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Messages - dcs

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Football / Re: David John Williams Thread.
« on: November 01, 2018, 05:15:43 AM »


Football / Re: Russell Latapy Thread
« on: August 02, 2018, 02:12:44 PM »
1995/96 UEFA Champions League Group Stage
Porto vs AAB

Porto vs Panathinaikos

Started both the above games with #10 jersey

Football / Re: CONCACAF News Thread
« on: June 13, 2018, 11:26:04 AM »
As of right now the co-hosts for 2026 do not have an automatic spot.
That supposed to be decided at the June 2019 FIFA Congress.

Realistically with 6 spots nobody should need an automatic spot. Maybe just the US because of the number of games there but if you can’t make a CONCACAF top 6 what you going World Cup to do?

I could see Canada hosting and watching from the outside  :D

So much for doing things the right way.
The TTFA brand will not recover legitimacy until they ascribe to basic business ethics.

The Board of Directors are ultimately accountable for not knowing the financial state of the organization and need to take responsibility with appropriate action.  DJW not even trying to improve or address concerns raised at the meetings. All that with poor results.

Football / Re: Joevin Jones Thread
« on: April 10, 2018, 12:07:50 AM »
Darmstadt still 2nd from bottom of the table but they just played the top 3 teams in the table and had 2 draws and a win against #1 Fortuna despite a 1st half red card.

They have some mid table games coming up so maybe they could get some points and climb out of the relegation zone.

Football / Re: Women Warriors Thread
« on: March 27, 2018, 08:56:47 AM »

Saw the first game.

Liked what I saw from Arjoon...she played all out and aggressive.
Missed a chance to score a 2nd (1st game) when the ball fell to her in the box but rushed the shot I think on her right foot.

St Louis stood out as well.

Keeper looked technically sound though not the tallest. 

Football / Re: CONCACAF Ranking Thread
« on: March 08, 2018, 07:16:05 AM »
Well look ting.
We qualify for Gold Cup based on results with Stephen Hart.
I hope Tallest could tell the man thanks and don’t get caught up in Admin’s politics.

Football / Re: CONCACAF Ranking Thread
« on: March 06, 2018, 02:26:40 PM »

So the FIFA rankings look like they published mid-month and this one from CONCACAF is start of the month.

Definitely not looking like the teams in the same relative order.

We above Haiti, Canada and El Salvador in the Feb 15th FIFA rankings but below them in the March 1st CONCACAF rankings....but still they have to go through qualifying and we get a bly  ;D

One would hope the newer ranking system would be closer to the "truth".  Let's see where the next FIFA rankings put us and more importantly who our opponents are for friendlies in preparation for the League next year.

Football / Re: CONCACAF Ranking Thread
« on: March 02, 2018, 02:38:19 PM »
How is this different from the FIFA rankings?
I.e. Is this always going to be an exact match for CONCACAF countries order of rank within FIFA rankings?

Formulas look similar and they could just be using the same database as FIFA and claiming this is something new.

Would be weird if Mexico is #1 here but then the USA is higher than them on the FIFA rankings.  Unless they want more rum shop talk  :D

Lack of funding should not mean lack of communication or effort to do what can be done....in fact should be doubled.

Different circumstance but I see this attitude reflected in what Richard Thompson facing and highlighting for Athletics as well.

Football / Re: 2018 Cyprus Women's Cup Thread
« on: February 07, 2018, 06:49:44 PM »
I have no issue with living within our means. There is good competition, test and practice available right here in our region. When we can master this area and our own finances, then we can extend into other areas.

Then better to decline the invitation early on than accept and cancel late. Gives us a bad reputation and sending a message out there we cancelled because we are broke doesn’t help for future invites.

I do hope they actually get enough replacement games. If we are playing other countries or clubs they will still need some money. At the very least they should be fit to run full 90s.

Football / Re: Joevin Jones Thread
« on: January 30, 2018, 04:31:00 PM »

Now confirm the St Pauli game was away. Flags was looking different. Match attendance was 29k.

I found a home game against Bochum attendance was 16k looks sold out.
Darmstadt Home Game - Up in the stands

Football / Re: Joevin Jones Thread
« on: January 30, 2018, 07:11:06 AM »

Bottom of 2nd division, not a win in 4 months and their stadium looks sold out with flags waving and crowd singing. That is impressive.

Keep playing well and working hard. This could be a great experience for him.

Football / Re: T&T U-17 Women's Team Thread
« on: October 24, 2017, 03:12:25 PM »
He said they were able to maintain their unbeaten streak against Trinidad (8:00). 

That should be fighting words for next time we meet....don't forget!

Meantime we out floating at sea without a paddle trying to find our way.

Football / Re: Alvin Corneal Articles
« on: October 21, 2017, 07:07:20 AM »

Don’t think that warranted an apology....at least not as a stand alone piece.

Call it as it is even if you perceived as harsh.

If someone from the organization complained they need to relax. I guess they leveraging Anton being on board to get him to ease them up.  Don’t!!!

I think it is clear everyone, including Alvin wants to stay with Dennis for the long haul.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs USA Game (10-Oct-2017)
« on: October 10, 2017, 08:44:22 PM »

When is Shaka on TV again....I can't wait for the gloating!

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs USA Game (10-Oct-2017)
« on: October 09, 2017, 03:26:30 PM »
If it were the other way around I would be laughing too.
Did they use a dinghy to get across the track cuz I know it have no Ferry  ;D

So it have no chance to move this back to HCS?

Delaying this game gives the US a big advantage to know what result they need no?
Panama should be concerned.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs USA Game (8-Jun-2017)
« on: June 17, 2017, 01:10:59 AM »

There is a difference to your points above and the fact that a payment was promised and not delivered.

I agree that we contribute to our problems just as much as any on field opponent

Correct. Whatever is agreed is what it is.

Suggesting a new collective agreement negotiated at the appropriate time.
Many things to consider if you look at it from a business perspective as well where our highs are WC qualification and our lows could be no Gold Cup, knockout of Caribbean Cup and ranked along side Faroe Islands with Curacao ahead of us. All factors on net revenue.
All the labour leaders rallying here now and the cry from many quarters is the Govt and the country has no money so temper expectations or lose everything.

The agreement would be something worked out with the players same as the current. Now if someone said this is what it is....no pay when ranked outside top 50 or no match fees only tournament prize sharing then who don't want to play don't have to. If you in a situation where we looking to rebuild because we out every major tournament it would cause real noise but could fly from a PR perspective if the fee money is redirected to other areas directly related to player compensation like health/insurance.

It would help to know what is the Industry Norm for the countries we are ranked with now. I really don't know but if we currently not able to meet expectations for small fees and it affecting performance relook what in place and make hard decisions....with the players ideally though they have no union so is only the current group having a say.

This could be a separate thread....or could go in a bacchanal section  ;D

Hopefully everything sorted and we focused for a late rally in this tournament so at least the fans have some wins to cheer about.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs USA Game (8-Jun-2017)
« on: June 06, 2017, 08:27:17 PM »
I go take a beating for what I'm about to say...but I don't think national players should get paid it represent the country. It's a privilege. Win something...as in a tournament, get ah lil raise, house and land...Other than that...it's a privilege and it allows other opportunities to come all yuh way. Just my humble opinion.


If you can't agree to play without monetary incentive then don't represent and play club ball. We have this nonstop self destructive cycle around fees. It would be better they instead used the money to be sure the best insurance policies and treatment while on duty.
Playing for the NT is not a job...that's with the club.
Put all the fees money to reduce chance of injury and recovery. Too bad we don't have a union to negotiate what might be acceptable to the players in that kind of scenario.

Staff in admin that is a job. No piece of any prize should go there either.

Coaches different as that is a job open to non-nationals and pay could be negotiated to be tied to results.

It is a complete distraction and overall has brought us absolutely nothing positive as far as results or development.

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Barbados Game (10-Mar-2017)
« on: March 10, 2017, 05:29:11 PM »

No local TV coverage?

Football / Re: RIP Weary (Joann Charles)
« on: March 04, 2017, 05:11:01 AM »
You could depend on her to step up for WN and her heart was in the right place.
Blessed we have good people going through this journey with us.

Much respect and tributes to her family as they should be proud of who she was as a person.

She will be missed. I really appreciated her persepective and that she would walk the talk. Ditto on a tribute because I believe it would mean a lot to her and family.

Football / Re: Kevin Molino Thread.
« on: January 26, 2017, 10:55:17 PM »
“Where do you start with Kevin?” Heath said in Minnesota’s release. “As a player, he has incredible touch on the ball, can score goals, can create goals, he has great balance, there’s nothing he can’t do with a football. In my opinion he’s the best player in his position in the country.”

Best of luck and hopefully works out well.
Sounds like he was overs Orlando even when they tried a bit late to keep him happy. Mind was made up ...is it the same for T&T?

I trying my best but I real not seeing any interest from FIFA to control anything in T&T via the fund.

They may make appointments to sure up votes but that isn't about sabotage.

Football / Re: Vote for new coach.
« on: January 21, 2017, 07:44:34 AM »

The Board of Directors appoints the Technical Committee to advise.

They don't have to limit their choices to the 5 recommended so nothing stopping them from talking to Hart.

Question is if they going to make a decision on keeping the contract as a short term one or not because Fenwick already said he not interested in anything short term. Maybe he will take it anyway but they can't afford to get rejected twice.

Could be they talking to the next choice by later today/tomorrow.

I hope they know they in for some hard lash in March for anyone who fails from their current shortlist.

Football / Re: Name ah Coach thread ;-)
« on: January 17, 2017, 11:39:25 PM »
Carolina Morace

They don't have the balls for that.

Football / Re: Carolina Morace Thread
« on: January 17, 2017, 07:13:17 AM »

Looking forward to her running the program.
Once people respect her decisions I can see us raising the standard across all levels particularly with the younger ones.

Football / Re: Why we only have Afro-Trinis on the TTFA staff?
« on: January 15, 2017, 03:01:52 PM »

In this School

This is what I see around football

This question going on for decades. I don't think anyone has positioned it to be like this honestly.
TTFA is a different story. As an organization diversity is a valid pursuit if in the interest of the organization's goals. Maybe they aren't thinking that far ahead right now...

Football / Re: David John Williams Thread.
« on: January 12, 2017, 02:58:07 PM »
So even Jack says JDW should be fired ,so  the president could be fired then ,we need jack to tell us how that could be done ? .A vote of no confidence maybe .

He can be fired at a General Meeting with the Stakeholders:

Article 23 Areas of authority

The General Meeting has the following areas of authority:

a) adopting or amending the Constitution;

b) appointing three Delegates to review the minutes of the foregoing General Meeting; which will be tabled to the general meeting for ratification as per article 31

c) electing or dismissing the President and the Vice-Presidents of the Board of Directors;

d) electing or dismissing the other members of the Board of Directors upon proposal of the Member they represent;

e) electing or dismissing the chairman, deputy chairman and members of the judicial bodies upon the proposal of the Board of Directors;

Football / Re: Fire Jamal Shabazz Thread
« on: January 05, 2017, 07:44:31 AM »
"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."

I myself want to know why it only has Fire "Insert Coach's Name" threads.

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Suriname Game (04-Jan-2017)
« on: January 05, 2017, 07:40:58 AM »
DJW do the Honorable thing...... resign
Take your yes men with you
Thank you very much

I think he is quite fine with how things are going.  Maybe its a scorch earth policy to start from scratch that is supported by the Clubs and Regional Associations.  They are the ones who decide if things should continue with him as is.

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