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Messages - scarface

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Football / Re: Under rated players in EPL
« on: January 04, 2010, 05:35:42 PM »
Shay Given...the best keeper in the world for about 7 years now.

then u hadda talk about jussi jaaskelainen

Oh shit man Fabregas! Ah leave yuh on de bench because of yuh hamstring injury, now yuh gone and score two goals and me eh getting no points. Steups! >:(

Doh fack meh up nah man ....you still in this league !!!  :devil: :devil:

Yes, ah still here. Ah aiming tuh move tuh de fuss page sometime in January  :whip:

da is my aim too yes....fabregas mess me up this week tho  >:(

Jokes / karma
« on: December 23, 2009, 07:04:54 AM »

Football / Re: Football Cultures (Serie A vs EPL)
« on: October 30, 2009, 12:50:57 PM »
Lol.. man beating up scarface fuh posting from Goal.com yes  :rotfl:

But nah, seriously I wouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater all the time... I too had to check the source once ah read it because the bias was so obvious to me.  Still, decided to address the 'points' raised.

me eh mind yuh no hoss.

but u say u never been to a EPL game.....i been to 2, one at old trafford & one at villa park & both had zero atmosphere. OT especially suprised me cuz considering how many ppl it holds it is not intimidating in the slightest. there's only noise when a goal is scored & the 5min period after. It was the same at villa! other than that everybody just sits & watch. no emotion or passion. Trini games does have more crowd involvment (particularly when a certain #14 in the starting XI)

Football / Re: The best left footer in Football history
« on: October 30, 2009, 12:46:51 PM »

Umm not really...Maradona was very one-footed. 

For me I would go for Maradona & Rivaldo

Some other quality left feet in the biz not yet mentioned:

Lionel Messi
Alvaro Recoba
Mario Kempes
Roberto Carlos
Gheorghe Hagi

edit: Sorry Eder was already mentioned...oops

u cyah be serious wit da name in ur list!

You can't leave Roberto Carlos out of this argument.

u hadda be smoking! it have no way he cud make any kinda greatest/bet list unless is a greatest/best lucky goal list!

Football / Re: Football Cultures (Serie A vs EPL)
« on: October 30, 2009, 12:39:58 PM »
I think this article sums up the nauseating self-righteousness of the EPL and its even more nauseating fans.

I think this article sums up how $h!t Goal.com is. Please refrain from posting this garbage on the site.

i no d site far from reliable & hence banned on every single italian fan forum i know!

Football / Football Cultures (Serie A vs EPL)
« on: October 30, 2009, 09:04:51 AM »
the following is an editorial response to Fabio capello's comments that the power of the Ultras of Italian football are what is killing Serie A.

Calcio Debate: Fabio Capello Is An Ignoramus Who Hasn't Got A Clue About English Football Fans

The England coach’s attack on Calcio has infuriated the authorities back home. Goal.com’s Gil Gillespie just thinks he is a poor, misguided fool who doesn't know the first thing about footballing culture in the UK...
The grass, as the old saying goes, isn't always greener on the other side.

Every time an Italian coach goes to live and work in England, they always seem to return full of glowing reports of highly organised stadiums packed with charmingly behaved fans. Even the dismissively arrogant Roberto Mancini said he enjoyed the more light-hearted, less media intensive climate of the English game, after his brief stint with Leicester City.

Fabio Capello is the latest wearer of this particular pair of rose-tinted spectacles and he has been upsetting the football academia big wigs in Italy with his outspoken attack on Calcio at Italy’s university of tactics, Coverciano.

"It's the Ultras who rule in Serie A. There is no courage to apply the laws against them," stated the former Milan and Juventus boss sharply.  

"In England, the stadia are full, there is a desire to go to the stadium, nothing ever happens and the stewards do a perfect job. I am saddened with what is happening in Italy,” he added.  

And, as if this outburst hadn't put enough noses out of joint, Capello then turned his ire on the dishonest practices of Calcio itself.

"In Italy the divers are praised and receive prizes - in England they are jeered.

"The Italian national team has never fascinated me like the English one," he concluded. He didn't explain why. But it is possibly something to do with the rumours that he was never going to be offered the chance to coach the Azzurri as he has spent half of his career upsetting the almost aristocratic folk at FIGC.

Capello’s state of mind is exactly like that of a tourist who visits another country, stays for a little while and is fooled into thinking he is living in a bright new paradise where none of the things he hated about the old country exist. Needless to say, his new love for England over Italy has everything to do with his delusional state of mind and nothing to do with actual reality. His comments merely prove that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Capello appears to believe that the Premier League blueprint drawn up by Lord Justice Taylor in response to the Heysel and Hillsborough disasters is a one-size-fits-all model that should be employed across Europe. It isn’t. No-one can doubt the necessity or the validity of tackling the terrible demons of hooliganism but anyone with more than a passing interest in the sociology of football in England can see the problems it has left in its wake. Everyone, it seems, except Capello. The Premier League is far from being the supporters haven he thinks it is.

What the FA did at the end of the eighties is to learn how to control fans inside the stadiums. Strangely, they still manage to disassociate themselves from any trouble that happens outside the ground and a compliant media are always willing to play ball. Did you hear about the seven fans stabbed outside White Hart Lane last season? No, nor me. How about the 20 Swindon baseball bat carrying Swindon fans that attacked the pub less than 200 yards from where I live prompting a massive police operation? No. Well take it from me, it happened and hospital admissions shot up.

Anyway, as a direct result of the changes the FA put in place 20 years ago, there has been a gradual disappearance of anything resembling a decent atmosphere at most of the country's biggest grounds.

The exorbitant cost of ticket prices for Premier League games hasn’t exactly helped with this either. Prices are prohibitive to the point of obscenity. As a result, the average age of fans in the English top division has risen from 23 to 43 in the last ten years. In essence, a whole generation has been excluded.

"Something really quite important has been lost," says John Williams of Leicester University's Centre for the Sociology of Sport.

In Italy, it couldn’t be more different. Football is not a hobby for Italians, it is one of the defining characteristics of Italian life. Everyone lives and breathes Calcio: lawyers, postmen, bar managers, widows, priests, teenagers and university professors. Its ability to unify is matched only by that of Catholicism.

This is why Capello’s attack on the Ultras of Serie A is, at best, misguided and at worst, downright dangerous. The multitude of supporters clans that follow every club on the peninsula are by no means perfect but their contribution to the Italian game is sacred and should be cherished. The fans’ groups insist on having their say in just about every area, whether they are invited or not.

It is typical that the 200 Lazio fans who invaded the teams training session this week and sent the players running for cover by throwing some mild explosive devices in their direction sought to explain their actions.

“They haven't even celebrated under the Curva with us, which is what used to happen in the past," said Irriducibili spokesman Gianluca Tirone. He also stated that they were more than satisfied by the clubs’ response. In an age when money has all but taken over the beautiful game, it is incredible that fans can have so much influence on their club. It is also unintentionally hilarious.

Anyone wanting a first hand insight into the staggeringly complicated, politically motivated, self-sacrificing world of the Ultras should read Tim Parks’ book ‘A Season with Verona’.
While their lager-bellied Premier League cousins sit in rows munching on prawn sandwiches or embark on their own personal marathons of abuse aimed at opposition players, the Red and Black Brigade, the Griffen Den, Juventus Fighters, Lazio's Irriducibili, Inter's Boys and a bewildering number of other Ultra groups put on the most amazing, colossal, phantasmagorical displays of noise, symmetry and colour anywhere on earth.

This is not to ignore the well-documented problems caused by Ultras, and Italian fans in general. But while any disgusting racist episode involving Mario Balotelli, Marco Zoro, or any other black player, is highlighted by the English media (and SKY in particular) at every possible opportunity, what is not reported is the equally if not more severe racist abuse directed at Premier League players by 'angelic' English fans. The Emmanuel Adebayor 'His dad washes elephants and his mum is a w**re' which is sung by opposition fans every week at least five times a match is just one horrific example. But there have been no stadium bans on clubs in England, like the one imposed on Juventus last season following the Balotelli controversy.

What is also not reported (anymore) is the havoc caused by English football fans almost every time they travel abroad to support club or country. Not so much as a column inch was afforded in Britain to the drunken escapades of Three Lions supporters during the 2006 World Cup in Germany, which included taking over the squares in various cities and blasting out in their hundreds World War Two songs like 'There Were Ten German Bombers In The Air - And The RAF From England Shot Them Down'.

After all, this would be a disaster for the Premier League's global image, which has seen them conquer vulnerable markets all over the world.

In Don Fabio's beloved Premier League, fans do not only not have any say, they haven’t even got a voice. They sit, they absorb, they go away, they boast, or they don’t boast, at work on Monday.

But Capello's suggestion that his newly adopted home is full of happy-go-lucky orderly souls who the authorities keep under control also shows just how naive he is about the culture of the people around him.

What the man from San Canzian d'Isonzo doesn’t know while he is visiting art galleries and sampling London operatic and theatrical delights is that every Friday and Saturday night in every village, town and city up and down the land there are flocks of offensively drunken idiots stumbling and fighting and flashing their arses. He may also not have heard of the term 'broken society'.

Can you imagine a news story about an Italian footballer groping and then breaking the nose of a girl who rejected his advances in a nightclub?

Capello’s vision of Britain is of a decent place where Corinthian spirited chaps stay on their feet and get a round of applause from both sides of the ground. He must wonder why Bobby Charlton never shows up at training. But today’s UK is sadly not what it was more than 30 or 40 years ago - it is actually something of a bitter and twisted lost kingdom where morals have been abandoned, casual violence is endemic and no-one can even remember what it means to be British anymore. Britain used to be a superpower that ruled the world, now it is a country that hasn’t even got one of their own in charge of the national football team.

And yet the man trying to get England to play more like Italy thinks it is acceptable to pop his head around the door and tell everyone that the thing they love so much is actually an outdated chunk of rancid old Dolcelatte.

You are not only very wide of the mark Signor Capello, you are seriously embarrassing yourself.

What are your views on this topic? Do you agree that Fabio Capello is completely wrong over the differences between Italian and English football fans, and culture in general? Goal.com wants to know what YOU think...

Gil Gillespie, Goal.com

I think this article sums up the nauseating self-righteousness of the EPL and its even more nauseating fans.

Football / Re: Serie A 09-10
« on: October 30, 2009, 08:58:19 AM »
Anyone else watchin Inter Palermo??

Inter was up 4-0 at halftime at d San Siro. Cruising.

Score is now 4-3 with almost 25 minutes left.

kinda.....the serial choke artists nearly choke again!!!

meanwhile, juve put on the sexy against samp on wednesday! that is what i woulda call orgasmic football. I cyah wait for the weekend & Cl nex week now. That 4-2-3-1 working wonders. Gio, Diego & camo all with free roles behind amauri wit the MeMo combo roaming behind to pick up scraps is just heaven for a juve fan, & hell for merda

Football / Re: St Augustine book place in final.
« on: October 22, 2009, 03:47:04 PM »
Steups...unworthy North Zone winners. North is make finals, regular, regular when better teams win.  :devil:


i 2nd midknight opinion!

Football / Re: 2009 Champion League results.
« on: October 22, 2009, 12:50:04 AM »
anybody who ever rate chec, casillas or any other keeper over buffon need dey head examined!!!!! i still cyah believe the save he put down in the first minute of the game today!!!!

Can what Buffon did today match either of these two from Casillas?

BTW...Buffon is a FANTASTIC goalie!

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch\v\3wkthG5_pxQ" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://www.youtube.com/watch\v\3wkthG5_pxQ</a>

yuh video eh working. & i only commented on his save today but u wuda have to look at all his games since the season start too see what i talking about!

Football / Re: 2009 Champion League results.
« on: October 21, 2009, 04:39:57 PM »
anybody who ever rate chec, casillas or any other keeper over buffon need dey head examined!!!!! i still cyah believe the save he put down in the first minute of the game today!!!!

Football / Re: Are the likes of Gerrard and Terry hypocrites
« on: September 09, 2009, 08:18:16 AM »
The key to that Rooney DIVE against Arsenal is his left leg.

Watch Elan gif file and see how Rooney left leg buckle and start to go down before Almunia hand even reach Rooney.

Clear DIVE.

De one against Slovakia wuss yet.

But is Rooney.  He does get away wit "murder" in English football.  Rooney does put een some a de stinkest tackles it have anywhere and get away without so much as a card sometimes.  Same like Shearer back in de day.

i saying that since i first saw it and men was arguing wit me that is a clear pen. he ass shuda gte booked for divin!!! he was on his way down before he reached almunis

Football / Re: Lets have a SW.NET Sweat
« on: August 22, 2009, 07:02:12 AM »
well I say Sat Sept 5th ... like 4pm to 7 pm...

 so we could kill some tension before the honduras match...and give people enough time to go home to watch it...

let me hear allyuh

LAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWDDDD. i in bago that weekend  >:(

Football / Re: Lets have a SW.NET Sweat
« on: August 15, 2009, 10:11:57 AM »
Hey is it possible to have it somewhere between 21st- 31st August...

I'll be in TnT in that time period.

nah lol..ah go cant make that  ;D
make it somewhere round the USA game..say like between start of September to the middle of September  ;)

once is before sept 20th i dey

i look like i MIGHT be off to a good start this week  :-\

i now sign up dey to try a ting.......billyG Inc. is d name

The way I see it right now, man city paid 18m pounds to put Roque Santa Cruz on their bench.. and that's insane.

i don't see how else he fitting into their projected lineup.. The way I see it, its either a 4-3-3 lineup with 3 forwards and no wingers as in:


   Robinho                      Tevez

    Barry                        Ireland
                  De Jong

Bridge    Dunne   Richards    Onuoha


... or a lineup with wingers and a single defensive midfielder:

            Tevez     Adebayor

Robinho    Ireland    Barry       SWP

Bridge    Dunne   Kompany    Richards


NB: (Defence subject to refinancing)


hoss u mad awa? santa cruz better than ade-wheredgoal? i doh tink any top coach wud start ade over roque if given the choice.

Jokes / paris hilton
« on: July 11, 2009, 11:41:12 AM »

Football / Re: Where was the Defense?
« on: June 07, 2009, 05:03:28 PM »
When glad men learn what defence is all about then we could become better.  Clean up! That is it, plain and simple... clean up. Marvin Dogg did not clean up after Lawrence and Lawrence did not clean up after dogg shit. Carlos was not at fault, he played that winger all the way and did not lapse unless he had foul de man. Our first stopper and last were our weakest links. >:(

hoss when last u watch football? what first & last stopper u talking about?! them days gone since the start of the 90's. NOBODY does play wit that defensive formation anywhere anymore, it's all about 2 CBs.

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Costa Rica Game (06-Jun-2009).
« on: June 06, 2009, 05:38:47 PM »
who say 4-3?

that wud require us not concedeing but wit d wat we been defending...

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Costa Rica Game (06-Jun-2009).
« on: June 06, 2009, 05:32:36 PM »
our D is a joke yes!!

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Costa Rica Game (06-Jun-2009).
« on: June 06, 2009, 05:26:36 PM »
get in!! 2-2

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Costa Rica Game (06-Jun-2009).
« on: June 06, 2009, 04:53:40 PM »
Ah coulda see that coming.  Even though we scored we playing too slow.

we always do & it's annoying it makes us predictable....like ac meeeelan

off the post!!!

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Costa Rica Game (06-Jun-2009).
« on: June 06, 2009, 04:51:31 PM »
lawrence and andrews rel pulling stones!!!!

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Costa Rica Game (06-Jun-2009).
« on: June 06, 2009, 04:39:39 PM »
wat a sava again by ince!!! d defence sleein

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Costa Rica Game (06-Jun-2009).
« on: June 06, 2009, 04:37:44 PM »
FK from carlos...a daisy cutter

Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Costa Rica Game (06-Jun-2009).
« on: June 06, 2009, 04:36:59 PM »


Football / Re: Thread for the T&T vs Costa Rica Game (06-Jun-2009).
« on: June 06, 2009, 04:30:27 PM »
what a save by ince!!!!

chelsea doh want kaka


napoli sign quagliarella & parma younsgter cignari who will be a big player in the future i think

da technically means tho that he wud have "cost" meeelan 55million euros. cuz madrid offering 65 while man city was offering 120 in jan

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