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Author Topic: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana  (Read 48336 times)

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #300 on: July 03, 2010, 09:30:11 AM »
Ah waitin for fellas like small mag, dinho and all the other pragmatist when is TNT turn tuh take ah blow the likes of what ghana took today!! i saw ah man literally play goal keeper and stop ah ball from going in the net, and all i could hear is gyan fault and he forked up and saurez took one for the team!!

all the BS small mag talkin, i see he hero #14 blow two important penalties on two different occasions, and not one forkin word of contempt came out his mouth BUT HE HAVE THE WORLD TUH SAY ABOUT GYAN!!

no disrespect to stern, but if stern could only be half the player he/ gyan is we would be in business.

this saurez fella should be banned for ah whole yr from international football! this would send ah clear message to these spanish speakin dogs that ppl tired of the fackry.  these ppl really forkin up the game, and all allyuh could say is hard luck!!

i see in the spain protugal game where the man didn't even touch the spanish player and the man fall on the ground like somebody hit him wid ah hammer tuh head! all this is really bad for the game and ppl should show their displeasure.

for all who feel i was in ghana's corner hence the reason i fumin, quite wrong! i straight out don't support african sports men, BC they lack commitment. the teams i support in football are mainly european teams, france and england being two of them.

allyuh remember this, we have tuh compete wid central americans on the regular BC they are in our region, and allyuh dun know what they give. as selassie said in the league of nations when mussolini was attackin abyssinia and he went tuh dem for help and they blanked him , he said" TODAY FOR ME AND TOMMORROW FOR YOU!!!    ah waiting for something the like of that tuh happen to we. if allyuh thing what crouch did was awful, then allyuh eh see nutten yet, BC the best is yet to come!  ah go be here waitin for all the pragmatism!

PS:  ah have tuh big up toppa for have more balls than most ah allyuh apologist yellow belly sissies! ah rather have she as ah female in meh corner any day rather than some ah allyuh scared tuh speak the truth BC allyuh fraid tuh step on toes for fear of being seen as inapropriate!

when would we understand that these spanish ppl doh like we! even the ones that born in trini and look like spanish have the same stinkin vibe about them, and guess what? i doh give ah solitary f@ck about them and how they feel! who vex loss!

Harsh. Ghana sealed their own faiths today, they have only themselves to blame. Besides the penalty both sides had chances to take the game but it went begging. Today I thought Uruguay   diDnt play to their best but they got THE result.
I do feel this is Uruguay World Cup after what happened today.. simple events going unnoticed when they slipped in past Costa Rica... and what a story that would be...and by all means .. no one can say they cant go on to win this thing.

Forlan MVP of the Tourny. Fantastic team leader  

             I agree.

Ghana miss the penalty. Yes the man hands the ball. Red card, 1 game suspension and penalty. What else all yuh want? a firing squad.

Deeks and sHOTTA, allyuh making to much sense wid allyuh simple argument, leh we continue dis and talk bout how Suarez is ah spanish speaking dog and should get ban for a year and he hates nig*%rs and all dat good stuff.
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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #301 on: July 03, 2010, 09:31:20 AM »
Fack you yuh fat coceyey c@nt!! and while yuh @ it get ah new pair of coke bottles, since the ones yuh have making yuh see sh!t that didn't happen.

Just Cool easy nuh... fuh real.  Fuh ah man who doh like when black people get call names ah find yuh on ah real tangent these days by using all kinda racial invective against others.  I not trying to get into you and Feliziano thing, but he right tuh call yuh on it... de "spik" thing was unnecessary.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 10:06:09 AM by Bake n Shark »

Offline Fyzoman

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #302 on: July 03, 2010, 09:38:20 AM »
so hold on lemme get this straight.. all ah allyuh men in Suarez situation with a whole world cup riding on allyuh back and last second of the game, and yuh telling me that allyuh would just watch the ball sail over yuh head in the name of morals?? lol

well all allyuh better than me yes. ah bet if Dennis Lawrence did it yuh woulda say he's a hero steups..

hoss they on f**king heights....I would have saved that ball like Buffon...full keeper style dive and save

Suarez FTW!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:, Smalls ah know yuh eh here to make friends eh, but ah could see yuh making more enemies here wid sentiments like dat...but i wid yuh 100%!!
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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #303 on: July 03, 2010, 10:37:10 AM »
FIFA may extend Suarez match ban to the final

A handball in the box in the 121st minute of play prevented a definite goal for Ghana. A red card was shown. A top-scoring player was sent off with an automatic one-match suspension. A penalty was given to the opposing team which, if scored, would have given them victory and a spot in a World Cup semifinal.

Nine times out of 10, this scenario would have meant you'd be reading about Africa's first World Cup semifinal appearance this morning, including a passing mention of Luis Suarez's crazy, last ditch effort to save his team from certain death.

[Photos: See Uruguay's Luis Suarez in action]

Yet after Asamoah Gyan smacked the ball off the bar in the ensuing pen and Uruguay won on penalties, FIFA faced the prospect of a World Cup final featuring a player who is considered a hero by some, a criminal by others, for violating one of the elemental laws of the game in a long-shot effort to win. So now FIFA is considering extending the Suarez match-ban to include the final, should Uruguay reach it. However, FIFA spokesman Pekka Odriozola said on Saturday that as a matter of routine the disciplinary commission would review any offense that receives a straight red card to decide whether it merited a harsher punishment.

    "As is the case for any red card, any automatic red card in any match, there's an automatic one match suspension," said [FIFA spokesperson Pekka] Odriozola.

    "And also the disciplinary committee opens the case for any automatic red card in any match.

    "Which means the disciplinary committee will be looking at the incident and take a decision. We don't have any timing on when they will meet to take that decision."

Although it smacks a bit of moving the goal-posts after the fact, you can see why FIFA would want to make an example of the Uruguayan striker. Although a subsequent rash of players volleyball-spiking the Jabulani to row Z in the last minute of extra time to prevent certain goals, all in an effort to recreate Suarez's "glory," would be pretty funny. And, nine times out of 10, fairly disastrous for them and their teams to say the least.

Even so, it might be best for FIFA to allow this freakshow result to stand and let Suarez serve his minimum ban. Even if Uruguay makes it to the final, the neutrals need a pantomime villain/hero badboy to cast their hope/aversions. Plus, if Suarez scores a World Cup winner, FIFA will have inadvertantly discovered the most powerful pub-debate fuel in the history of football.

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #304 on: July 03, 2010, 10:55:54 AM »
I'm in two minds about the handball. I doh know if is because it wasn't T&T or Brazil or Lyon that go out because of it or what, but I'm not so cut up about it.

Truth is, once there are rules, there are people who will break them.

Think about it. In basketball, they decided that if the ball came off your feet, it reset the shot clock. You will see some teams then intentionally kick the ball out to break up a play...

They invented the travelling rule, so some players started using the post up attack against the attacker by moving suddenly out of the way and having them falling.

It was in this same game of football that I saw Baggio purposely flick a ball up against an Austrian defenders hands to claim a last minute penalty. (That was the thing that set me against Italy for years btw). Who to blame? Baggio? The Ref?, The Rules? The Defender? I've heard every single version.

Suarez was (rightly) sent off for his action, and knew exactly what would happen when he did it. Is it any different from Avery John sliding in to break up a quick Swedish attack, (possibly) taking out the defender and getting sent off? I don't know...

I guess, like life, football isn't always cut and dry...
Talked like ah true jack ass! avery tackled ah player wid the intention of getting the ball in ah moment of nervousness and passion, this suarez fella intentionally save the ball wid his hands BC he didn't want tuh lose tuh ah bunch of n!ggers!

yuh think dem fellas enjoy being beaten by ah bunch ah malatos and black( brazil) every time down in south america! like yuh forget them ppl is german nazi decendents, italians who supported mussolini, racist jews and castilians spaniards or what?

Hear what, like the jackass I am,  I'll respond to you.

I personally said that I didnt know as far as Avery goes...

You ever stopped to consider that simply put, maybe Suarez didn't want to lose, point blank.

I'm tired of your issues. good night.
And i tired of your house n!gger compromising spinless ways! so doh feel is you alone tired!@ least i does stand up, but fellas like you care what massa have tuh say so allyuh does stoop down and bow tuh come across as even minded and fair!

is fellas like you back in the old slave camp who did like tuh whip man for massa and sell out man so yuh could stay in massa's good graces. you eh have one ounce ah struggle in you by the way yuh always rationalizing shyte and fraid tuh speak yuh mind. yuhs ah weak minded sissy!!   

f**k off.

Thank you.
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Offline Midknight

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #305 on: July 03, 2010, 11:01:54 AM »
Just to remind people on here, eh.  Avery John got ALL BALL and NONE of the player on that tackle that got him red-carded.  Was it a foul?  Yes. Should it have been viewed as a dangerous, studs-up tackle?  Yes.  Was it deserving of a red card?  NO! Was it deserving of a yellow card?  Mabe.   Also to make the comparison between him and Suarez is futile and damned near irresponsible.

Avery was already on a yellow. I don't think he would have stayed on that field regardless.

Ok. Avery got all ball. Then he got the player on the follow through. In the past that didn't used to be a foul. Ever since Fifa started cracking down on dangerous tackles, they have been calling those...check the files.

I could have used any one of a hundred examples of "taking one for the team".
I was just giving an example that's a lot closer to home.

Futile...is this discussion.
Irresponsible...is spewing racist "antiracism" like the kind thats stinking up this thread.
Go Black if you want Jack to Track Back! I support all Soca Warriors - Red, White and Blacklisted.

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Offline Midknight

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #306 on: July 03, 2010, 11:05:42 AM »
so hold on lemme get this straight.. all ah allyuh men in Suarez situation with a whole world cup riding on allyuh back and last second of the game, and yuh telling me that allyuh would just watch the ball sail over yuh head in the name of morals?? lol

well all allyuh better than me yes. ah bet if Dennis Lawrence did it yuh woulda say he's a hero steups..

dinho you are wasting your finger energy. Anybody that play football at a competitive level would have done the same, given the circumstances. How many times have we seen this same action in the game. The fact remains players understand the consequences, accept it and take the chance that the penalty would be saved or missed. We have seen it in this WC and in 2002 Germany vs USA, the German player deliberately handled the ball to deny USA, the referee missed it and USA were sent packing. As I said nothing new.

you really have to wonder where the righteous indignation was then eh...
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Offline just cool

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #307 on: July 03, 2010, 11:08:59 AM »
Fack you yuh fat coceyey c@nt!! and while yuh @ it get ah new pair of coke bottles, since the ones yuh have making yuh see sh!t that didn't happen.

Just Cool easy nuh... fuh real.  Fuh ah man who doh like when black people get call names ah find yuh on ah real tangent these days by using all kinda racial invective against others.  I not trying to get into you and Feliziano thing, but he right tuh call yuh on it... de "spik" thing was unnecessary.
Breds, i have spanish blood bro! my grand mudda used tuh speak spansh fluently and is one ah dem cocospanish carib combination, she had no black blood whatsoever Bc she fardder was ah white blue eyed venezuelan and her mother pure carib.

i also have spanish cousins in arima so i doh hate spanish ppl in the least, what i do hate is the way they way they love tuh disrespect black ppl and does go on like they not part of the struggle, and the color concious ting is ah big part of their bullshyte culture.

yes i used the word spik, but i also use the word n!gger on here all the time and no body doh sweat it. is it BC i'm ah n!gger ppl does let it slide? but if i used another racial slur then it come like i and george wallace used tuh dress up in sheets together.

as for feliziano, that pr!ck like tuh come @ me like if man is lil boy! like he eh know i doh give ah fork about what he have tuh say if he go come @ me wid the mudda tone. they love tuh talk down @ big man instead ah reasoning wid ah fella.

yuhs ah man who does cuss nuff members and tell dem off wid all kind forkup expressions, yuh eh tinnk it have fagots on here who doh like tuh hear the word fagot? what about the females on the site who have tuh here man callin each other bitches, p#ssy, yuh mudda dis and yuh sister dat?

we like tuh play politically correct when it suit we or when it touch ah nerve, but when it fall in ah next man's garden we tend tuh look the other way.    HOW CONVENIENT.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 01:25:31 PM by just cool »
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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #308 on: July 03, 2010, 11:10:09 AM »
I'm in two minds about the handball. I doh know if is because it wasn't T&T or Brazil or Lyon that go out because of it or what, but I'm not so cut up about it.

Truth is, once there are rules, there are people who will break them.

Think about it. In basketball, they decided that if the ball came off your feet, it reset the shot clock. You will see some teams then intentionally kick the ball out to break up a play...

They invented the travelling rule, so some players started using the post up attack against the attacker by moving suddenly out of the way and having them falling.

It was in this same game of football that I saw Baggio purposely flick a ball up against an Austrian defenders hands to claim a last minute penalty. (That was the thing that set me against Italy for years btw). Who to blame? Baggio? The Ref?, The Rules? The Defender? I've heard every single version.

Suarez was (rightly) sent off for his action, and knew exactly what would happen when he did it. Is it any different from Avery John sliding in to break up a quick Swedish attack, (possibly) taking out the defender and getting sent off? I don't know...

I guess, like life, football isn't always cut and dry...
Talked like ah true jack ass! avery tackled ah player wid the intention of getting the ball in ah moment of nervousness and passion, this suarez fella intentionally save the ball wid his hands BC he didn't want tuh lose tuh ah bunch of n!ggers!

yuh think dem fellas enjoy being beaten by ah bunch ah malatos and black( brazil) every time down in south america! like yuh forget them ppl is german nazi decendents, italians who supported mussolini, racist jews and castilians spaniards or what?

Hear what, like the jackass I am,  I'll respond to you.

I personally said that I didnt know as far as Avery goes...

You ever stopped to consider that simply put, maybe Suarez didn't want to lose, point blank.

I'm tired of your issues. good night.
And i tired of your house n!gger compromising spinless ways! so doh feel is you alone tired!@ least i does stand up, but fellas like you care what massa have tuh say so allyuh does stoop down and bow tuh come across as even minded and fair!

is fellas like you back in the old slave camp who did like tuh whip man for massa and sell out man so yuh could stay in massa's good graces. you eh have one ounce ah struggle in you by the way yuh always rationalizing shyte and fraid tuh speak yuh mind. yuhs ah weak minded sissy!!   

f**k off.

Thank you.
The feelin is mutual BATTY BYOI!
The pen is mightier than the sword, Africa for Africans home and abroad.Trinidad is not my home just a pit stop, Africa is my destination,final destination the MOST HIGH.

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #309 on: July 03, 2010, 11:14:59 AM »
In other non-racial news...

World Cup 2010: Fifa may extend Uruguay striker Luis Suarez's ban for handball against Ghana
Fifa have confirmed that Uruguay striker Luis Suarez could miss the rest of the World Cup following his hand-ball against Ghana.
By Telegraph staff and agencies
Published: 10:53AM BST 03 Jul 2010

Suarez was given a straight red card for saving a goalbound-header on the line in extra-time, Ghana missed the resulting penalty and Uruguay went through to the World Cup semi-final after winning a shoot-out.

The striker will serve an automatic one-match ban ruling him out of the semi-final with Holland but Fifa's disciplinary committee will look at the case to see whether he should also be suspended for Uruguay's last match of the tournament - which will be either the final or the third-place play-off.

Fifa spokesman Pekka Odriozola told a media briefing: ''For automatic red cards there is an automatic one-match suspension. The disciplinary committee also opens a case and they will be looking at that incident and taking a decision.'

Fifa's disciplinary code gives the committee the option of a longer ban for ''unsportsmanlike conduct''.
Suarez is being hailed as a hero in his home country but the incident has provoked condemnation in other parts of the world.

His action is also contrary to Fifa's fair play code which states: ''Winning is without value if victory has been achieved unfairly or dishonestly. Cheating is easy, but brings no pleasure''.
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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #310 on: July 03, 2010, 11:15:36 AM »
Just to remind people on here, eh.  Avery John got ALL BALL and NONE of the player on that tackle that got him red-carded.  Was it a foul?  Yes. Should it have been viewed as a dangerous, studs-up tackle?  Yes.  Was it deserving of a red card?  NO! Was it deserving of a yellow card?  Mabe.   Also to make the comparison between him and Suarez is futile and damned near irresponsible.

Avery was already on a yellow. I don't think he would have stayed on that field regardless.

Ok. Avery got all ball. Then he got the player on the follow through. In the past that didn't used to be a foul. Ever since Fifa started cracking down on dangerous tackles, they have been calling those...check the files.

I could have used any one of a hundred examples of "taking one for the team".
I was just giving an example that's a lot closer to home.

Futile...is this discussion.
Irresponsible...is spewing racist "antiracism" like the kind thats stinking up this thread.

  Avery john  didn't get any of the player, jed.  That "follow through" that you talk about was insignificant and all ball.  But I agree it was dangerous play.  I didn't remember that he was already on a yellow, so, you're right, if he deserved to get a second yellow then he would have been off.  I also agree with your last comment.....only thing I was pointing out was that the example you used didn't fit in to the context of the original debate.  I woulda liked to have seen you use one of your other hundred examples because we don't need to be close to home just to get a point.  Avery John wasn't in the same position making that tackle  as was suarez handling that ball.  Two totally different circumstances, stakes and consequences. :beermug:

Not because a man ears long and he teet' long dat it make him a Jackass!

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #311 on: July 03, 2010, 11:32:36 AM »
In other non-racial news...

World Cup 2010: Fifa may extend Uruguay striker Luis Suarez's ban for handball against Ghana
Fifa have confirmed that Uruguay striker Luis Suarez could miss the rest of the World Cup following his hand-ball against Ghana.
By Telegraph staff and agencies
Published: 10:53AM BST 03 Jul 2010

Suarez was given a straight red card for saving a goalbound-header on the line in extra-time, Ghana missed the resulting penalty and Uruguay went through to the World Cup semi-final after winning a shoot-out.

The striker will serve an automatic one-match ban ruling him out of the semi-final with Holland but Fifa's disciplinary committee will look at the case to see whether he should also be suspended for Uruguay's last match of the tournament - which will be either the final or the third-place play-off.

Fifa spokesman Pekka Odriozola told a media briefing: ''For automatic red cards there is an automatic one-match suspension. The disciplinary committee also opens a case and they will be looking at that incident and taking a decision.'

Fifa's disciplinary code gives the committee the option of a longer ban for ''unsportsmanlike conduct''.
Suarez is being hailed as a hero in his home country but the incident has provoked condemnation in other parts of the world.

His action is also contrary to Fifa's fair play code which states: ''Winning is without value if victory has been achieved unfairly or dishonestly. Cheating is easy, but brings no pleasure''.

FU** THEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 11:35:42 AM by davyjenny1 »
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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #312 on: July 03, 2010, 11:34:54 AM »
Fack you yuh fat coceyey c@nt!! and while yuh @ it get ah new pair of coke bottles, since the ones yuh have making yuh see sh!t that didn't happen.

Just Cool easy nuh... fuh real.  Fuh ah man who doh like when black people get call names ah find yuh on ah real tangent these days by using all kinda racial invective against others.  I not trying to get into you and Feliziano thing, but he right tuh call yuh on it... de "spik" thing was unnecessary.
Breds, i have spanish blood bro! my grand mudda used tuh speak spansh fluently and is one ah dem cocospanish carib combination, she had no black blood whatsoever Bc she fardder was ah white blue eyed venezuelan and her mother pure carib.

i also have spanish cousins in arima so i doh hate spanish ppl in the least, what i do hate is the way they way they love tuh disrespect black ppl and does go on like they not part of the struggle, and the color concious ting is ah big part of their bullshyte culture.

yes i used the word spik, but i also use the word n!gger on here all the time and no body doh sweat it. is it BC i'm ah n!gger ppl does let it slide? but if i used another racial slur then it come like i and george wallace used tuh dress up in sheets together.

as for feliziano, that pr!ck like tuh come @ me like if man is lil boy! like he eh know i doh give ah fork about what he have tuh say if he go come @ me wid the mudda tone. they love tuh talk down @ big man instead ah reasoning wid ah fella.

yuhs ah man who does cuss nuff members and tell dem off wid all kind forkup expressions, yuh eh tinnk it have fagots on here who doh like tuh hear the word fagot? what about the females on the site who have tuh here man callin each other bitches, p#ssy, yuh mudda dis and yuh sister dat?

we like tuh play politically correct when it suit we and touch ah nerve, but when it fall in ah next man's garden we look the other way.    HOW CONVENIENT.

  .......spoken like a true rebel.

Not because a man ears long and he teet' long dat it make him a Jackass!

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #313 on: July 03, 2010, 07:44:07 PM »
Just to remind people on here, eh.  Avery John got ALL BALL and NONE of the player on that tackle that got him red-carded.  Was it a foul?  Yes. Should it have been viewed as a dangerous, studs-up tackle?  Yes.  Was it deserving of a red card?  NO! Was it deserving of a yellow card?  Mabe.   Also to make the comparison between him and Suarez is futile and damned near irresponsible.

Avery was already on a yellow. I don't think he would have stayed on that field regardless.

Ok. Avery got all ball. Then he got the player on the follow through. In the past that didn't used to be a foul. Ever since Fifa started cracking down on dangerous tackles, they have been calling those...check the files.

I could have used any one of a hundred examples of "taking one for the team".
I was just giving an example that's a lot closer to home.

Futile...is this discussion.
Irresponsible...is spewing racist "antiracism" like the kind thats stinking up this thread.

  Avery john  didn't get any of the player, jed.  That "follow through" that you talk about was insignificant and all ball.  But I agree it was dangerous play.  I didn't remember that he was already on a yellow, so, you're right, if he deserved to get a second yellow then he would have been off.  I also agree with your last comment.....only thing I was pointing out was that the example you used didn't fit in to the context of the original debate.  I woulda liked to have seen you use one of your other hundred examples because we don't need to be close to home just to get a point.  Avery John wasn't in the same position making that tackle  as was suarez handling that ball.  Two totally different circumstances, stakes and consequences. :beermug:

I disagree on the first line. Everything else could make sense, so I'll take it on board even if I have little points where I could disagree :beermug:
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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #314 on: July 03, 2010, 08:37:19 PM »
Last kick of the game, a chance to not lose the game and risk not playing in the next game is a big decision.

Suarez to me did whatever it took to stop that ball from crossing the line, it was his decision to sacrifice himself for the team knowing fully well that Ghana could score from the spot and win the game.

Gyan should be blamed for the defeat and not some handball. Gyan wanted to break the net, everyone knows he can score penalties as he showed in the shootout but he didn't keep his cool so he closed his eyes stuck the ball with all the power he had and forgot about precision or anticipation.

I feel no sympathy for Ghana, they could of and should of scored from open play, they dominated the game. The more the game went on the more it seemed Ghana would win but they didn't, football can be cruel like that jus ask USA against Ghana.

If anyone should be upset about cheating is USA and Italy with a total of 12 bad calls combined, including atleast three disallowed goals and penalties.

You have to take responsibilities for you own failures in life and stop blaming others for your undoing to understand how to not fail in the future. Let it go, Ghana had an equal chance to win this thing even in the shootout where they failed yet again.

The better team is in the semis, they played with spirit, passion and most of all belief that they could do it.
If Ghana was in the same position to stop a goal they probably do the same thing and turn goalie.

Btw Suarez is a National hero for this and not the other way around, the question i have is.. why not header the ball.. he was in a good position.. guess he didnt want to risk missing or tired..

Point is Gyan could of scored and  Suarez would of been a villian/forgotten(how many would of remembered this if gyan had scored?) that was dishonorable to his country instead of a national hero. Gyan make him a national hero by missing that spot kick. He had no control of the outcome after but Ghana did.

Also FIFA should not extend his ban... There is no rule stating that if you handle a ball stopping a sure goal is a two match or more suspension... Gosh Ghana dont be sore losers...
« Last Edit: July 03, 2010, 08:48:36 PM by sHOTTA12 »

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #315 on: July 04, 2010, 03:16:25 AM »
What's done is done. But observe how Suarez career will nose from now. Karma!

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #316 on: July 04, 2010, 03:17:00 AM »
meant nose dive.

Offline sammy

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #317 on: July 04, 2010, 06:13:35 AM »
What's done is done. But observe how Suarez career will nose from now. Karma!

i doh feel so.
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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #318 on: July 05, 2010, 06:21:35 PM »
Suarez is a boss - he take one for the team - and I would want any Trini player in his position to do d same yes.

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #319 on: July 06, 2010, 06:48:53 PM »
see Ghana players getting alot of interest in the Premiership league. 3 so far on sky news i seeing. including Batteli if i can include him

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #320 on: July 07, 2010, 06:45:24 AM »
Suarez is a boss - he take one for the team - and I would want any Trini player in his position to do d same yes.

man only talking thing bout Suarez because of the side he did it against

Plain and simple
"Giving away something in charity does not cause any decrease in a person's wealth, but increases it instead. The person who adopt humility for the sake of Allah is exalted in ranks by Him".

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #321 on: July 07, 2010, 07:11:42 AM »
Suarez is a boss - he take one for the team - and I would want any Trini player in his position to do d same yes.

man only talking thing bout Suarez because of the side he did it against

Plain and simple

Cyah disagree dey...if was against norway or serbia people would be less up in arms
but yuh hadda factor in, not jus who the team was but the timing,,is not ah opening game but ah chance to make the final four.
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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #322 on: July 07, 2010, 10:00:02 AM »
What's done is done. But observe how Suarez career will nose from now. Karma!

I disagree!
Alot of managers will admire what Suarez did for his team and will pay extra for a striker who can score but is still willing to scarific himself for his team! Watch his career and wages go thru the roof now!  ;)
« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 10:01:40 AM by Socapro »
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #323 on: July 08, 2010, 11:58:47 AM »
Nothing wrong with what Suarez did- but the shot of him celebrating the pk save was kinda rough- like it or not, part of the game or not, the deliberate hand ball was unsportsmanlike.  Holding back on his celebration of the pk save woulda been a decent move on his part. 
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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #324 on: July 08, 2010, 12:59:15 PM »
Nothing wrong with what Suarez did- but the shot of him celebrating the pk save was kinda rough- like it or not, part of the game or not, the deliberate hand ball was unsportsmanlike.  Holding back on his celebration of the pk save woulda been a decent move on his part. 

There was NO way that was happening following the emotion of gehhin a red card.

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #325 on: July 08, 2010, 03:28:17 PM »
Nothing wrong with what Suarez did- but the shot of him celebrating the pk save was kinda rough- like it or not, part of the game or not, the deliberate hand ball was unsportsmanlike.  Holding back on his celebration of the pk save woulda been a decent move on his part. 
Ah guess nothing wrong wid what crouch did either right? after all , ah foul is ah foul. suarez got caught and crouch got away wid it.  carry on.
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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #326 on: July 08, 2010, 03:30:57 PM »
Suarez is a boss - he take one for the team - and I would want any Trini player in his position to do d same yes.
Suarez is ah joke!! crouch is the real boss, BC not even the ref caught on tuh his antics.  from now on peter crouch is my forkin hero!
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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #327 on: July 08, 2010, 03:47:37 PM »
dinho you are wasting your finger energy. Anybody that play football at a competitive level would have done the same, given the circumstances. How many times have we seen this same action in the game. The fact remains players understand the consequences, accept it and take the chance that the penalty would be saved or missed. We have seen it in this WC and in 2002 Germany vs USA, the German player deliberately handled the ball to deny USA, the referee missed it and USA were sent packing. As I said nothing new.

Well apologies to all you professional and ex-professional footballers who dominate the forum... as ah man who only kick ball in the occasional weekend lime I could only speak for myself, I doh have to cheat like that to win.  But as I said, as a non-"competitive" footballer, I willing to concede that it easy fuh me to speak.

             No need to apologize. As far as I concern is only a game. But if I was in Suarez position at that moment in time, there is a strong possibility  I would have done what he did.

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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #328 on: July 08, 2010, 07:28:35 PM »
Nothing wrong with what Suarez did- but the shot of him celebrating the pk save was kinda rough- like it or not, part of the game or not, the deliberate hand ball was unsportsmanlike.  Holding back on his celebration of the pk save woulda been a decent move on his part. 
Ah guess nothing wrong wid what crouch did either right? after all , ah foul is ah foul. suarez got caught and crouch got away wid it.  carry on.

Dis what i saying... so the difference between being coronated and crucified is getting catch? really?

the act was unsportsmanlike and despicable... punto final.


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Re: WC 2010 - Match 58 - Quarter-finals: Uruguay vs Ghana
« Reply #329 on: July 08, 2010, 09:27:22 PM »
Nothing wrong with what Suarez did- but the shot of him celebrating the pk save was kinda rough- like it or not, part of the game or not, the deliberate hand ball was unsportsmanlike.  Holding back on his celebration of the pk save woulda been a decent move on his part. 
Ah guess nothing wrong wid what crouch did either right? after all , ah foul is ah foul. suarez got caught and crouch got away wid it.  carry on.

Dis what i saying... so the difference between being coronated and crucified is getting catch? really?

the act was unsportsmanlike and despicable... punto final.

Yuh wastin yuh time tryin to geh dat message across to some here, apparently once you operate within de rules of the game and maybe life as well, once it culd benefit you, go right ahead, to hells was wid who lorse, as we say home nah, who vex lorse, wonderful message
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