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Messages - Trini Babe

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: older men?!?
« on: August 18, 2006, 02:54:54 PM »
awwww younger guys don't feel bad. Some girls go for younger guys. Wanna know why cause they mature for their age. Hint! Hint! lol.   

General Discussion / Re: strangest trini nicknames
« on: August 18, 2006, 01:56:07 PM »
interesting names lol.......Well I used to call my boy cousin bibi and another one boy boy. Them names stick up to now lol and they in their teens now lol.  :rotfl:

Football / Re: Birchall....very good play today
« on: June 21, 2006, 09:01:32 AM »
Thanks for keeping the Soca Warriors alive Chris. Lots of potential. You're going to go far.

Football / Re: Who do we Trinidad and Tobago people support NOW?
« on: June 21, 2006, 08:49:49 AM »
I want England to win but I feel Germany getting this prize. It would be nice if an underdog team like Ghana take it too.

Football / Re: Fellas ah just here this
« on: June 20, 2006, 12:18:32 PM »
They real over doing it its the worst officiating i've seen in a while

I second that.
I hope Fifa gives the refs a serious review after this.


Don't think so......... I believe England winning against Sweden. Foreign Press not going to let them get
off so easy. The English fans too. If you can't win against Sweden what chance you have with Germany, Ecaudor, Brazil, Argentina and the rest.   

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Paraguay game.
« on: June 20, 2006, 11:23:46 AM »
Attack and defend Warriors. Live up to your name. We want a win.

We moving to the 2nd rounds. Sweden make room...... T&T Soca Warriors coming. Get out of the way.

Have faith guys England not going to lose this match. I know their coach resting the guys with yellow cards but its the World Cup and the subs going to perform. Sweden losing they not even getting a draw.   

Wayne Rooney we want GOAL.

T&T Soca Warriors 2 Paraguay 0

aww..sweet CONGRATS!

Probably she want her man looking to her eyes as he says the words.

Football / Re: Allyuh God Beenhakker Mess We Up
« on: June 17, 2006, 10:48:01 AM »
Latapy coming on in Paraguay. He's more an attacker than a defender. Thats my opinion on why he didn't play as yet. I feel Beenhakker will bring him on in a full attack on Paraguay. 

Beenhakker hates to loose so that might be his strategy. The Soca Warriors played more as defenders in the games with Sweden and England. Paraguay is a different stratergy. We need control of that ball more than anything. We need to score GOAL GOAL GOAL.


2006 World Cup - Germany / Re: Birchall Rules Out England's Glory
« on: June 17, 2006, 10:34:24 AM »
Germany looking quite good too. England have Rooney and the young starlet is impressive...... and even though he's the best thing in that team..........they need some magic tricks to even come close to winning.

Lets hope they at least give Sweden a licking come Tuesday.

Rooney score GOAL against Sweeden Tuesday.


Football / Re: Who gets de prize for "most improved Soca Warrior"
« on: June 17, 2006, 09:57:29 AM »
Brent Sancho..........Big teams going to be vying for him in the near future.

All the Soca Warriors seem to improve their game.

Paraguay wouldn't know what hit them when the Soca Warriors put on an all out attack.


Football / Re: Is it just me or was Birchall invisible?
« on: June 16, 2006, 05:27:50 PM »
Just adding a lil humour........didn't you see the lol..... laughing out loud. Yea I know we are a multi cultural society and real happy about that.

Football / Re: Is it just me or was Birchall invisible?
« on: June 16, 2006, 03:47:55 PM »
Is just you lol. Chris played well. All of the Soca Warriors did. Chris played great........against his own home
team Chris played all out for us. He fought and tried to score for us.
I know he's white and all lol but seriously he showed true team spirit there. 
You couldn't have been watching the same game if you didn't see him fighting in true Warrior spirit against his own heroes I might add.

Chris we want you to score GOAL against paraguay babe.
Score one for tyhe Soca Warriors.     

Football / Re: Now the haters saying our group is WEAK
« on: June 16, 2006, 03:37:06 PM »
Hey guys,
What's our standing now in the group of 32 in the World Cup. I know we were 16 but since we played a good fight and lost sadly to England. What position are we in now?
Where is Sweden also?   

Much appreciated.

Football / Re: Biased Ref?
« on: June 16, 2006, 03:28:04 PM »
Definately Biased ref! The Smaller teams real seeing stress with those refs pulling out yellow card. That yellow card against Shaka.........What was he really thinking.........time wasting come on. Did'nt he see how long Bekham take with the ball or what.

Hope not.........Don't think so. England and Sweden squared off many times........ I think they will want to drive home a win against Sweden.  Either way England losing. They not playing at their full strength. Is licks either way.  :rotfl:
Wayne Rooney fabulous. I love the guy but he cannot hold England alone. They got a fine leader in David Bekham but they don't really play as a team........more like individuals. 
They all want their own glory. My two cents anyway.

Football / Re: I believe. DO YOU?
« on: June 16, 2006, 02:56:43 PM »
YES! I believe.
Leo Beenhakker going to have our Soca Warriors come out full force against Paraguay.

GOAL!GOAL!GOAL! We sure to win.
2nd rounds get ready for an opening. Soca Warriors coming.  You done know! ;)

Football / Re: Now the haters saying our group is WEAK
« on: June 16, 2006, 02:50:42 PM »
 :rotfl: Not true. Jamaica got it backwards. Where the support for your Caribbean people?  Our Soca Warriors are doing us proud by competing on this World Cup stage. This is the Soca Warriors first ever appearance at the World Cup. After this not only Trinidadians but the world will remember our tiny country and the courage and discipline and team performance of our Soca Warriors.   
Those boys even though the Soca Warriors lost 2 goals to England played a damn fine game to keep England sweating so.

We going to win that game with Paraguay and advance with England to the second rounds.

Thats a mighty accomplishment.   

2006 World Cup - Germany / Re: Thread for the T&T vs England game.
« on: June 14, 2006, 03:58:06 PM »
Soca Warriors playing with heart and soul and every thing they got tomorrow. Time to show England a small nation with worldwide support can bring the Giants to their knees.

Soca Warriors you still have the edge.............pull some moves that they go blink twice and score GOAL.


Lots of love lots of luck.
God is a Trini and he with you.


Football / Re: Bahraini Press & T&T
« on: June 14, 2006, 03:29:12 PM »
Thanks Bahrain for supporting our Soca Warriors. Very eloquent expression there. Your words made me think about 'THE STORY OF THE LION AND THE MOUSE'.
Foreign Press could probably learn a thing or two from you guys in Journalism.   ;)


2006 World Cup - Germany / Re: What the media say Birchall say
« on: June 13, 2006, 02:12:09 PM »
We all know the media like stirring the pot. I agree with Chris........ Yea he is playing for the Soca Warriors and I have a strong feeling he reallly going to score GOAL against England. He just covering in front so he would still be in good steed with folks from England. Chris plays with heart and with the Soca Warriors game against Sweden Chris was all over the field. He's an amazing member of the Soca Warriors.

He says he wouldn't hype it up too much........... that I respect....I agree with those on the forum who says that by respecting England even though it would be one of the proudest moments in his life..... he shows he is A WORLD CLASS ATHLETE by not rubbing it in their faces.  ;)

Chris we're expecting great things from you babe. Goal! ;)     

General Discussion / Re: Just Registered.
« on: June 12, 2006, 02:12:10 PM »
lol......thanks all for the welcome.

Yea chick......We reach and we plan on staying...... World Cup 2006 you gonna remember the Soca Warriors.

They are the best thing. They play with heart, soul and love of the game.

Gotta love that.  :)


Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Sweden Game.
« on: June 10, 2006, 02:18:42 PM »
Shaka........Man of the Match for sure...........He real prevent Sweden from some sweet goals in the nick of time.

We had a bet on what the scores would be.......... I said draw Soca Warriors 1 Sweden 1 ......... no one ever thought nil nil....... Soca Warriors you're real warriors indeed...........Fight to defend! You made us proud.

England Beware!  ;)

« on: June 10, 2006, 01:57:46 PM »
Oh my........ CONGRATS TEAM......... Soca Warriors.......... you real good. Shaka Hislop you're the man  ;)

You have them Swedens sweating frustration.

Congrats team........ Real team spirit there.

General Discussion / Re: Just Registered.
« on: June 10, 2006, 01:48:59 PM »
Thanks morvantman....... Save some blessings for the Soca Warriors lol ......... We need them to prove the under dogs could do Massive Destruction to the European teams.  ;)

I think they get a eye opener today.

HaHa......... England you're next....... We taking you down baby!

General Discussion / Re: Just Registered.
« on: June 10, 2006, 07:37:31 AM »
Thanks for D welcome

Soca Warriors you on the world stage.......... Time to show what you got.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: WTF- well we really reach
« on: June 09, 2006, 06:16:40 PM »
You know how trinis are........ he wouldn't be able to live that down.  ::)

Thankfully we have the Soca Warriors representing us so the world can see

We got talented people here....... Soca Warriors make your mark.

T&T behind you 100% 

Trini Babe

General Discussion / Just Registered.
« on: June 09, 2006, 02:52:38 PM »
Hey guys,

I am your newest member. I just love the site. 

Amazing site. Love the support the Soca Warriors recieving in Germany.

Babyangel.  :) 

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