Allyuh think the british bad, allyuh shoulda hear eric wynalda yesterday taking ah big dig out of balotelli like balo break in house and rape he wife and daughter. real vemon dread, and it have man taking bout we only supporting balo bc he black, but they not seeing the so called "professionals" who hatin on the man on the air just bc he's black.
i not wearing no fackin blinkers nah, bc i dun know that this is ah "white is right" world, and we who eh white have tuh be on our best behavior just to be considered civilized.
right now, all these ppl trying tuh say is dat balotelli should know his place, and eat his biscuit and shut it, bc he's not ah white boy, and it's only white boys who could act up like this and get away wid it.
i don't know how men on here who not white could go along wid fellas like wynalda and dem, when dem fella only agenda is tuh push american players.
it have fellas who livin in trinidad and never live in no whiteman country, or worst yet, never even interact with white ppl tuh see how unfair some of these ppl could be, but they want tuh tell folks who living the experience about how tuh think.
ah dun know it have men who coming tuh tell meh ah racist for the millionth time, just bc i speak meh mind/ the truth. but fack dem and the horse oui!
Yuh have yuh point, but the bigger problem with your approach is that you, like plenty here, just willing to give Balotelli a free pass for his indiscretions because of a perceived racist agenda.
Imagine men argument here is "Look at the shit Rooney did.. Look at the shit Cantona did.. Is because Balotelli black is a bigger scene." And allyuh totally lost sight of the simple fact that Balotelli doing shit. And i not even talking about all the sundries off the field, i talking about the shit he doing within a football context, on the field and within his team.
At the end of the day that mentality doh advance nobody purpose, because all it does is try to shift the blame somewhere else from where it belong. When all is said and done and Balotelli foraging the lower half of Serie A with a Siena or Catania, trying for one last comeback and hoping someone take a chance on him INSTEAD of being one of the best players in the world he will regret forking up when he had his time in the sun.. It is a familiar storyline.
I can admit that I care more about Balotelli because he is a black man I would like to see succeed against all the odds.. But my problem is not how he behaving as a black man, my problem is how he behaving as a professional footballer and the fact that he is putting his career at risk.
It have plenty other players i used to like and i thought was insanely talented but just had a screw loose and never realize their potential. Off the top of my head, Antonio Cassano, Adriano, Faustino Asprilla, Ricardo Quaresma, Laurent Robert, Djalminha, Adrian Mutu.. I never cared whether these men black, white, blue or green, if is one thing i hate is to see talent got to waste. These is men i wish had settle down and put in the hard work necessary to be a top professional.
That is where i see Balotelli going if he don't get his act together. Another name we used to talk about as someone who coulda be great.. Coulda...
Omar, you need tuh go back and read my post. i not exonerating balotelli's ill bahavior and his on the field antics, as ah matter of fact, i did point it out in my initial post on page 19.
the man is definitely ah big imps, and that i did point out, and went past that stage of the argument. i believe right now most the members aren't talking about balotelli's bad behavior on and off the pitch, but rather , the way the media decides to turn it into a charade.
i watched wynalda very carefully over this past season and every time balotelli is mentioned you could see the venom in his speech and demeanor, it's almost like one ah dem nazi white boys incognito, yuh could see that this is ah real beef this man have with balo, and want tuh see him gone, @ least from the english league.
that's my beef right there! the way the media hangs on to every thing a black athlete does. take for-instance, yesterday had an article on yahoo news with ah black panamanian santos laguna player taking ah photo with lil spanish kid, apparently a fan, and he had a play boy mag in a plastic bag which he just bought, and this was under scrutiny, it's almost like, they does keep close tabs on black athletes waiting for them to mess up.
one thing i never forgot that put me right in prospective of where i stand in this "whiteman" reality/ world, is the OJ simpson trial. before that murder, OJ simpson was an exemplary sports figure. the man was a sports analyst, a spokesman for hertz, ah real big papy.
then all of ah sudden he put some clout on his ex wife one night fuh suckin off some lil boy on she couch while the kids were asleep in the next room, and suddenly OJ became a villan over night, despite bigger names was beatin their wives on the regular, fellas like like johhny carson (from the "tonight show") dean martin, even ah state senator was bussin his wife arse and this never stayed one hour on the media.
then not too long after that, the woman turned up ded, and no one believed that OJ didn't do it. imagine, an upstanding well rounded unblemished character like OJ simpson became white americas whiping boy and public enemy number one, over night! just bc his "white" wife turned up ded.
robert flack's wife was murdered in similar fashion, and no one cared, the trial eh even make it to court TV, let alone main stream media.
same with tiger woods, all that man did was cheat on his wife, you would swear that the man join ah radical jihadist organization, the way he was vilified in the media. all bc he cheated on ah white woman. same with kobe, and the list goes on and on.
allyuh could stay there and act like everything is level and fair, i ain't buying that for one minute though. the fact iz, what ah white fella could do and get away with, i dare the black boy tuh get the same consideration. so yeh, mario is ah big fackin imps, but so iz rooney, barton, cattamole, gerard, toti, and many more, but mario will stand out, just bc he's not........................