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Messages - Football supporter

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Football / Re: Kevin Harrison give us his views & attitudes on FPATT.
« on: June 05, 2007, 07:12:36 PM »
Good article Flexos..

Interesting that this Alison Ayres fellah heavily involved.

Hey oconnorg, that Alison Ayres fellah that Kevin mentioned in the interview wasn't he the guy who wanted to charge you guys for taking pictures of Latapy boots last year.. !!

Life is so funny...  ;)

Yup thats the guy him self..  See this thread you all


Should explain everything.

Wow! Just hope hes as tough negotiating with sponsors!  That said, I think FPATT and this site will have amore convivial relationship in the future. As far as I'm concerned, you guys are the real support behind the warriors, and the only people who get the big picture and really care about what happens. As compensation, I am willing to let you take pictures of my shoes, anytime free of charge lol.

 ;D Thanks dude..  :D

Good stuff!! And as usual excellent interview from our boy Flex!!  :thumbsup:

Btw I managed to get the other Kelvin to sign my Soca Warriors jersery which I purshased at the Charity fundrasier event in Hackney, London.

Wonder how much this Kevin from the FPATT will charge me to put his signature as well as he seems to be a Soca Warrior too!!!! :D :D :D

Socapro, you can have my signature for free, but it will only devalue the shirt! As for Mr Ayres, well maybe the guy put on the display last year as a business venture. Can't see a problem with that. I do think it wasn't a particularly good business move to charge people for photographs, but thats his decision.
I will say, in his defence, that he hasn't made a penny out of his involvement with FPATT, in fact I know that it has cost him some dollars, and I don't get the impression that hes a rich man. My only knowledge of Alison is my dealings with him over the last few months, so I have no knowledge of past events, although I am aware he was involved in marketing with Joe Public. I also know he has a working relationship with some of the Warriors, who seem to trust and respect him.

There have been a coupleof posts concerning things that have happened in the past, particularly with Dexter Skeene and the ProLeague. I haven't heard him or Alison Ayres criticise socawarriors.net. I know you cannot erase past events, and I understand you guys being wary of some people, but this is hopefully a turning point in T&T football, so maybe we should all start again with a clean sheet?

At least this way we can all find out where we stand pretty quickly.

(I bet I get a backlash for this post!)

Football / Re: Kevin Harrison give us his views & attitudes on FPATT.
« on: June 05, 2007, 04:29:47 PM »
Good article Flexos..

Interesting that this Alison Ayres fellah heavily involved.

Hey oconnorg, that Alison Ayres fellah that Kevin mentioned in the interview wasn't he the guy who wanted to charge you guys for taking pictures of Latapy boots last year.. !!

Life is so funny...  ;)

Yup thats the guy him self..  See this thread you all


Should explain everything.

Wow! Just hope hes as tough negotiating with sponsors!  That said, I think FPATT and this site will have amore convivial relationship in the future. As far as I'm concerned, you guys are the real support behind the warriors, and the only people who get the big picture and really care about what happens. As compensation, I am willing to let you take pictures of my shoes, anytime free of charge lol.

Football / Re: Does Jamaica have a Football Forum like this?
« on: June 05, 2007, 11:13:17 AM »
I gotta come to Jamaica2099's rescue here. Maybe the forum here is better, but check the differences between the federations sites. Check the list of sponsors, man, TTFF only got TWO!!

So the final result is 

Best Fan site  =  Soca Warriors

Better organised, business- like federation = Reggae Boyz

Football / Re: Kevin Harrison give us his views & attitudes on FPATT.
« on: June 05, 2007, 04:17:20 AM »
The FPATT will need money but the question is how ?

 As the man says PFA is 100yrs old and probably went through the wars to get where they are now.
TTFF as the "employer" will resist this with every sinew they have, that being said I hope the players don't have to go through the trials and tribulations that every other union in this country had to go through.

 What will be the objectives of this union apart from the obvious, salary negs etc.

1. pension plans
2. Legal advice (player contracts etc)
3. Insurance
4. Financial advice (savings, investments)
5. Scholarships

Are these part of the plans ? If they are , lots of money and planning is required, because yuh sure ent getting any from Jack.

You're absolutely correct Fishs. However, we do have good examples to follow. We are building a business, effectively, so everything should be costed before implementation. Things like pensions will not be free. So, how much canplayers afford to make it worth while to them.
We realise that nothing can be achieved without first making the ProLeague stronger. This is why its so important that we have a good relationship with them. I have the experienceof seeing English football develop. When I was young, we stood in decrepit stadia, in an almost totally male adult environment, afraid to wear our teams shirts in case of attack. Now,even our lower tier stadiums are of good quality. The matchday experience has been completely overhauled. Marketing is efficient, lucrative and paramount to survival.

I would bring my experience to the ProLeague with a view to increasing attendances, improve the standard of football and making more money. Then we can implement the programmes you have mentioned. Legal advice is already available through FPATT. Scholarships are the most important on your list, as we need to ensure youngsters receive education while they develop their game.

I will be attending as FPATT representative. If anybody would like to have a chat, feel welcome to approach me, I'll be wearing an FPATT funday t shirt. I will also be able to take details of any soldiers looking to help the fight, and discuss any ideas you may have.

Looking forward to liming with you guys (I'll bring some plasters lol)

Football / Re: Minister Boynes meets TTFF, then FPATT
« on: June 05, 2007, 03:01:03 AM »
Good evening, forum. I hope you don't mind me posting the occasional note here.

Let me start with a newsflash!! I just got a call from Alison Ayres, an FPATT representative in Trinidad. Minister Boynes met with TTFF reps this morning. He then had a meeting with FPATT members.

This is a major step forward, as, even though the groups were not in the same room, TTFF have officially recognised FPATT.

Also, the fact that there is now dialogue, gives us all hope.

I hope that even if the financial dispute cannot be settled quickly, at least the blacklist could be listed. This is what we all want-to see the best possible Trinidad & Tobago team. It may be too late for the Gold Cup, but World Cup qualification starts in 8 months, so lets hope we see the best of the Warriors take the field alongside the best of the so called baby warriors.

I saw a post on here that said I was attacking Jack Warner. That is not the case per se, I am angry with his lack of respect for what the players are trying to achieve for the benefit of all involved in T&T football. I just think Mr Warner should seperate out the issues, which I know he is capable of as he's a great administrator. His personal feelings should not get in the way of his position as Concacaf president and FIFA vice president.

Can I also just say thank you to all those that have voiced their support for FPATT, when we have been guilty of not providing information quickly enough. It has been incredibly difficult to conduct this launch across two continents , and you have to remmember that none of us have been involved in anything like this before.

Finally, can I say what a great country you have. I spent time on both islands and every single person I met was friendly and supportive. I only wish I had time to get tanned! I can't wait to come back out and lime with you guys. (Boy, am I glad Greenland didn't approach me first!) I really believe in this union and want to take an active part in the development of football in Trinidad & Tobago, and yes, if we can get some money rolling in, of course I would like to be paid for my work. However, it will be the local players who decide what I'm worth, if anything. I'm not here to take money from T&T football, but to add value. I look forward to your comments (I hope you don't all kick my ass in one go!)

Thanks for the post, it would be nice to know your identity. Good luck and lets hope this great mess gets handled soon.

Sorry, Kevin Harrison, FPATT Special Adviser.

Football / Re: Kevin Harrison give us his views & attitudes on FPATT.
« on: June 04, 2007, 08:31:48 PM »
Just remember Flex have/had a BIG part to do with FPATT as any or most of them did. I just hope he gets the recognition or compensation he rightfully deserve one day. His site has been a stepping stone for all of T&T football or what ever surrounds it including Warrior Nation. Like all the members of the TTFF staff got money from the government I hope Flex gets his share one day as he has helped freely without malice for a long time. The small man they will always walk over. Just ask Jack.

Boss interview and Kevin seems very genuine....


Wonder how Kevin's meet with Dexter Skeene was a man who thinks he shit gold and not like working with anyone especially this site. That pro league website will go down one day because is only bad minded people running it. Jack Warner junior Dexter Skeene.

Thanks for the interview Kevin. How do we go about joining FPATT.

You can't actually join FPATT as its a union for professional footballers...unless, of course, you are one!

However, we need as much help as possible. Call alison Ayres on 1-868-715-8731  I know this is the international number, but I know you can work it out! Please remmember its early days for us and we need helpers to help us and give us ideas. I hope you call.

Football / Re: Kevin Harrison give us his views & attitudes on FPATT.
« on: June 04, 2007, 08:15:56 PM »
Just remember Flex have/had a BIG part to do with FPATT as any or most of them did. I just hope he gets the recognition or compensation he rightfully deserve one day. His site has been a stepping stone for all of T&T football or what ever surrounds it including Warrior Nation. Like all the members of the TTFF staff got money from the government I hope Flex gets his share one day as he has helped freely without malice for a long time. The small man they will always walk over. Just ask Jack.

Boss interview and Kevin seems very genuine....


Wonder how Kevin's meet with Dexter Skeene was a man who thinks he shit gold and not like working with anyone especially this site. That pro league website will go down one day because is only bad minded people running it.

Thanks for the interview Kevin. How do we go about joining FPATT.

Star Child, I can only speak as I find. The players seem to respect Skeene and I found him positive and passionate about developing football in T&T at all levels. His main desire is to see improvements in Youth Development, Education for players and player protection, which is why he welcomes FPATT. Only time will tell.
I don't know if there is history between this site and Skeene, but he seemed keen to involve supporters, though he didn't mention this site by name.

Football / Minister Boynes meets TTFF, then FPATT.
« on: June 04, 2007, 08:09:45 PM »
Minister Boynes meets TTFF, then FPATT.

Good evening, forum. I hope you don't mind me posting the occasional note here.

Let me start with a newsflash!! I just got a call from Alison Ayres, an FPATT representative in Trinidad. Minister Boynes met with TTFF reps this morning. He then had a meeting with FPATT members.

This is a major step forward, as, even though the groups were not in the same room, TTFF have officially recognised FPATT.

Also, the fact that there is now dialogue, gives us all hope.

I hope that even if the financial dispute cannot be settled quickly, at least the blacklist could be listed. This is what we all want-to see the best possible Trinidad & Tobago team. It may be too late for the Gold Cup, but World Cup qualification starts in 8 months, so lets hope we see the best of the Warriors take the field alongside the best of the so called baby warriors.

I saw a post on here that said I was attacking Jack Warner. That is not the case per se, I am angry with his lack of respect for what the players are trying to achieve for the benefit of all involved in T&T football. I just think Mr Warner should seperate out the issues, which I know he is capable of as he's a great administrator. His personal feelings should not get in the way of his position as Concacaf president and FIFA vice president.

Can I also just say thank you to all those that have voiced their support for FPATT, when we have been guilty of not providing information quickly enough. It has been incredibly difficult to conduct this launch across two continents , and you have to remmember that none of us have been involved in anything like this before.

Finally, can I say what a great country you have. I spent time on both islands and every single person I met was friendly and supportive. I only wish I had time to get tanned! I can't wait to come back out and lime with you guys. (Boy, am I glad Greenland didn't approach me first!) I really believe in this union and want to take an active part in the development of football in Trinidad & Tobago, and yes, if we can get some money rolling in, of course I would like to be paid for my work. However, it will be the local players who decide what I'm worth, if anything. I'm not here to take money from T&T football, but to add value. I look forward to your comments (I hope you don't all kick my ass in one go!)

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