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Messages - dotless007

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General Discussion / Year of the Rolly Polly
« on: February 13, 2014, 12:15:30 PM »
this thing is rel kix. rolly pollys really coming out strong this year for carnival


Jokes / How to tell you are a Glad Man
« on: February 11, 2014, 08:44:37 AM »

Football / Re: 2014 MLS Superdraft (16/1 - today!)
« on: January 21, 2014, 01:36:07 PM »
congrats Nicholas Walker, an old classmate of mine in CIC, rel happy for you

Football / Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« on: January 06, 2014, 08:08:54 AM »
Ah was just wondering . . .to the ManU faithfulls

Has anybody done a comparison bet Wellbeck and Yorke?

What would it look like?

Not very good for welbeck

Got goosebumps when Birchall was talking about the qualifier goals. All the best to the fellas!

Football / Re: Brilliant display of sportsmanship
« on: November 15, 2013, 05:53:08 AM »
the beautiful game

Football / Re: Just what T&T needs: hooliganism.
« on: November 12, 2013, 05:59:45 AM »
This is horribly biased and slanderous article. Not trying to justify the actions of the cic players staff and supporters, but this seems like some seriously one sided journalism. There was no mention of the pres supporters launching water bottles and other random shit at the cic technical area and into the cic supporters area. And also the reason the cic players didn't go for their medals in my opinion, having been there, was that the prizes were being given out in an area of the stadium that the cic players would have had to walk through the pres supporters in order to get there ( i think Jason Edwards made mention of this in his apology).

Where was this journalist throughout the years when teams like Mucurapo would have their supporters starting fights, and robbing cic supporters. Throughout my seven years there I can't remember a time when going to a mucurapo game didn't mean an inevitable fight/attack/ robbery on at least one of our players or supporters. Why was this never the subject or a full article written by a seemingly bitter cic hater.

Football / Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« on: November 10, 2013, 12:11:22 PM »

Football / Re: 2013 Secondary Schools Football League Thread.
« on: November 05, 2013, 08:44:35 AM »
The refereeing in this game was horrendous. Together with the goal that was to be disallowed which was crazy, the other calls in the game were questionable to say the least. A cic player would be hacked down- no foul, then 5 minutes later a cic player would be taken down easily-foul. No consistency, and it seemed as though the ref wanted to be the star of the show. He played 2 or 3 of the 5 minutes that he added on at the end of the 90, which sparked outrage at the final whistle by the CIC staff and players. The police probably dealt with it a bit rough, they were practically beating away cic players. When the ref was walking up the tunnel he had a huge smile on his face as projectiles flew at him. The important calls definitely went Presentation's way in terms of that "goal." The saints penalty was definitely a foul and they were rewarded rightfully so with a penalty. The entire saints technical staff was sent to the stands (4 of them)... why couldnt one of them keep their cool and sit down in order to calm the players down as there was still time to play. If jason edwards gets sent off, the other staff need to calm the f**k down and relax themselves.

The support from both teams was great, Presentation definitely had the more vocal support in terms of seemingly rehearsed chants which were all quite funny even as a Saints old boy. They had an answer for everything.

Sad that the ref had to ruin what was going as a good game.

A Link
Not to let you behind the curtain too much here, but the author of today's Mediawatch is white. Thus, we feel rather uncomfortable arguing with John Barnes, a victim of horrendous racism throughout his career, on this particular subject.


Barnes writes an extraordinary piece in The Guardian, the tone of which is set from the very first line:

'I'm not interested in what happened to Yaya Touré at CSKA Moscow - as far as I'm concerned their supporters can abuse who they want.'

Blimey. Barnes does go on to explain that English people have bigger concerns than racism in Russia, given the racism that is still endemic in football and indeed society in this country, which is of course true, but as far as we're aware we don't have a finite capacity for outrage against outrageous things. We can be 'interested' in both things, we think.

Barnes goes on: 'As soon as someone like Touré or Danny Rose gets abused in Eastern Europe there is shock and outrage from players, clubs and the authorities, yet no one is speaking about the people living in inner cities like Brixton who, because of their appearance and their background, have become completely disenfranchised from society...

'...if I was someone like Touré or Rose I'd feel embarrassed if I had to look at someone who was suffering genuine racism and take their sympathy. A millionaire getting booed in Russia is nothing compared with generations of people never getting the chance to better their lives and those of their children.'

Again, there's a point in there somewhere, but it's surely counter-productive to imply that footballers have little right to complain about being racially abused because they are rich and there are other people disenfranchised. Does money give you a racism shield? What's the limit? What level of wealth does someone have to reach before he is no longer allowed to be offended by racism? £1million? £5million?

If footballers like Toure and Rose simply ignored abuse, would that not make it worse for everyone else? If we are to accept the notion that footballers are role models, would them reporting abuse not potentially encourage these people living in Brixton to stand up as well?

He continues: 'Personally, I don't blame Suárez or Terry for what they did - they are simply products of a society and environment that allows them to think it is OK to speak about certain people in a certain way.'

Odd then, that many other footballers and indeed people in general that are products of this society and environment can get through the day without calling someone a black c*nt. Excusing those found guilty of racist abuse because they're a product of a society is, if you'll excuse us, a cop-out.

Of course, Barnes raises a number of important issues in his column, and they are issues that should be debated. In the interests of pith, we have obviously only included extracts from the piece here, so we encourage you to read the whole thing and make your own mind up.

From- http://www.football365.com/mediawatch/9009657/The-Page-That-Can-Feel-The-Erotic-Energy-In-The-Air

Football / Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« on: June 06, 2013, 02:23:37 PM »

this link is a few United Posters i made, i figure the united supporters might appreciate it.

Football / Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« on: May 12, 2013, 09:06:36 AM »
Amazing stuff, nice touch giving the swansea supporters "capital one winners" flags

Football / Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« on: May 11, 2013, 04:08:44 PM »
Farewell to the ginger prince

Football / Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« on: May 08, 2013, 12:08:20 PM »
The real question on everyone's mind is what's going to Mike Phelan?

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Young Trini Singers
« on: February 01, 2013, 01:08:30 PM »

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/v/mcH5Z1lh8jI" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/v/mcH5Z1lh8jI</a>

Football / Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« on: December 09, 2012, 04:55:55 PM »
City's defending looked very suspect today, and every time Utd went forward, the red devils always looked likely to score.

They lost their captain and best defender to injury... what else yuh expect?  Not Hart's best day, while De Gea made some nice stops.  Mancini bounce he head by starting wasteman Balotelli over Tevez.

United without Vidic how long now?

The rasta fella is actually my partner from university. Funnily enough he Jamaican.

Football / Re: CHELSEA FOREVER! - Home of the Champions!
« on: May 19, 2012, 04:27:00 PM »
didn't win the cup, but he picked it up, viva john terry

Football / Re: Who was better? Kevin Moze or Sean De Silva?
« on: October 31, 2011, 07:52:34 PM »
two different eras i was too young to know Moze but i know Sean and like somebody said he does have fight to his game. truthfully ive seen alot of some of the most talented whiteboys come through CIC and fail to live up to potential so for Sean to still be going thats good. Maybe Moze really didnt have the opportunities but Sean really did go to Youth World Cups and recieve call ups to the Senior team so maybe in the "where you went in football" column Sean has the edge and in football what you able to achieve is the ULTIMATE judge.

Sidenote...personally however i believe that Justin Fojo has never really gotten a decent look from trinidad apart from that one call up. IMO he better than Sean and while he isnt making the impact that Molino making at Orlando City he still helped them to that title. Not to mention he was a standout performer at College of Charleston taking them to a NCAA tournament run for the first time. (sean's current school).

another youth who just fell by the wayside in football was Eamon Anderson....i believe another product of the LaFoucade school. At under 14 he was Death. heard he was in commercial juggling ball in hula hoop and even get a trial to liverpool youth academy , then he broke his leg and like blackman that was it for him in football.

dat season de silva led the team (same team with fojo) with assists , goals and game winners and made the all conference 1st team, all region 1st team and get mvp of the team for the season.
taken from the college of charleston site- 2010: Southern Conference first-team all-conference selection... named the Southern Conference Player of the Week on September 21... played and started in all 19 games...held the season highs in goals with seven and assists with nine... tallied 23 points and 71 shots for the season... scored two goals against Lehigh and had four game-winning goals on the season.

Football / Re: 2011 Champions League Final.
« on: May 29, 2011, 01:57:11 AM »
this manu team to be honest lucky to get this far in the champions league...

the manu team of 99 was far better and woulda give ah better account....

we rel lucky, never seen a luckier team

Football / Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« on: May 23, 2011, 02:53:45 PM »
he'll shag who he wants, he'll shag who he wants...that boy giggsy, he'll shag who he wants

Football / Re: Cristiano Ronaldo Appreciation Thread
« on: May 21, 2011, 02:33:01 PM »

Football / Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« on: May 14, 2011, 02:50:07 AM »
“Howard Webb is a fantastic referee, he has the skills to handle the occasion, If the referee has no experience maybe you can be a little worried about this but with Webb there is no problem.”

daiz ancelotti before the game eh....and no charge but he "talking bout de ref"

Football / Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« on: May 08, 2011, 11:15:01 AM »
brilliant stuff united.

Football / Re: The Stretford End- Home of the Champions
« on: April 17, 2011, 05:10:09 PM »
gunner stunner, i hope yuh was hungry cuz like yuh had to eat yuh words. 6 years hahaha

Football / Re: Manchester City's Kolo Toure fails drugs test
« on: March 03, 2011, 08:20:44 PM »
i wonder who finishing higher this season..man city or toure?

Jokes / Mirror heights
« on: February 14, 2011, 09:08:51 PM »
take in the heights in this video

<a href="http://embed.break.com/Mzg0MDQ1" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://embed.break.com/Mzg0MDQ1</a>

Football / Re: Xavi: Scholes the world's best midfielder
« on: February 12, 2011, 05:32:47 PM »
but i recall man like zidane rated scholsey as the best midfielder of his generation

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