Civil Aviation Authority and Virgin Airlines are working assiduously to restore operations to normal."

The incident left Virgin Atlantic flight VF52 across the runway, a passenger on board the flight told the Express by phone last night.

The 452 passengers on board VF52 were asked to disembark one hour after the incident and the entire airport was then closed.

Soca artiste Machel Montano was one of the passengers.

No one was said to have been injured during the incident.

"At this point in time the Ministry is not seized of all the necessary and relevant facts and circumstances that resulted in this occurrence, but extremely thankful that there has been no loss of life or limb," the release from the Ministry stated.

"The Ministry of Transport would like to advise that all contingency plans are in place to accommodate passengers who have been displaced by the mishap that has occurred with a Virgin Atlantic plane at the ANR Robinson International Airport," the release stated.

Private cars and taxis were called and took passengers away from the airport.

"For the travelling public between Trinidad and Tobago; contingency plans are being put in place by the relevant Authorities to ensure that travel between the two islands continues to be facilitated," the release from the Ministry stated.

"The Inter Island ferry remains committed to fill any void that may have arisen. The relevant Authorities are working feverishly to ensure that service to the Airport is resumed in the shortest possible time."

General Discussion / Looter: It was like ‘Christmas in July’
« on: July 15, 2011, 05:42:14 AM »
Looter: It was like ‘Christmas in July’
By DARCEL CHOY Friday, July 15 2011

Residents who live in the vicinity of the Quality Cash and Carry supermarket, Tumpuna Road, Arima, continue to risk their lives and health as they loot grocery items left behind after a fire on Tuesday.

Early Wednesday morning, a massive crowd swarmed the supermarket and overpowered security guards to steal several items. Yesterday, a smaller crowd returned with the hope that police officers who were on the premises would give them the opportunity to take remaining items. One woman who admitted she took a number of items including soap and tuna on Tuesday, said it was her right to get more items.

“You know how much money I spent in this grocery, this was the only grocery I used, and now it is gone. I don’t see what is wrong with us trying to get something out of it. It is practically our right to go in that grocery and take groceries,” she said. She disclosed that on Wednesday night the police allowed several persons to enter the compound and take what they wanted.

“People were in here coming out with big bags and loading it into their cars, people make their name in here. We were in there with flashlights as it was very dark, taking whatever we could find and now they don’t want to let us back in. I do not think that is very fair of them,” she said. Another woman said she was able to get a ham which she baked and served to her family.

“It is like Christmas in July, and the ham tasted very good, I hope we could get some more stuff today,” she said.

As the group waited, a car drove onto the compound and two men were seen going into the burnt building and coming out with big bags and loading them into the vehicle. One woman after seeing this, begged a security guard to let her in, she then went through the bags that were brought out by the men, and took 11 tins of sardines, a bottle of bleach, two cans of insecticide, and a can of air freshener. When approached, one officer said they were giving some people a chance to take items, rather than allowing it to go to waste. When the owner Feeroz Khan was contacted he said it was up to the police officers to do their job, but admitted he was not concerned about the grocery items, but of the people’s safety.

“Those items are of no value to us, it is not something we could sell again, but that building is not safe, the floor and the walls could collapse at any minute.

The food they are taking are not safe, they have been exposed to a lot of heat, smoke and water which will make it not fit for human consumption, and people need to be aware of that,” he said. Fire officials admitted the building was unsafe and recommended that the building be demolished as soon as possible before anyone gets hurt.

this is the type on mentality that have our country in this state  :-[

Football / Beckham's Goal Off Corner Kick - Galaxy vs Fire
« on: July 13, 2011, 08:04:04 AM »
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/bn71IqxE5A4?" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/bn71IqxE5A4?</a>


General Discussion / Angostura to feature on Discovery Channel
« on: April 20, 2011, 05:13:22 PM »
Angostura to feature on Discovery Channel
Published: Wed, 2011-04-20 21:45
Kalifa Clyne

The Discovery Channel has targeted T&T rum manufacturers, Angostura, to be featured in it’s popular television series How Do They Do It. The half hour long series which focuses on the science that goes into making modern everyday objects, will focus on two projects in T&T, the rum making process at Angostura and the natural asphalt at the Pitch Lake in La Brea.The crew spoke to reporters after wrapping up filming yesterday at Angostura’s compound in Laventille.

Producer for the series, Emma Martins told reporters that she felt T&T was the obvious choice for a documentary on the rum-making process as Angostura struck her as one of the best rum makers. She expressed interest in filming the process of making bitters but said the secrecy behind the ingredients in bitters made filming tricky.

Corporate Communications Manager, Giselle La Ronde-West said they were very excited when they received the call from Discovery Channel, saying that they wanted to do the documentary. “Out of all the rums all over the world, for them to choose Angostura rum was a great thing for us,” said La Ronde-West. The series, which provides a learning experience for viewers, is expected to be shown on the Discovery Channel in August.

Angostura’s Master Distiller John Geroges, left, and Corporate
Communications Manager Giselle La Ronde-West, next to him, are
drawn to the shot which WAGTV Producer Emma Martins, right, and
Discovery Channel Cameraman Peter Thorn, are filming, when the
crew visited the Angostura Compound, Laventille, yesterday, to
record footage for an upcoming programme.

big up T&T  :beermug:
The Land of Rum  ;D

Martin Keown: There's only one way to stop Stoke star Kenwyne Jones...bully him!
By Martin Keown
Last updated at 12:59 AM on 28th September 2010

Tony Pulis struggled to find the right striker — he wasn’t happy with Dave Kitson, James Beattie or Tuncay — but Kenwyne Jones looks perfect for him.

He is well suited to Stoke’s direct approach and he is as good a jumper from a standing position as I have ever seen, even though his finishing could be improved.

The best of that type I played against was Les Ferdinand and you had to be strong against him.

It’s very difficult to mark Jones because normally you try to get close to that kind of player so he can’t wriggle free, but he is so strong that he gets to the ball first. Look how he has often got the better of John Terry.

You have to be physical with that kind of striker, bully him and go in hard. You have to stop him finding space — that means blocking him off so he can’t get near the keeper and bringing in a midfielder in front of him.

Newcastle didn’t do that and they made the mistake of having Andy Carroll — a striker — mark him at set pieces. I think your best defender should mark the opposition striker. You can set your team up to stop him, too.

By playing a high line and pressing you are forcing Jones to run in behind you, which isn’t his strength. Sitting deep invites teams to ping endless balls into the box. Inevitably you will concede.

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1315680/Stoke-star-Kenwyne-Jones-stopped-bullying-him.html#ixzz11104suKT

Dottin hurricane gets Windies off the mark
Cricinfo staff
May 5, 2010

West Indies Women 175 for 5 (Dottin 112*) beat South Africa Women 158 for 4 (Fritz 58, Britz 43) by 17 runs

Deandra Dottin became the first woman to score a Twenty20 century, as her whirlwind unbeaten 112 off 45 balls helped West Indies open their account in the ICC World Twenty20 at Warner Park. The most incredible feature of Dottin's innings was that she came in at the tenth over, and yet managed to reach three figures off just 38 balls. She smashed nine sixes and seven fours in her knock, which was a match-turning one because West Indies were scratchy at 52 for 4 when she walked in.

South Africa held the early advantage after winning the toss, dismissing the openers within the first two overs. Charlize van der Westhuizen and Chloe Tyron got the early wickets and restricted West Indies to a run rate of not more than six within the first ten overs on the small ground.

But Dottin changed the complexion of the game once she came in at the fall of Britney Cooper's wicket. She hit three sixes and four fours to get to a half-century, off 25 balls. She needed just 13 balls to score her second fifty, which featured an additional six sixes. Coincidentally, she matched the feat of West Indian Chris Gayle, who opened the 2007 World T20 with the first ever international T20 century, also against South Africa. Only this time, the South Africans didn't win.

South Africa made steady progress towards the target of 176 when Shandre Fritz and Cri-Zelda Brits added 84 for the second wicket, off 10.4 overs. Fritz reached her fifty, of 48 balls, and the pair were at the crease till the 16th over before two run-outs got West Indies firmly back in the game. Both were dismissed within three balls and the rest failed to match the asking rate.

Female Gayle  ;D
well done :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:

Cricket Anyone / U19 Cricket Worldcup - West Indies vs Pakistan
« on: January 14, 2010, 08:23:12 PM »
Windies chasing Pakistan's 297 are batting at 92/0 after 11 overs.
They blazing  so far  :beermug:

Live Scorecard

Football / Young ‘Soca Warriors’ whip Sheff U XI 2-1
« on: August 27, 2009, 06:15:49 AM »
THE young “Soca Warriors” opened their tour of Europe with a hard fought 2-1 win over Sheffield United at Bramall Lane, England on Wednesday night.


General Discussion / Bandit shoots off ‘private part’
« on: December 22, 2008, 07:42:51 AM »
Article from Newsday

Bandit shoots off ‘private part’

A 28-year-old bandit, who staged a robbery at a supermarket in South Trinidad shot his penis off when the gun he was carrying went off accidently.

The incident occurred on December 3 but yesterday doctors failed in an attempt to stitch back the vital organ.

Yesterday, police escorted him out of a medical institution and subsequently incarcerated him at the San Fernando Police Station.

Police are conducting investigations before laying charges against the man.

According to a police report, the man and another accomplice entered R & D grocery in Eccles Village, Williamsville, where they announced a hold-up at about 6 pm. Pointing guns at customers and the cashier, the men demanded cash, the report stated.

Both men took turns in pushing the money into bags while they kept the customers at bay.

Police said that as the men ran out the grocery, they fired several shots in the air as they headed towards a waiting vehicle.

However, police said as one of the bandits opened the door of the vehicle, he stuck the gun he was carrying into the waist of his pants. As he slumped into the seat, the firearm went off. Acting on a tip-off, members of the South-Western Task Force went to an abandoned house where they confronted a man lying on the floor.

Police officers said that the man’s testicles and penis appeared to have been rotting.

They rushed him to the San Fernando General Hospital where he underwent emergency surgery.

Yesterday, police said that surgery to re-attach what was remaining of the bandit’s penis proved unsuccessful.

Investigations are continuing into the robbery and the search for the other bandit.

dat good...he lorse one ah he gun.. :rotfl: :rotfl:

Football / Defending Champions Got A Rude Awakening From Antigua & Barbuda
« on: December 05, 2008, 05:17:27 AM »
- December 4, 2008 -

Thursday, December 4; Jarrett Park, Montego Bay, Jamaica: Haiti’s high expectations took a dent as the defending Champions got a rude awakening from Antigua & Barbuda in Group B of the Digicel Caribbean Championships. Les Grenadiers automatically qualified for the competition by winning the 2007 DCC title over T&T, becoming the fourth nation to ever win the tournament. However their progress past the round robin finals format is far from automatic as Antigua & Barbuda showed their Finals credentials with a sterling performance.


Football / Birchall out of Digicel Cup Squad
« on: October 31, 2008, 01:01:45 PM »
For the upcoming group matches anyways...

This..according to an article in today's Trinidad Guardian. It seems as Coventry's coach is having a change of heart after his recent performances :)

That's too bad...I would have liked him to play but if it is for the betterment of his club future...then no scene  ;D

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