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Author Topic: T&T General Elections Thread  (Read 177364 times)

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Offline lefty

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #240 on: February 22, 2015, 12:12:30 PM »
I pity the fool....

Offline Sando prince

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #241 on: February 22, 2015, 12:40:42 PM »

   :rotfl: :rotfl:   Moonilal tried to bring this chupid issue in Parliament and Rowley blaze him. Meme going viral on FB.


So what's the background on the kid from St. Lucia?

Seems like ole talk at the end of the day. But I laughed because the jab was met with a right hook.

Seems like the campaign manager of the UNC Rodney Charles will be the downfall of the PPG government.
I am seeing a campaign that is alienating a lot of young voters, especially with the last stint of continued attacks against the Opposition Leader I am seeing from from paid online bloggers.

Offline Sando prince

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #242 on: February 22, 2015, 12:42:43 PM »

BREAKING NEWS: Nicole Dyer-Griffith has resigned from her post as COP Party Chairperson. She also quit the party.

Offline Deeks

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #243 on: February 22, 2015, 06:46:55 PM »
She going back UNC!!!

Offline royal

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #244 on: February 22, 2015, 07:56:41 PM »

BREAKING NEWS: Nicole Dyer-Griffith has resigned from her post as COP Party Chairperson. She also quit the party.

Jack say he calling her tomorrow

Offline Bourbon

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #245 on: February 22, 2015, 08:22:15 PM »
She going back UNC!!!
Ummm.... No.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

Offline weary1969

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #246 on: February 22, 2015, 09:06:54 PM »
COP worse than them men in them western. They dead but refuse to die.
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline Sando prince

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #247 on: February 23, 2015, 12:57:59 PM »

Griffith: The COP is dead

..."100,000 people have already left the party"


By Sue-Ann Wayow Multimedia Desk

FIRED National Security Minister Captain Gary Griffith said his wife's decision to resign from the Congress of the People (COP) was because its political leader Prakash Ramadhar was a "total disappointment and a failure."

He said 100,000 people have already left the party.

Yesterday, Nicole Dyer-Giffith resigned from her position as the COP's chairman and from the party.

Her resignation comes after Griffith was fired by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar as well as COP member and former president of the Senate Timothy Hamel-Smith.

When asked if Dyer-Griffith's resignation had to do with comments Ramadhar would have made in support of his firing, Griffith said: " The people who do that speculation will be those persons who have hijacked the COP wearing a white jersey but are really UNC members."
He said: " The COP is a total spent force and unfortunately Prakash Ramadhar has totally disappointed the 200,000 marginal voters in this country. For 30 pieces of silver, the COP has been totally bought out by the UNC and that is unfortunate. Prakash Ramadhar is a total disappointment and a failure to the marginal voters."

When asked if he supported the decision his wife made he said: " Nicole Dyer will speak for Nicole Dyer-Griffith. She makes her decisions based on Nicole Dyer-Griifth. She stands by herself. She will not sell her principles. Nicole Dyer stands on her own two feet and it is a pity that people like Prakash Ramadhar could not do the same. Nicole Dyer-Griffith what she has done is what over 100 000 other people have done. They have left the COP because they realised the COP is no longer that representation of marginal voters. "
He said: " As the song says, the party done."

Griffith said the People Partnership Government was totally controlled by the UNC who had no respect for the COP or Ramadhar.
He said: " The COP is of no substance, is of no value. It is not involved in the governance of Trinidad and Tobago."

He also asked: " How come he is so silent now when there is a perception that other ministers are involved?"

His question was referring to an Express report that stated three Cabinet ministers were being questioned by police regarding their January 29 meeting held in the conference room of the Office of the Prime Minister to discuss the involvement of Griffith in the David West witness-tampering matter. West is the director of the Police Complaints Authority (PCA).

On February 2, Ramadhar told the media that he was in support of Persad-Bissessar's decision to fire Griffith and former attorney general Anand Ramlogan.

His comments angered party members who felt he should have supported Griffith's stance on principle regarding his refusal to deny a December 19, 2014, telephone conversation he had with West.

Offline Bourbon

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #248 on: February 23, 2015, 01:35:55 PM »
In COP internal elections...voters appeared on the lists..and the PR and apologists make SURE Prakash get elected as leader cause the UNC know that they could control him. It go be interesting to see what would happen if he goes up on a UNC ticket..because in this season I dont see an accommodation where only one member of the "partnership" contests a seat as happening.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

Offline ProudTrinbagonian

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #249 on: February 23, 2015, 03:51:54 PM »

Valid points raised here, may have been viewed a lot differently if it was the other way around.

Both parties, PNM and PP need to stop worrying about trivial things. Mudslinging going to be at an all time high this election

Double standards in dis PNM country
By Capil Bissoon
Story Created: Feb 22, 2015 at 10:21 PM ECT
Story Updated: Feb 22, 2015 at 10:21 PM ECT
If at Carnival or any other occasion someone were to wine behind the Prime Minister and were she to respond, what would the country have said? What would the PNM and Keith Rowley be saying today?
I can just envisage the headlines, “Disgraceful behaviour by the PM, unbecoming and shameless,” “No wonder we are a lawless society”, “Major letdown to all females in our country”.
The attacks would have been fast and furious and with full force as I said last week. The Inter Religious Organisation would have likely gone on record condemning her indecent behaviour. We might possibly even been hearing from our Archbishop and other church leaders on the moral decline of a country whose leader could bring herself in full glare of the public to “ramajay, gyrate and misbehave” on a child.
We would have read about child abuse, the responsibilities of adults in our society and the need to be our children’s keeper. The uproar might have even forced a premature election.
But this is PNM country. One law for the PNM and another for everybody else.
The PNM hypocrites are coming out of the woodwork to defend the indefensible.
What they are saying essentially is that it is absolutely OK for a 65-year-old man, an aspiring national leader, to wine up in a sexually suggestive manner on a teenage girl who is even too young to vote. “Dat is we culture and anything goes in we culture, so what is all the fuss? Dey too farce and outta place.”
That may be PNM culture but it is not mine nor is it that of the hundreds of thousands of decent, intelligent citizens whose views apparently do not matter.
Could you imagine such unbecoming behaviour from Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper? Or Australia’s Abbott, President Obama or the Queen of England? No wonder Singapore’s Lee Quan Yew said we have a Carnival mentality, which unfortunately has pervaded too many aspects of our lives, including our political lives. But in PNM country there is nothing wrong with a female foreign minister putting her hands, suggestively in my view, around the waist of President Obama who was in our country on an official visit. According to PNM wisdom, Mr Obama must know that this is PNM country.
What would be the hue and cry today if our PM had made unsubstantiated accusations, as occurred in “emailgate”, without the necessary due diligence.
What would the PNM have said and done? Martin Daly, Selwyn Ryan, Roy Mitchell and Winford James would be preaching we are a nation of laws, a country of evidence, and for a democracy to function there has to be minimum standards of evidential practice.
But this is PNM country and Dr Rowley can get up one morning, ketch a vaps, go in our distinguished Parliament and say whatever he wants, or in this case whatever is handed to him, or placed in his mailbox.
Only in PNM country is it right and proper to withhold important, pertinent and relevant information from the President especially if it involves the appointment of someone who many hundreds of thousands of UNC supporters believe to be suspiciously too close to the PNM and Keith Rowley.
Using the same PNM logic, it is now morally right to withhold important information to the Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) regarding our revenue status especially if the BIR did not request the information. Or to withhold information concerning my terminal illness if I am being considered for an important official position in the country; or to withhold information that my degrees are honorary. You think it easy.
If the Partnership Government had no vision, plans and policies in this campaign to take this country forward what would they be saying? We all know from scriptures that “where there is no vision… a people perish”.
But this is PNM country, where calypsonians see absolutely no hypocrisy in every last man, woman and child on their PNM stage pounding the UNC and not a single word, “not a funeral note”, could be heard against Keith Rowley.
And why? Because all our present crop of calypsonians are closet PNM people. Most do not even feel the need to hide their political sympathies because “dis is PNM country”.
I believe it is a moral shame for UNC taxpayers to be funding these blatant, unbalanced and hypocritical attacks on their government in the name of “we culture”.
This election provides a choice between two leaders and two visions for taking us forward. I am eternally grateful that each of us has only one vote.
whey boy!

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #250 on: February 23, 2015, 04:17:50 PM »

Valid points raised here, may have been viewed a lot differently if it was the other way around.

Both parties, PNM and PP need to stop worrying about trivial things. Mudslinging going to be at an all time high this election

I stop reading about quarter of the way through... you can't be serious.  Matter of fact, let me be more blunt... you on shit.

Offline Sando prince

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #251 on: February 23, 2015, 06:28:59 PM »
ProudTrinbagonian  You are aware that Capil Bisoon is a die hard supporter of the PP and each of her articles are anti-PNM right? If you didn't know I jus informing yuh brother
« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 06:55:08 PM by Sando prince »

Offline Sando prince

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #252 on: February 23, 2015, 06:54:36 PM »

BREAKING NEWS: Nicole Dyer-Griffith has resigned from her post as COP Party Chairperson. She also quit the party.

She said the party lacks equity and fairness.


Offline lefty

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #253 on: February 24, 2015, 02:23:59 AM »

Valid points raised here, may have been viewed a lot differently if it was the other way around.

Both parties, PNM and PP need to stop worrying about trivial things. Mudslinging going to be at an all time high this election

I stop reading about quarter of the way through... you can't be serious.  Matter of fact, let me be more blunt... you on shit.

capil bissoon does write such f**keries it amaze dat people does actually post dat shit as "valid"
I pity the fool....

Offline ProudTrinbagonian

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #254 on: February 24, 2015, 10:27:09 AM »

Valid points raised here, may have been viewed a lot differently if it was the other way around.

Both parties, PNM and PP need to stop worrying about trivial things. Mudslinging going to be at an all time high this election

I stop reading about quarter of the way through... you can't be serious.  Matter of fact, let me be more blunt... you on shit.

capil bissoon does write such f**keries it amaze dat people does actually post dat shit as "valid"

There is a lot of sh*t here in this article, but my point is that there is a double standard. It's an election year, no leader of a country (cuz we know he winning) should be letting photos like that go public. If Kamla was lambasted, why not the same for Rowley?

Don't be hypocritical. PP and PNM is the same shit.
whey boy!

Offline Deeks

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #255 on: February 24, 2015, 11:35:20 AM »

Valid points raised here, may have been viewed a lot differently if it was the other way around.

Both parties, PNM and PP need to stop worrying about trivial things. Mudslinging going to be at an all time high this election

I stop reading about quarter of the way through... you can't be serious.  Matter of fact, let me be more blunt... you on shit.

capil bissoon does write such f**keries it amaze dat people does actually post dat shit as "valid"

There is a lot of sh*t here in this article, but my point is that there is a double standard. It's an election year, no leader of a country (cuz we know he winning) should be letting photos like that go public. If Kamla was lambasted, why not the same for Rowley?

Don't be hypocritical. PP and PNM is the same shit.

Look all PMs got blasted for any indiscretions. Even their families would be painted with the same brush.Chambers got his share. Robbie got his. Panday,  got tons. Patos got his share. Is just that they did not try to tief ah wine in public.

Offline weary1969

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #256 on: February 24, 2015, 01:19:43 PM »

Valid points raised here, may have been viewed a lot differently if it was the other way around.

Both parties, PNM and PP need to stop worrying about trivial things. Mudslinging going to be at an all time high this election

I stop reading about quarter of the way through... you can't be serious.  Matter of fact, let me be more blunt... you on shit.

capil bissoon does write such f**keries it amaze dat people does actually post dat shit as "valid"

There is a lot of sh*t here in this article, but my point is that there is a double standard. It's an election year, no leader of a country (cuz we know he winning) should be letting photos like that go public. If Kamla was lambasted, why not the same for Rowley?

Don't be hypocritical. PP and PNM is the same shit.

PP and PNM is the same you living inTNT?
Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline Sando prince

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #257 on: February 24, 2015, 02:06:35 PM »

Valid points raised here, may have been viewed a lot differently if it was the other way around.

Both parties, PNM and PP need to stop worrying about trivial things. Mudslinging going to be at an all time high this election

I stop reading about quarter of the way through... you can't be serious.  Matter of fact, let me be more blunt... you on shit.

capil bissoon does write such f**keries it amaze dat people does actually post dat shit as "valid"

There is a lot of sh*t here in this article, but my point is that there is a double standard. It's an election year, no leader of a country (cuz we know he winning) should be letting photos like that go public. If Kamla was lambasted, why not the same for Rowley?

Don't be hypocritical. PP and PNM is the same shit.

Saw this on FB this morning. I will let PM Panday respond.

« Last Edit: February 26, 2015, 02:56:01 PM by Sando prince »

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #258 on: February 24, 2015, 02:09:42 PM »

Panday: No room for small parties


By Carolyn Kissoon

The resignation of Congress of the People (COP) chairman Nicole Dyer-Griffith on Sunday was no surprise to former prime minister Basdeo Panday.

Panday, who is a former political leader of the United National Congress (UNC), said he never viewed the COP as a political party, as it was unable to stand on its own.

He said, “The COP has never been a party and I think Mr (Winston) Dookeran recognised that when he refused to go back up as chairman. I don’t see them going anywhere unless they hold on to one of the larger parties.”

Panday said in the present political system, there was no room for small parties.

“The two racial blocks will have their support and they like it so. They don’t want any change and there is no room for any small party in the present system,” he said.

Dyer-Griffith triggered a walkout from the party’s National Council meeting in Charlieville on Sunday. The Express learned some members walked out of the meeting and one person cut up his membership card.

Dyer-Griffith, before submitting her resignation letter, addressed the party’s executive giving reasons for her resignation in which she expressed disappointment in COP political leader, Prakash Ramadhar’s response to the witness-tampering incident which led to the dismissal of Attorney General Anand Ramlogan and Dyer-Griffith’s husband, Minister of National Security Gary Griffith.

Dyer-Griffith, in a release, took Ramadhar to task for comments he made in support of Griffith’s removal from the Cabinet.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 02:14:52 PM by Sando prince »

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #259 on: February 26, 2015, 02:17:06 PM »
Unions want all outstanding matters settled before general election


PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad, Thursday February 26, 2015, CMC – The Joint Trade Union Movement (JTUM) Wednesday warned the coalition People’s Partnership government to settle all outstanding labour disputes before the Trinidad and Tobago elects a new government later this year.

The JTUM, which has consistently criticised the Persad Bissessar administration, said it would also be staging an anti-government protest “in the coming weeks”.

It said the protest will specifically target Labour Minister Errol McLeod, a former trade union leader “as the minister responsible for labour issues and the Prime Minister as leader of the government.

“The JTUM took this decision on the backdrop of the government’s continued failure to implement the Workers’ Agenda. The JTUM is particularly outraged that after five years in office the People’s Partnership government, notwithstanding the commitment it made in its manifesto, has made no attempt to amend the Industrial Relations Act, to bring it in line with international labour standards,” said the JTUM that groups several unions including the Oilfield Workers Trade Union (OWTU) and the Banking Insurance and General Workers Union (BIGWU).

“JTUM views this as a blatant disregard to the trade union movement and the national workforce as a whole,” the unions said, adding that they are also “very disturbed by the inaction of the government…to settle major outstanding negotiation”.

The JTUM said that the protest action is also to force the “government settle all outstanding negotiations before they demit office this year”.

Offline Bourbon

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #260 on: March 01, 2015, 06:03:56 AM »

Griffith, ILP, MSJ, JTUM, Fixin’ T&T unite to sway undecided voters

An umbrella body as a political vehicle—and possibly another party—which Gary and Nicole Dyer-Griffith are building with Jack Warner’s ILP, the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ), Joint Trade Union Movement (JTUM), and other small groups held its first meeting yesterday.  But former COP leader, Winston Dookeran, has hesitated regarding any talks with the entity.

The development towards yet another political alternative came three weeks after Griffith was axed from the PP Cabinet—and former attorney general Anand Ramlogan resigned—because of Police Complaints Authority Director David West’s witness-tampering allegations against Ramlogan. Griffith has given police a statement corroborating West’s allegations. Griffith said two initial meetings towards forming the umbrella body were held recently. But the entity’s first official meeting was held yesterday with ten people including Warner.

The meeting followed resignations from the COP by Griffith’s wife, Nicole Dyer-Griffith, last Sunday, several Diego Martin COP officials and businessmen Joe Pires and Conrad Aleong. The latter two were among those who pioneered the COP. Aleong was also involved in the now-defunct Citizens Alliance with Wendell Mottley (now Unit Trust chairman).

Griffith said, “The two larger parties will require this third force to win and form government. Due to the loss of confidence with the COP there are 200,000 marginal (floating) voters. We’ll galvanise them under this umbrella body and let the two major parties, who have 250,000 voters each, know they cannot win without our backing. This is to ensure there’s no repeat of 2010.

“Marginal voters have no intention to support a Sat Maharaj-type Government—according to his recent comments—in which marginal voters are viewed as a nuisance and irrelevant.” In yesterday’s TG political column, Warner confirmed he and Griffith had continued speaking after Griffith took over Warner’s National Security portfolio in 2013 and he intended now to speak to both Griffiths. Warner hinted another coalition would arise “at the appropriate time.

Asked if Warner was co-ordinating the effort, Griffith said Warner was just one of several involved. Griffith said the core group included “major activists and people, including Fixin’  T&T.” He said the ten at yesterday’s meeting represented various groups and that the group had the backing of business people. He referred the Sunday Guardian to MSJ’s David Abdulah, but Abdulah did not answer his cellphone. Asked if OWTU leader Ancel Roget, who belongs to the JTUM, was on board, Griffith said, “Not yet.”

Asked if the group included PNMites from Arima who were fragmented over the rejection of Penny Beckles-Robinson as PNM candidate in the next general election, he also said, “Not yet.” On whether the new force would seek to link with the PNM, Griffith said the PNM had signalled during the term that it was not averse to linking with other parties. He said the perception had been that third forces should automatically join with the UNC, but, he said, the UNC treated them with disrespect “like COP’s.”

He said he didn’t know the impact of the vehicle on the PNM, but felt both the PNM and UNC wanted Warner’s support. He said the 200,000 floating voters were largely middle class, but also included PNM and UNC “grassroots.” Griffith said: “ILP got more Local Government votes than COP. While ILP now may not be as strong as it was, it had grassroots support from all sides. An amalgam of all our groups, possibly even COP, will be the foundation of a formidable third force.”

Griffith said planning continues this week with “other affiliates.” Griffith suggested Dookeran’s view be sought on the umbrella body. But Dookeran, when contacted on whether he would join the group was briefly silent, before saying, “I don’t know about that at all...”

Suruj: We wish them well
UNC deputy leader Suruj Rambachan said, “We wish them well. The public is much more intelligent than to throw away their votes and cause the PNM to slip into office, knowing the PP has delivered on its performance promises.”

Dookeran speaks

Dookeran on Thursday said he felt “reconceptualisation “ is needed and dialogue with the COP and Dyer-Griffith was positive. That was in response to her statement that she said she wanted to talk to him about his 2014 book, where Dookeran said the “political crisis is here, in 2014 and fragmented society wanted  the highest ground of noble purpose.” Dookeran noted calls for new approach to politics and government” and this requiring a new initiative and reconceptualisation of political strategy.

Dookeran is having a minor eye operation and is going to a Caricom meeting in Berlin next week. Former COP chairman Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan said she heard about the Griffith group, but declined comment.

If all of this true I would be somewhat surprised by Fixin' T&T's involvement with anything to do with Jack Warner. But is politics...Trini Politics.
The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #261 on: March 01, 2015, 01:09:13 PM »
Jeez, these guys don't have a friggin clue. This is the Jack Warner that suck we dry, and they want to go to bed with his party. What for? more suckin? Haul they tail, oui.

Offline weary1969

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #262 on: March 01, 2015, 02:44:15 PM »
Jeez, these guys don't have a friggin clue. This is the Jack Warner that suck we dry, and they want to go to bed with his party. What for? more suckin? Haul they tail, oui.

Today you're the dog, tomorrow you're the hydrant - so be good to others - it comes back!"

Offline Sando prince

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #263 on: March 01, 2015, 03:11:44 PM »

If all of this true I would be somewhat surprised by Fixin' T&T's involvement with anything to do with Jack Warner. But is politics...Trini Politics.

Not really surprised by the others joining Jack but really surprised by 'Fixin T&T' joining Jack knowing his reputation. Let us hope the voters are wiser than five years ago.

Same pick up football side mentality we see in 2010 with UNC jointing with COP, MSJ and TOP.

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #264 on: March 01, 2015, 10:13:16 PM »

Fixin T&T has denied being part of any meeting with Jack, ILP and Griffith. They also asked for the Guardian Newspaper to apologize for false reporting. Leh we see what the Guardian will do because this is unprofessional journalism

Offline Sando prince

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #265 on: March 03, 2015, 11:16:45 PM »
Rowley on PM threat of no confidence motion


Bring it on. That's the stance Dr Rowley has taken regarding the government's planned motion of no confidence in him in the house of representatives. And as for the prime minister's threat of a law suit over emailgate, he says he can't wait for that matter to go to court.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 12:00:35 AM by Sando prince »

Offline Bourbon

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #266 on: March 04, 2015, 05:03:44 AM »
Rowley on PM threat of no confidence motion


Bring it on. That's the stance Dr Rowley has taken regarding the government's planned motion of no confidence in him in the house of representatives. And as for the prime minister's threat of a law suit over emailgate, he says he can't wait for that matter to go to court.

Does it make sense though?

Just like a motion of confidence in the PM would almost be certain to fail due to the majority held by the government, wouldn't a motion of no confidence in the leader of the opposition be certain to succeed due to the same majority? Would he be forced to resign? Has this ever been done before?

I asking based on reading this:

83. (1) There shall be an office of Leader of the Opposition
and appointments thereto shall be made by the President.
(2) The President shall, if the person concerned is
willing to be appointed, appoint as Leader of the Opposition the
member of the House of Representatives who, in his judgment, is
best able to command the support of the greatest number of
members of the House of Representatives who do not support the

(3) The office of Leader of the Opposition shall become
vacant where—
(a) he resigns his office;
(b) the holder thereof ceases to be a member of the
House of Representatives for any cause other
than a dissolution of Parliament;
(c) he is not a member of the House of
Representatives when the House of
Representatives first meets after a dissolution
of Parliament;
(d) by virtue of section 49(3) he is required to cease
to exercise his functions as a member of the
House of Representatives;
(e) he is appointed to the office of Prime Minister; or
(f) his appointment is revoked under the provisions
of subsection (4).
(4) Where in the judgment of the President, the Leader
of the Opposition is no longer the member of the House of
Representatives best able to command the support of a majority
of those members of the House of Representatives who do not
support the Government, the President shall revoke the
appointment of the Leader of the Opposition.
(5) Nothing in subsection (4) shall apply while
Parliament is dissolved.
(6) Where the office of Leader of the Opposition is
vacant, whether because there is no member of the House of
Representatives so qualified for appointment or because no one
qualified for appointment is willing to be appointed, or because
the Leader of the Opposition has resigned his office or for any
other reason, any provision in this Constitution requiring
consultation with the Leader of the Opposition shall, in so far as
it requires such consultation, be of no effect.

49 (3) Where circumstances such as are referred to in
paragraph (d) of subsection (2) arise because any member of the
House of Representatives is under sentence of death or
imprisonment, is mentally ill, declared bankrupt or convicted of an
offence relating to elections, and where it is open to the member to
appeal against the decision, either with the leave of a Court or other
authority or without such leave, he shall forthwith cease to perform
his functions as a member of the House so however that, subject to
the provisions of this section, he shall not vacate his seat until the
expiration of a period of thirty days thereafter.


The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today are Christians who acknowledge Jesus ;with their lips and walk out the door and deny Him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable.

Offline Sando prince

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #267 on: March 04, 2015, 07:14:05 AM »
Bourbon the government know the motion iz ah waste of time. But it will create another topic to distract the public.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 07:15:52 AM by Sando prince »

Offline Socapro

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #268 on: March 04, 2015, 10:19:14 AM »
Bourbon the government know the motion iz ah waste of time. But it will create another topic to distract the public.

This is quite apparent unless you are blind or highly gullible.
As usual the PPG is taking the general public for fools and is relying on the ignorance of most of their supporters to buy the nonsense that the PM preached on the platform.
De higher a monkey climbs is de less his ass is on de line, if he works for FIFA that is! ;-)

Offline Michael-j

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Re: T&T 2015 General Elections Thread
« Reply #269 on: March 04, 2015, 10:38:47 AM »
Bourbon the government know the motion iz ah waste of time. But it will create another topic to distract the public.

This is quite apparent unless you are blind or highly gullible.
As usual the PPG is taking the general public for fools and is relying on the ignorance of most of their supporters to buy the nonsense that the PM preached on the platform.

No confidence motion my ass....if Kamla thinks her government is so strong then she should call a general election and let the citizens decide. After all, the ultimate display of no confidence in Rowley will be a resounding rejection of him at the polls....not so madame PM?? ::)


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