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Football / Re: Ride on doc, sleep well!
« on: March 19, 2022, 05:01:38 PM »
yeah brothers. david was a good one. rest well my friend.

Football / Catching up with my old time forum members.
« on: September 25, 2020, 07:37:25 AM »
oye sw forum

It’s been loooong fcking time. anyhow allyuh carry on. i in de shadow sketching up on the bacchanal on here.

Football / Re: Thread for T&T vs Honduras Games (10-Oct & 17-Nov-2019)
« on: October 11, 2019, 01:19:35 PM »
Ooooooooye fellahs

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: 2016 Panorama
« on: January 05, 2016, 03:10:26 PM »
ah hear de arrangement...it go.... fast into...first interpr... BRAM! BRAM! run...base run...2nd interpr...bram...run...pa-dam.

Football / Re: Heard coops pass away today.
« on: August 17, 2014, 03:54:06 PM »
now his watch is over. rip coops. condolences to the family.

Football / Re: CHELSEA FOREVER! - Home of the Champions!
« on: July 29, 2012, 12:16:17 PM »

real good phone yuh ha dey tuh get dem pichars sah.

Football / Re: Player Exodus to China
« on: July 23, 2012, 07:26:17 AM »
and I repeat..."allyuh doh like nobody nah"

Football / Re: CHELSEA FOREVER! - Home of the Champions!
« on: June 13, 2012, 10:43:37 AM »
RDM to be named manager later in the week......back to work, Chelsea!

its official with a 2yr contract

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: June 05, 2012, 10:56:05 PM »
hafman cry like ah bbbb-aitch. gran entrance went tuh de horse doh
I kinda disappointed actually... finale was dry.  Best parts was Theon giving he best St. Crispin's Day speech... until somebody hit him ah 2x4 in de back ah he head.  What ent make sense tuh me is why Rob's men (who supposedly was surrounding Winterfell) eh prevent de Iron islanders from sacking the place.  Or was it all a ruse by Theon's men to end de charade and go home?

I cyah wait tuh hear de explanation fuh how de Whitewalkers and dem come tuh be... or why pardna couldna find ah better hiding place. 

I also hope Sansa only playing dead tuh ketch corbeaux... because she real irritating sometimes with she fealty talk.

pardnah had tuh be able tuh run in order tuh fine ah better place. yuh didden check he form wen he fuss see dem. it had fall written all ova it. ;D

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: June 04, 2012, 02:06:07 PM »
hafman cry like ah bbbb-aitch. gran entrance went tuh de horse doh

it have so much blame tuh go round it eh funny. de committee - kyah wait until de year of the carnival tuh look for money. some ah dem businesses on ga ave dat losing out dis rounds good for dem. especially the businesses where the parades passes. wen is time contribute, yuh better orf asking dem panhandlers for some small change than getting it from de. in conversations i had with couple trini police, is dat some of the police eh really care for the jumpup....over time or no overtime. as far as baltimore is concern in all the years i going dey it never had ah incident. de parade route is ah challenge buh say wha. as far as i know dc had two incidents, last year which had nothing to do with the carnival.....and some years ago wen de fellah decide tuh cross beneath ah truck and get injured den had de balls tuh sue de carnival people and de band.

Football / Re: 2012 International Friendlies.
« on: May 31, 2012, 11:22:40 AM »
Fed-Ex field is the perfoct football stadium. If only it had a metro close by.
ah like RFK better.... ;D

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: May 29, 2012, 12:52:26 PM »
hafman kyah get de fighting till de bitter end  in tac nah! man get anneddah knock oui. at least dis time he get tuh chop orf ah man leg and crack open dey chess before he get cut and passout. hafman hafman hafman

Football / Re: John Terry Thread.
« on: May 23, 2012, 08:06:13 AM »
In John Terry’s world ther is only John Terry.

The golden rule with Terry is that it have no such thing as shame. If Terry had any he woulda step up and say “cool it fellas” when the club was petitioning to have him walk up the steps. Instead he put on full kit and run up there like he now finish sweat.

yeah Terry is ah imps ah real forking imps at times.... buh in all fairness he wasn't the only one of the suspended players to have on full kit. he may have worn the kit, he may have gotten a chance tuh lif de trofee.....but what he didden get was an opportunity to play in de game, which probably huttin him more than anything.

Football / Re: CHELSEA FOREVER! - Home of the Champions!
« on: May 22, 2012, 10:48:34 AM »
What do Chelsea fans feel about Anelka missing out on this trophy?

he miss out. buh say wha... is not like he doh have one

steupes!..... since the Barcelona game de Blues playing dah kinda brand.... allyuh had tuh be MAD tuh expect a different approach. Barca eh use dey chances....Bayen eh use yuh chances worst yet dey couldnt even score dey penalties. Chelsea did. so take dat in allyuh PWEFFEN! an ah singing Camepeones Campeones Ole ole OLEEEE, Campeones Campeones Ole OLE oooooole. ;D ;D ;D ......

allyuh boddering with Palos.  :heehee:

Football / Re: Neymar da Silva Santos
« on: May 16, 2012, 05:48:28 PM »
Deeks I eh think anyone saying "better,"   teams more organized, less space, etc etc. The South American football is very exciting and open, I love the Argentinian league myself. The last three years the Brazilian league has stepped up (use to be slow paced, and peppered with fouls).

with de kinda beat that does sharing in dah league yuh kyah fault dem man for fouling nah! and worst yet when beat share de crowd does go orf like ah Trini crowd. OOOOOgooud look at beeeeeeeat.  :)

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: May 14, 2012, 07:29:12 AM »
not a good night for the House Stark.  :flamethrower:

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: May 02, 2012, 08:56:22 AM »
have nothing to do with 'looks".. juss RUFF! We trading cuff while stories going orn.

1 o'clock in the morning never hit allyuh with ah bad 'itch".. that hr ah the morning and pretty or ugly doh count nah. so doh act like if allyuh never hit ah scarecrow!

doh remind yuh ah some ah dem people dat was in and around de hotel in 06....some hard cuff tuh eedah waist should sorfen she up fuh de kill.

Football / Re: T&T combine coming to Brooklyn.
« on: May 02, 2012, 08:48:49 AM »
Ah plan on goin this on Sunday, anyone want to meet let me know.

doh forking try dat!
is going yuh say yuh going? jes make sure and chek de tire pressha, brake fluid, oil, transmission fluids and de battreee eh boss! ;D ;D

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: April 25, 2012, 10:19:09 AM »
Wha'm nobody watch "Garden of Bones"?

...dancehall nice again  :D

dat scene with de soldier gettin he foot saw...not chop but saw orf was cringing. and witchy poo giving birth bring another dimenshun to de bacchanal. kyah not mention that boy king is ah real saddis.


you summarise it for me yes.

Yute King is a sick bitch in trute. Ah sorry for he mudder becz she love she son too bad but he is a waste of incesteous break.

And what de hell come out of dat woman legs. No, you don't have to answer me, I eh read de book and I cool waiting to find out.


VB, look like she release ah beast. I have attended "events" where "women" show great muscle control and puff ah cigarette...but de kinda smoke she let out dey was ah bess. All boy king was saying to de baddess was harder, harder.... ;D

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: April 24, 2012, 10:42:59 AM »
Wha'm nobody watch "Garden of Bones"?

...dancehall nice again  :D

dat scene with de soldier gettin he foot saw...not chop but saw orf was cringing. and witchy poo giving birth bring another dimenshun to de bacchanal. kyah not mention that boy king is ah real saddis.

Football / Re: Palos outta de hospital...
« on: April 20, 2012, 12:48:08 PM »
speedy recovery boss
The lengths this man will go through to check a ting, in this case a nurse  ;D

Hope all is well

and probably eh wash he han' yet. poor nurse. my pardnah eh! .... :) :) :)

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: April 16, 2012, 12:11:31 PM »
the last 2 episodes real slow boi. mr have that young perky miss and he want she brother.. lawd put ah hand.

ENT! nah man ah find they real building up the different war machines for the coming tempo.... AND dats ah big WOMAN

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: April 09, 2012, 11:09:25 AM »
like de white walkers 'yammin' dong de boys.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: April 01, 2012, 08:38:21 PM »
nice start. dey jump een one time. de Queen real f**kup lil finger....all she didden say was April Fools. :rotfl: ....and is real pressha from de REAL Saddis marridin' and breedin' he chirren.

machel is a homo he jes frnting wid dat gal.. dais all..


ways....lol   I hear Machel like man too, how you know dais true?
anyman wid nipple ring is a facking homo.... 


Hahahahaahah :rotfl: :beermug:

so wha yuh saying is dat Santana is ah homo too.  :heehee:

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