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Messages - breezers

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Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Curaçao Game (5-Jun-2015)
« on: June 04, 2015, 09:13:28 PM »
With Kluivert on board a lot of Dutch league players committed to the cause now....so look how teams go cyar sleep on curaçao again.

Curaçao Squad:

Germaine Agustien (Brighton & Hove Albion)
Roly Bonevacia (Wellington Phoenix)
Shanon Carmelia (NEC)
Elson Hooi (Viborg FF on loan from NAC Breda)
Luidjino Hoyer
Gino van Kessel (AS Trenčín)
Darryl Lachman (FC Twente)
Gianlucca Maria (RKC Waalwijk)
Michaël Maria (VfL Bochum)
Rhu-Endly Martina (FC Twente)
Quenten Martinus (FC Botoșani)
Shelton Martis (Osotspa Saraburi)
Vidarell Merencia
Rihairo Meulens (Rapid București)
Dustly Mulder (Apollon Limassol)
Gevaro Nepomuceno (Petrolul Ploiești)
Jeremy de Nooijer (Sparta Rotterdam)
Zeus de la Paz (GK) (Jong PSV)
Prince Rajcomar (BEC Tero Sasana)
Jonathan Richard
Eloy Room (Vitesse Arnhem)
Rowendy Sumter (GK)
Charlton Vicento (Helmond Sport)
Jason Wall (RKTVV Tilburg)
Felitciano Zschusschen (FC Twente)

Football / Re: 2014 Toyota Classic Thread.
« on: November 23, 2014, 05:10:15 PM »
Any scores?

Football / Re: Marvin Phillips baby passed away today..
« on: June 07, 2014, 10:01:14 PM »
Condolences to both Marvin and Lesley-Ann and their families from my family#Gutted#Speechless#BlessedLove!

I'm seeing 1-1 ppl.....any confirmation?.?.?

1-0 halftime

1-0 Warriors min 20th....

Seems like is 1-1 now tho....
So where yuh getting game updates from?

Following d game using ah app call 365 Scores...dey had 1-1 as d score fuh ah few mins....den dey change it back to 1-0 to us....so seekin confirmation...

Seems like is 1-1 now tho....

Any confirmation????

Football / Re: RIVALS Thread: Central FC vs Point Fortin (22-Oct-13).
« on: October 22, 2013, 07:15:16 PM »
Central leading Point 1-0 at halftime on a Rundell Winchester goal.

Let's go civic!

SN: Winchester like he on he way to being in Diego Costa like form...best of luck youngster!

If I'm not mistaking, all 3 goal-scorers (Bartholomew, Toussaint and Joseph) for Point Fortin Civic FC were born in Point?

Yup and the majority of players on the roster as well.

Football / Re: Cyrus on trial at Genk following Beenhakker’s tip
« on: August 25, 2013, 09:36:38 AM »
All d best youngster!

Football / Re: La Liga Season 2011-2012
« on: January 18, 2012, 05:33:58 PM »
Mourinho have that side playing real stink. They damaging the brand. A big club shouldn't be getting on so.

Yup! Fuh madrid tuh beat barca dey hav tuh re-invent deyself and dat means tellin HM thanks and his efforts is no longer needed! He hav no cure fuh barca....right tru he tryin tuh stifle d middle wid wild men wid lots of brawn and no brain and rapist's touch. He philosophy will neva work against barca...if he come tuh play ball he would get ah much better result...cyar leave Kaka on yuh bench and wanna win....dais jus playin into we hands. Yuh feel puyol by pique by daniel by abidal wanna defend kaka....hell no! Dais d type ah relentless players HM hatta roll with to beat barca...come tuh play! So cuz of he stubbornish....madrid would continue tuh pay dearly...he dependin on too much ah shithounds! lol. OH how we love tuh play in we home away from home!

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Guyana Game (11-Nov-11).
« on: November 11, 2011, 07:45:22 PM »

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Guyana Game (11-Nov-11).
« on: November 11, 2011, 07:41:28 PM »
 :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing


 :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing: :cursing

Football / Re: fcb cup final
« on: October 14, 2011, 09:33:58 PM »
Ah hear Caledonia win, but I eh know de score.


Sylvester Teesdale open d scorin fuh T&TEC in d 1st half...den Kareem Young equalized in 1st half. So its was 1-1 at d half. Afterwards Caledonia got a penalty in which i think it was Young again who converted it fuh d 2-1 win. Overall both teams played ok at times..knockin d ball about d park..both teams made silly mistakes at times but i'd say dat T&TEC played d better game. However, congratz AIA!

Football / Re: Pfister resumes training, Leon off to Vietnam.
« on: October 14, 2011, 09:03:40 PM »
no disrespect everybody wanna play in england, spain, italy, belgium, holland, scotland, portugal, US etc but as ah player if yuh been  waitin fuh dem same opportunity and time passin and it eh comin and clubs in indonesia, japan and lebanon wanna give yuh contract...wuh yuh wuh ah fella tuh do??

Get a different agent.
At least in Hector's and Tinto's cases.  This qualifying series should give them good exposure in the region.

easier said dan done or else so woulda been d case...so until somebody else (agents) step up and lend dey expertise and services..ah guess it is wad it is...so man go do wuh dey think dey gotta do!

So these fellas so good that all they missing is ah good agent.  :thinking:

And yes Elan Hector in particular is a diamond in d dirt fuh any agent/club

Football / Re: Pfister resumes training, Leon off to Vietnam.
« on: October 14, 2011, 07:46:18 PM »
If anybody believe that Vietnam League will help make Clyde Leon a better player, I have a igloo in sea lots to sell allyuh.

Basically, this is an opportunity fuh Leon to be "in foreign".  It eh matter where "in foreign", just as long as is "foreign".

IMO, speaks more to a larger societal issue rather than a footballing issue.  Maybe Leon simply doh like having to be home by 11.

Anyway, Pfister have no control over this.  Youths (and Leon eh no youth) see football as an avenue to get off de island.  And de clubs will make a deal wit de devil himself if dey could make a $$.

But is not jes Leon.  Is a player like Hughton Hector too who have so much to offer.  It frustrating but it is what it is.  Next match against Guyana it likely that neither Hector nor Jorsling will be available.  Real vy-kee-vy ting.

Yuh think David John Williams easy, he want to make back de money he invest in players at any cost.

Leon could go, but Hector, nah boy, them men head not straight.

I am sure Hector could play in Belgium or Holland right now.

And ah wonder why Leon after signing a contract for 2 years in Colombia just done aways with de club ?

1st off yes d owners dem all bout d $$$$$..cuz in all fairness sellin players is d only way tuh sustain financial stability fuh clubs..so yes dem owners would pretty much do anything which is sad...sometimes even over pricin fuh players which in turn cause some foreign clubs to lose interest in players and pull out at d expense of d player involve..deprivin dem of d chance to go abroad and ply dey trade smh.

On the other hand..players do have ah say in d matter as to if dey wanna explore d option or not..so is not like d club owners holdin ah gun tuh dey players head and sayin "yuh hatta go!" With dat being said...most players locally would jump at d chance tuh go abroad doh matter way d opportunity is cuz yes is ah form of progression in dey professional profession..so yes man go be willin tuh go India and Vietnam. Cuz peep dis...is nutttin new man was always plyin dey trade in "outta timin" places...no disrespect everybody wanna play in england, spain, italy, belgium, holland, scotland, portugal, US etc but as ah player if yuh been  waitin fuh dem same opportunity and time passin and it eh comin and clubs in indonesia, japan and lebanon wanna give yuh contract...wuh yuh wuh ah fella tuh do?? Especially if dey payin in US..so ah fella go take ah chance and grind it out fuh d betterment of heself and he family! Is all bout d pursuit of happiness (via more $$$) and plyin yuh trade in unfamiliar places comes with d profession...so dais jus part of d territory! Ent Eto'o did it...who thought he woulda leave milan fuh russia and look where in russia too??? So truss meh...dem fellas (Leon/Hector) have dey head on..is jus there's no better option on d table....and please doh think dat stayin in d pro league is d better option cuz 95% (if not 100%) of d times it's not from ah footballin POV dat is...we all kno dat livin wise dere's no place like home!

Football / Re: D Touches Match Report TT vs Bdos
« on: October 12, 2011, 10:13:16 AM »
Man score a hat trick and only get an 8? Allyuh rough out here boy. If it was England, man calling him the next Pele.

lol yea is like d Apollo Marcos....if yuh make it here yuh cud make it anywhere lol

Football / Re: D Touches Match Report TT vs Bdos
« on: October 12, 2011, 10:06:44 AM »
preciate d report touches and dwolfman....blessings flow!!  :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:

Football / Re: Small Mag observations T&T vs Barbados
« on: October 12, 2011, 09:16:47 AM »
Politics is playing a part in team selection. Hughton Hector should have started as he has demonstrated that he is of greater technical ability than most on the team a while now. Stern is overweight and past his best, we need to give the younger strikers a chance, I would love to see Toussaint in this team. Hyland was hugely disappointing in the first half....much better in the 2nd. Guilty of giving away the ball too much. Power made his entry into the national setup a few years ago as a clumsy rightback...now he is in the centre, I heard he improved but not impressed with him at all today. He is good in the air though. Julius James had a decent game, Molino was ok,expect more from him in time to come. Tinto was busy and he and Hector changed the game and added creativity and threat.

Overall , poor 1st half, Pretty decent 2nd half.

Man of the match for me was Peltier with honourable mention to Hector for his 2nd half.

When Birchall comes back for me he slots right in and either molino or Hyland is dropped. Carlos for Akeem Adams, Kenwyne for Stern.

Bermuda and guyana drew 1 all...

Observation: We looked much more compact in the 2nd half playing 4-3-3...less exposed in the back and Hyland looked great as the sitter in midfield. Also allowed more space for the wingbacks to get forward...Telesford looked good on the overlap, was not picked out when he made them though. He is a good utility player with a role to play...
Breds, hector is ah super sub, and every team needs these kind of players, ah man who is better than most of the team , but yet the coach uses him sparingly, and when he does play he produces, now that's the beauty and wonder of ah super sub

I understand wuh yuh sayin Jus Cool and yes coaches do dat with players using dem as a "trump card" and yes every team need players who cud come off d bench and give d team ah spark and yes Hector is certainly dat player. Dis may not be d best example but i'll use it anyway...Messi was dat type of player too fuh barca...being used as a 'super sub' fuh ah while and had dis continued he wudna become d player we know today. So it's all about phases...he start off wid dat super sub role and since he was lookin d part and he deserved more...he was given more responsibility and dats how he became d player we kno today. So doh get loss in d translation..ah not tryin tuh class both players and teams but IMHO Hector is we special player who deserve more cuz he worth it and he need more responsibility in order to flourish as ah player and tuh better serve he country...forget local vs foreign base d man shud be ah sure starter whilst somebody else should be groomed fuh dat super sub role. So if dat mean one of we foreign base hatta siddown....dais wuh it is fuh d betterment of d team/country! But at d end of d day d coach hatta bite d bullet fuh he decisions...so wid dat being said if he see it fit fuh Hector tuh play dat super sub role ah guess dais wuh it is...hate it or love it!

Football / Re: Ronaldinho hopes for Brazil return
« on: October 12, 2011, 08:31:12 AM »
Too many people expect to see the Ronny of old. He is no longer that type of player. However, he is turned himself into a player who can orchestrate the Brazilian attack with his pin point passes. He is developing a very good relationship with Neymar and last night he showed why Mano still believes in him

EXACTLY!! Plain and simple...dats been muh Dinho argument fuh ah while now jus it's tru....so i 1000% agree! So yes he is not dat busy body player (like neymar,and  messi etc) again...plain talk he is ah kinda lazy man but he's d best passer in d world..if not he hands down in d top 3( jus fuh argument sake)! So tuh make him effective yuh hatta surround him wid runners...so when team up wid men like neymar, by binho, by pato and reinforced wid ah kaka....hmmmm.....ppl dead! So yuh hatta let d man do he thing yes! Mano eh no fool!

Football / Re: Small Mag observations T&T vs Barbados
« on: October 11, 2011, 06:59:18 PM »
Great job SM...preciate yuh efforts!!! :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: :beermug: :beermug:

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Barbados Game (11-Oct-11).
« on: October 11, 2011, 06:46:50 PM »
dis guy ricky shakes rassss smh....dais wuh we get fuh ignorin him i guess..

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Barbados Game (11-Oct-11).
« on: October 11, 2011, 06:36:49 PM »

Football / Re: 2011 International Friendlies
« on: October 11, 2011, 06:34:48 PM »
Mexico vs Brazil will be nice clash later

dais d big game today! my game of d week! hopefully it cud live up to expectations...d samba boys vs d samba boys of concacaf!

Any live video/TV links for this game?



Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Barbados Game (11-Oct-11).
« on: October 11, 2011, 06:28:30 PM »
Bermuda 0-0 Guyana at 55'

A tie for Bermuda means they are out.

if dey win and all dey out lol.

Cuz if dey win today and when dey get dey six pts vs barbados dey total would be 12pts. We currently on 9 pts and wid a draw and win against Guyana dais 13 pts. So wid guyana stayin on 9 pts after d mention loss tuh bermuda (yuh hatta speak it den it would come into being  ;D)..then ah point from d 2 games vs TnT...dey total would be 10 pts and dat concludes d operation socawarriors tuh d hex mission!


Football / Re: 2011 International Friendlies
« on: October 11, 2011, 06:17:36 PM »
Mexico vs Brazil will be nice clash later

dais d big game today! my game of d week! hopefully it cud live up to expectations...d samba boys vs d samba boys of concacaf!

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Barbados Game (11-Oct-11).
« on: October 11, 2011, 05:47:51 PM »
Hopefully Bermuda and Guyana draw...because it looks like Bermuda may get two wins over Barbados

I want ah bermuda win!!!

A Bermuda win will be nice but that will mean that we can't even afford to draw with Guyana, we'll have to win both games (which I hope we do). I'm not trusting Barbados to do us a favor and gain points off of Bermuda.

POS      TEAM    P   W   D   L   F   A   GD   Pts
1       Guyana    3    3    0    0    6    1    5    9
2       T & T    3    2    0    1    4    2    2    6
3       Bermuda    3    1    0    2    3    4    -1    3
4       Barbados    3    0    0    3    0    6    -6    0

Judgin from d table it would be more risky if bermuda draw wid guyana yes..cuz now we would be forced tuh beat guyana in both games but if bermuda cud help we out and give guyana ah defeat both dem (guy) and us go be equal on 9pts from 4 games goin into d 2 home and away showdown...so wid dat scenario we cud afford tuh draw away and beat dem home. However if Guyana get ah point from bermuda tonite den we'll be forced tuh win both games.....so let's go bermuda!!

How about we suppose to beat Guyana twice and move to the next round.  Talk done!  From here on we play to win each game!

Well ah honestly hopin we cud handle we business and get 2 wins vs guyana but sameway i was expectin ah win on fri vs bermuda too and we see how dat play out smh. So when yuh team as volatile as we own...yuh hatta try tuh make d task as easy as possible...so if we cud get some help via divine intervention (bermuda win)...i'll take dat!!

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Barbados Game (11-Oct-11).
« on: October 11, 2011, 05:40:46 PM »
Sound like ah 4 star performance by the team! Congrats Warriors, hattrick kid Peltier, Coach Pfister and my #10 Hector!!!!!!!!!!! Keep it up!  :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:

yea hector is arguably d best player we have tuh play dat traditional #10 role....let d guy get as much playin time doin so...asap!

ah still doh see him as d traditional 10 speed skill and unpredictability allah latapy............but he doh have dat pass dat will will jus blow ah defense wide open............but what he have good for me damn good

I totally agree! He cyar match up identically wid d magician but dais wuh we have a d moment...so utilize d guy!

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