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Messages - freakazoid

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Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Paraguay Game (1-Oct-2009).
« on: October 01, 2009, 02:34:01 PM »
why is jake the fastest player in our side, the best passer and the best dribbler?

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Paraguay Game (1-Oct-2009).
« on: October 01, 2009, 02:25:27 PM »
maybe i am asking too much  but i expected  a bit more from mr gay.  hope he continues to improve

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Paraguay Game (1-Oct-2009).
« on: October 01, 2009, 02:15:04 PM »
This side gets a better coach we compete with everyone we played against so far.....something missing, the first touches off and that is causing trouble and the decision making is typically Trinidad style.

As athletes no team matches us..none!

beg to differ,  italy and egypt both  have faster players than us. Egypt's opener was due to pace and the fact that sean went like  a baby into a 50 -50 challenge.

we team need ah serious dose ah la liga,  i would really like to know what are the training drills that some la liga team use as their movement off d ball and ability to possess the ball is really out of this world

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Paraguay Game (1-Oct-2009).
« on: October 01, 2009, 04:20:13 AM »
to MY soca warriors...."Don't live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable."

"Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality."

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Paraguay Game (1-Oct-2009).
« on: October 01, 2009, 04:18:21 AM »
watch, this is my starting 11. i know we going to lose to paraguay but i want these players to get a taste of the world cup even if it's in a losing effort.

                                         fullerton (cap't)

gonzales          williams          bateau(optimus prime partner in crime)     david

thompson         molino            de silva                   joseph

                         manswell                   grosvenor


rochford for de silva just in case
clarence for grosvenor just in case
and the other goalkeeper just in case

everybody gets ah run...........

this is the kinna thinking that vexs me and we r going to weaken another generation with it. whistle n blow but yet we are going to  lose the game. why? then why should we bother to play? dont we have any pride? or some men jus dont watch enough football.

"And indeed if you think you're a genius at something, what you achieve is very much according to your expectations; if you think you're no good, you're not going to get anywhere."

Football / Re: We are encouraging slackness
« on: September 28, 2009, 07:37:52 PM »
that fact that allyuh interpreting wat i say all how is very interesting and its  kiinna mirroring   your  mentality . u all r saying cause the team  name italy we shouldnt beat them. i am not dealing with that. i am dealing with the italy team that was at this tournament (a weak team) and if u all after watching that game not disheartened that we lost but rather happy that we put up a fight  then we really on 2 different pages and we will have to agree to disagree.  the reason y our players play better for  their clubs may not be much of a mystery now that i think of it.

jus off the issue , if i say some black ppl are racist against "themself" would u say that i talking rubbish. jus curious

Football / Re: We are encouraging slackness
« on: September 28, 2009, 06:05:15 PM »

this thread is dejavu though, strange anyways.

 let mi break down 4 allyuh,  if a A+ student gets a B on a test do u congratulate and applaud them? no. u said u n do bad but i really expected better. however if    a D student gets a B u r overjoyed and u heap praises on them. the whole thing is , i viewed our team as A+ while most viewed it as D. thats it plain and simple.

after seeing italy play against paraguay i am sure we would of beaten them.  we had  the chance to and we blew it. contrast that to someone who  think italy would murder us  and didnt. we would really have totally different emotions after the game.  cant break it down further than that.

yeah and 4 those who find ah talk assness . keep it hush hush, manning  may get jealous

Football / Re: We are encouraging slackness
« on: September 28, 2009, 01:55:27 PM »
i just curious.. what is allyuh expectations?

the team fight hard, and give sweat and blood.. we compensate for our inferior skill with superior fight.

we score a disallowed goal, when the man was offside on a technicality.

we rock up dey cross bar.. we test their keeper a few times well.. we bore dem to equalize and at that point was still pushing forward.

what more it is allyuh want again?
lawd i really feel i not from here dread.   werent u one of them who was talking in disgust of the spanner hyland rest on gerrard but lost d ball or something  like that?so  we rock their post so what? thats what u all  feeling proud of?. losing a game that we should of won? inferior skill? what game u was watching. u all are seeing ITaly  and like a wild animal in a head light allyuh freeze. inferiority complex. that is a weak  weak italian side who paraguay shoulda well brush up. expect egypt to boobolize them.  
what i am gathering is the fact that u ask what was our expectations means yours for the team was very low.    i expected this team to b in contention for the 2nd rounds and i said that b4 the tournament started.  so 4 u the team is exceeding expectations 4 me they have underperformed badly.   in that case    i wouldnt  spew flith on the board anymore, after all  a mentality does not come over night.

 BE CHAMPIONS ( insert sarcasm here)

Football / Re: We are encouraging slackness
« on: September 28, 2009, 01:40:34 PM »
right on cue trin, u kiina making mi point. loser mentality. can any1 remember greece's  odds of winning the euro 2004 cup?. based on ur weak argument of probability jamaica should not be kicking usa's butt in sprints. china should be dominating football hmmmmm. based on probablity the best  neurosurgeon  or golfer  in the world should not b a blackman  as those are  non-black dominated areas. sigh,   i  dont expect us to win the whole cup thats reality but i expect  us to beat a team that we are better than.

Jamaica kicks USA's butts in the sprints because sprinting is a a dominant part of Jamaica's sporting culture and the Jamaican athletic authorities actually invest the time and effort to develop world class sprinters.

The same cannot be said for the football authorities in Trinidad and Tobago.

The proper time and effort is not put into proper coaching for our young players and their deficiencies are evident to see at the U20 level.
i hear your point but if u making a rebuttal u have to compare usa and jamaica's athletic progammes,  but anyways as to not stray from the point.

dont know where some ppl play football but where i play its 11 vs 11 and has nothing to do with the size of the country.  the fact of the matter is we should not have lost that game to italy, so leave  population out of this and  if we commend this performance as will be done ,  we  are teaching these guys a very bad lesson that will  only lead to weak teams.

right now in the epl, that man u team should not be winning as they are based on their squad( i find the team is real shite) but they are. THEY HAVE A WINNING MENTALITY. and if burnley  had the mentality of  tnt they would never  had beaten manu because they woulda think it cant be done.

what ur all are saying without even realising it is u all expect us to lose  every game so then when we do lose its no biggie cause your expectations was very low to start off  with.

Football / Re: We are encouraging slackness
« on: September 28, 2009, 01:14:01 PM »
right on cue trin, u kiina making mi point. loser mentality. can any1 remember greece's  odds of winning the euro 2004 cup?. based on ur weak argument of probability jamaica should not be kicking usa's butt in sprints. china should be dominating football hmmmmm. based on probablity the best  neurosurgeon  or golfer  in the world should not b a blackman  as those are  non-black dominated areas. sigh,   i  dont expect us to win the whole cup thats reality but i expect  us to beat a team that we are better than.

Football / We are encouraging slackness
« on: September 28, 2009, 12:55:56 PM »
We are getting what we truly deserve and this shite about  good performance  and cinderella team is smoke being blown up our arse,   we playing the game like there is  no thought process involved in it, mind u the 1st thing to go when  a man tired is his "thinking" ablity.   ok so we we werent embarrassed, so everybody good. was that our aim? was that why all the money and time was invested? To not be embarrassed? we will never meet a weaker italian side than this one.

We went neck and neck with the italians so we should hold our heads  high, absoulte  and utter poppy cock.  no wonder we  cant produce a team that can  be world beaters, we still battling with inferiority complexes. how did the usa beat spain at the confed cup by saying this is the #1 team in the world  so we would do good to jus go neck to neck with them and lose.

our aim is way too low and I for one will not be congratulating this team who vex lost ,this is big men football. you screwed urself and i cannot applaud that. i really hate when we throw away a game announcers coming and say they made us proud. After all this time and effort to not b in contention to make the 2nd round  is really heart breaking  4 me. i cannot express that enough.if italy dont lose a game but dont make it out of this group u think the italian media would say this team made them proud?. not a chance in hell. we are settingthe standards   too low and for us competing is a win.  thats a losers mentality. i must admit as much as some jamiacans annoy me  sometimes i admire the mentality that they have, that no one is better than them and that mentality is evident in the way they play all sports. imagine a jamaican pardner giving me talks about their horse that won in santa rosa geez they compete 4 everything.

 i really hate to lose  to a side thats not physically better than us. we need to stop encouraging a losers mentality   where jus competing makes us proud. if so then we dont belong on the world stage.

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Italy Game (28-Sept-2009).
« on: September 28, 2009, 12:30:42 PM »
lawd what wrong with us thompson is jogging back a man is unmarked free in front  of him on the back post and he jus jogging bac and watching the ball. whats the point of getting back if ur not going to mark? lawd father , nah football car b so hard
WHAT????  The pass was intended for Jake, the italian midfielder get it 10-15 yards in front of him....yuh think he is superman....steups....

dude 1stly know what i am speaking about, then make a comment. ok. shit man,  i realise some allyuh does jus watch where d football is, real primary sch thing anyways. the italians did not score on the play i am refering to, because the ball never reached the unmarked man.

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Italy Game (28-Sept-2009).
« on: September 28, 2009, 12:23:22 PM »
lawd what wrong with us thompson is jogging back a man is unmarked free in front  of him on the back post and he jus jogging bac and watching the ball. whats the point of getting back if ur not going to mark? lawd father , nah football car b so hard

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Italy Game (28-Sept-2009).
« on: September 28, 2009, 12:21:12 PM »
is d same shit is saying with our senior team. we cannot pass the football. because we do not view it as a skill.  under no pressure a man switch a ball and put it st8 0n an italian chest. with no tnt player  close by. what? who  did he try to pass to? end result goal in we arse. we need to learn to passs b4 anything else. basics

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Italy Game (28-Sept-2009).
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:38:56 AM »
long  ball is epl brand every wk end the yutes seeing that, but from how they playing they seem to be playing to instruction, so all i can ask 4 there is to atleast b more accurate on the long passes  i am not  a big footballer but geez i know players who arent no big player in the country who can  pic out ther player oevr  25 yards with   a pass. some of our passes where jus very very poor.

yo ppl u  need to knw d rule of the game dont study tv 6 announcers, primus was offside. u need 2 players to b ahead of u to be on side .normally one of those players is the keeper, thats probably wat confusing men.  there was only one player between primus and the goal.  therfore offside

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Italy Game (28-Sept-2009).
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:32:47 AM »
all tnt teams  play like they are trying to conserve energy. while this may appear "smart" its a sign that the players arent fit and u can see players  going half way on their movement off the ball and in tracking back. spend some time looking at players off the ball

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Italy Game (28-Sept-2009).
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:29:28 AM »
2nd time hyland doing that shit , under no pressure yet he giving the man ah short chipped pass instead  of a simple firm pass on the man foot

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Italy Game (28-Sept-2009).
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:25:58 AM »
 we thinking jus slow  we jus reactive on everything. we were jus out thought. quick corner kick and we players getting back like its a practice match and 3 italy players storm thebox. show them that dis is serious biznesss italy. one lapse is all it takes.

italy playing shit but as is our wont we playing more shit , no one seems to be able to hold onto the ball we jus kicking back to italy

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Italy Game (28-Sept-2009).
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:19:45 AM »
I am really not impressed with adams sorry not seeing wat ppl seeing

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Italy Game (28-Sept-2009).
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:18:22 AM »
2 players need to b between u and the goal

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Italy Game (28-Sept-2009).
« on: September 28, 2009, 11:15:02 AM »
proof that our players watch  a  large amount of epl. we winning the ball and jus kicking it up the field

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Egypt Game (24-Sept-2009).
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:59:54 PM »
wait nah is 2 goals jake score.

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Egypt Game (24-Sept-2009).
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:58:07 PM »
WE lost fullstop
samuel needs to work on how he handles cross balls as a long ball  showed he has problems making up his mind as to when to leave his line.

didnt derseve that score line but we were not good enough to take our chances

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Egypt Game (24-Sept-2009).
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:53:49 PM »
I hope Carlos Edwards watching.  Jake Thompson putting on a clinic on how to serve the ball...
couldn't resist dissing we best player eh i know it was comming soon times...

Call a spade a spade, Carlos' crossing not in this kid's class.  His crosses are outstanding and consistent....Awesome player....
but apparently not fit, but then he is being asked to play rb yet still get down the flank and cross consistently and have to get back in defence only remember once that a midfielder slotted in 4 him when a play broke down

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Egypt Game (24-Sept-2009).
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:45:35 PM »
no wonder we  were struggling to score in the warm ups, its not skill its decision making. why would u go 1st post there clarence? why?

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Egypt Game (24-Sept-2009).
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:43:15 PM »
outside of leston paul i still think we not international level fit.  i  always watching wat happening off d ball and u realise men  like they trying to save themselves and not tracking back holding back on runs etc. thats usually ah sign of not being fit and eyptians cramping cause they not leaving anything in the tank they going full throttle

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Egypt Game (24-Sept-2009).
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:32:00 PM »
thompson bun

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Egypt Game (24-Sept-2009).
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:21:13 PM »

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Egypt Game (24-Sept-2009).
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:19:14 PM »
gr8 keeper but he really at fault 4 d last 2 goals. he can only get better.

Football / Re: Thread for the U-20 T&T vs Egypt Game (24-Sept-2009).
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:11:32 PM »
i pretty sure samuel is not calling 4 d cross balls, he and primus tangling up too often on cross balls

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