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Topics - Lower St. John

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Football / Player Talent Comparison: 2005 and 2009
« on: April 02, 2009, 02:16:07 PM »
Question: Are our present crop of players more talented and playing a higher quality of football than time gone by? 

Now I don't want to go back to the Strike Squad era or the 2001 squad, which in my book had much better talent (position for position).  Comparing the main players from the last World Cup campaign to those of today, are we better today?  Now although the same players might be available or in the team today, is that player a better player today. (Dwight in 2005 compared to Dwight in 2009, or KJ in 2005 to KJ 2009, Avery John 2005 to Avery John 2009).  Here is my crack at it:

2005                                                        2009                                                    Winner
Jack/Shaka/Ince                        Ince                                                 -----
Avery John                               Akile Edwards/Avery/Whoever                2005
Dennis Lawrence                        Dennis Lawrence                                 2005
Brent Sancho                            Keyeno Thomas/Makan Hislop                 2005
Spann/Cyd Gray                         Wolfe/Spann/Cyd/Whoever                    2005
Dwight Yorke                             Dwight Yorke                                      2005
Chris Birchall                              Chris Birchall                                       2005
Densil Theobald                          Keon Daniel                                        2009
Carlos Edwards                          Carlos Edwards                                    ----
Stern John                                Stern John                                          2005
Kenwyne Jones                          Kenwyne Jones                                    2005

Cornell Glen                                Jason Scotland                                   ----
Aurtis Whitley                            Clyde Leon/Khaleem Hyland                   2005
Latapy                                      Latapy                                              2005

Some may argue for Jack in goal but I believe it is a wash. Ah grudgingly give Keon ah win, not because he is a better player, but because ah still cyah figure out what Beenie saw in Bleeder. Jason Scotland although a much better player today (maybe one of the best in the squad at present) cannot be thought of as being better than Cornell Glenn in 2005.  Ah did not include Dog, who was better than what we have now in both Tallest and Thomas/Hislop.

Either we continue to live in the past or we face facts and move on.  This team as constructed is weaker and should not be compared to the 2005 squad, which not only had better skilled players playing at a high level at the time but they were then coached to play team football.

The table above is a good argument for saying that our player development is non-existent as well as pointing out the ineffective work by the technical staff to prepare a game plan that suits the player personnel.


Football / Best Little Men in the Game
« on: December 14, 2008, 08:15:26 PM »
Every article I read about Latas there is always the adjective "Little" applied to our No. 10.  Without a doubt our best "Little" player would be Latas. Although most Trinbago players are small when compared to the international players, it had some small men that look like they did not take common entrance yet but were the generals on de field and yuh did not want to play against.

Next to Latapy, I was always amazed at Faustin's ability in de National colours. Back in the days there was a guy called Peanuts from in de east playing for Tunapuna Modnicks in the Arthur Suite league a real small man but played extremely well for his size.

Worthy of special mention: Dexter Sandy (QRC), Kona Hislop (CIC), Sean Constantine.

International - Osvaldo Ardiles (Tottenham, Argentina)

Name your favorite--

Football / If You Were The Coach of the US Team....
« on: October 13, 2008, 11:53:52 AM »
Clearly the US coach is aware of the fact that they can be spoiler regarding Trinbago or Guatemala qualifying for the hex.  Although the US have been given the mantle as the top team in the region, their recent on field performances have not been as convincing as their winning results.  The reality is that anything can happen in the Hex with the likes of Mexico, Costa Rica and Honduras (famous for choking at the Hex). 

Contrary to popular opinion on this forum, the US do not respect us both at home and on the road.  I am not sure of the US record in Guatemala but playing in Guatemala City is tough regardless of the opponent. 

Without seriously questioning the present US coach's integrity, but nevertheless as the US coach (not a Trini wearing USA colours for argument sakes), which team would you prefer to play in the Hex?

Guatemala or Trinidad and Tobago.               Why?


Football / What is de TT Proleague really doing to promote our players??
« on: November 04, 2006, 04:41:11 PM »
Another Saturday in the EPL has gone by and I could not help but take notice of the number of American players that were observed today. So I took some time to try and identify just how many there are.  It is amazing to think that there are 12 American players in English Premier League.  Most of the present players in the EPL came through the MLS or US system.  I have to take my hat off to the MLS, it might be screwing our players from the Caribbean but it is really doing a great job for the American players.  There should be no doubts that the MLS is meant to develop and promote the American players first and foremost.  MLS is really doing the job of promoting the US Players. 

When I review Tallman's "Trinis in Action Today," any so called Trini playing the EPL today cannot claim to have kicked a lime back home.  Yet still we have men on this forum still focusing on Ja and really losing sight that we are moving further and further away from the top of Concacaf.  Meeting and beating Ja is all well and good but is no major accomplishment, and Ja should view us in the same way, since both teams qualified for a World Cup out of Concacaf.  In 1989, no one could argue with the statement that we were on par with the US.  Mexico was always on top.  Now where are we in relation to the top two? 

Here are my questions (which have been asked over and over again by members on this forum): Is the local Professional league doing a poor job in promoting our players in foreign markets?  Or are our players not up to the standard of playing abroad (Wim might say yes to this one)?

Take a look below at US players in the EPL and this list does not include the lower leagues where all of our present National players including the Captain play on the weekend.

Brian McBride and Carlos Bocanegra are at Fulham FC. McBride left the Columbus Crew after the 2003 season, and Bocanegra left around the same time from the Chicago Fire.

Marcus Hahnemann and Bobby Convey at Reading FC.  Hahnemann left Colorado Rapids in 1999.  Bobby Convey left DC United in 2004.

Claudio Reyna and DaMarcus Beasley are at Manchester City.  Beasely made his way to Manchester City on loan from PSV Eindhoven but originally from Chicago Fire.
Tim Howard at Everton FC this season on a one-year loan from Mancheter united but originally from NY/NJ Metrostars.

Jonathan Spector at West Ham FC also transferred from Manchester United.  As a result of his ancestry, Spector was able to get a German passport, which allowed him to go to Europe straight out of USSF's Bradenton Academy.

Brad Friedel and Jemal Johnson are at Blackburn Rovers FC.  Friedel, the best US goalkeeper in my books, has been playing in England since moving to Liverpool from the Columbus Crew in 1997.  I think he is the best keeper in the EPL at this point of the season.  Though born in the United States, Jemal Johnson's family moved to Macclesfield when he was five years old, so he is not a true product of the US.  Nevertheless he will be wearing their colors in the future.

Cory Gibbs is at Charlton Athletic FC.  Gibbs left the Dallas Burn in 2004-05 season to Feyenord and then moved to Charlton Athletic this year.

Jay DeMerit is at Watford FC.  DeMerit was not drafted by the MLS but played for the Chicago Fire Reserve team in the USL Premier Development League.  He took advantage of his ancestry (Danish) to get to Europe.

Johann Smith is at Bolton FC.  Smith was spotted by Bolton scouts at Oakwood Soccer Club and offered a three year scholarship to Bolton Academy.

Football / Scotish Premier League - Celtic vs Falkirk
« on: October 04, 2006, 07:14:05 PM »
I would like to get some forumites opinion on the Scottish Premier League.  I am looking at the Falkirk vs. Celtic game from last Sunday with our boy Latapy on Setanta, and I am so unimpressed with the brand of football that I am seriously considering switching to a baseball game.  Imagine that.  (The Falkirk ground looking like Skinner Park with one big stand and some cow sheds.)  This is the second game with Falkirk and Latapy that I am watching and it is boring.  Worst sentiments were felt when I watched Samuel playing a game for Dundee United (that look like wild man football).  The quality of play is hard to stomach.

Surprisingly, Latapy is playing in a position a little above the defense (truly a defensive mid) with little movement forward into the Celtic half.  To be honest Latpay walk for almost 35 minutes of the first half of this Celtics game.  The game with Falkirk versus Rangers, he played a similar role with very little attacking running.  To be honest, the commentators are truly in love with Latapy and will point out how fearful the opposition are of him.  But he is not doing anything in attack.  To watch Latas try to close down men, not really tackling and simply moving around in front of the defense.  In this Celtic game, the only time Latas has truly entered the attacking third of the field is to take the corners or set pieces.  The funny thing is that this Falkirk team desperately needs a midfield player with vision and to me the coach wasting Latas ability in Falkirk's defensive third of the pitch.  Damn Latas hardly crossing half line.

Whenever Latas touches the ball you can't miss his class.  There was one turn early in the game that was so smooth, they replayed it.  He is truly class in tight spaces but his work rate is not there.

I going and check the final score in this game to consider if it worth watching to the end.


Football / Thanks Angus - A True "Big" Small Man
« on: February 02, 2006, 12:15:22 PM »
I was surprised after reading the article on Eve retiring from International football, there were no posts on the article.

Well if it is only me so be it, but THANKS for the years of great service Angus.  Not being home and having only seen you representing the Red, White and the Black at the senior level, I was always impressed with your approach, fight and professionalism to the game.  Your performance in the Gold Cup under Bertille stays in my mind.  Most recently your performance in last years Gold Cup left me feeling that you could be a super sub for the Soca Warriors, coming on in the last fifteen minutes to up the tempo (either as a forward or midfield player).  Sadly, Beenie has saw fit to look elsewhere and I am not one to question Beenie.

Although you indicate that you are not bitter for being left back by Beenie and company, the statement below has some undertones of bitterness.  Granted Rougier is also an old Veteran, I believe the fact that the he has been in the past (and maybe showing signs once again) a utility player, able to play every position but goalkeeper, may be the reason for his inclusion.  Our biggest weakness is our wing backs and he might be cover.

“Guys like Tony Rougier are older than I am and they have been given the opportunity to be on the National team and when I look back my last few games for the National team, I think I have had some very good, strong performances and I still think I can make a strong contribution, unfortunately for me Mr. Beenhakker came into the picture and has not seen it that way and he has not looked in my direction, Eve lamented.”

Big up all the time, you wore the colours well.  Good luck in the coaching arena, with the same level of professionalism and dedication, I can see you being a successful coach in the future (maybe a future national coach).

I would not have suggested that you call it quits after the World Cup.  Yuh never know!!!  Keep the dream alive.


Football / Nominations for Beenie Man for Prime Minister Committee
« on: November 16, 2005, 12:17:10 PM »
With the idiots we have running the country at home.  If he could right we football ship, yuh think he could right the country.  Ah taking nominations for President, Vice-President and Sargeant at Arms for the Committee to elect Leo Beenhakker to Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago.

Leh meh hear all yuh now.

Football / Was Beenie Man (a.k.a. Don Leo) Outcoached???
« on: November 13, 2005, 07:02:37 AM »
Of all the games I have seen this was the Warriors worst performance under Beenie.  I put most of the blame on the players present on the pitch.  In doing so, one does not give credit to the opposition which I believe to be unfair.  To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction!!

The following questions begs to be asked:
Were we truly prepared for this Bahrain team?
What was our game plan, knowing that the opposing team was coming to play for a draw (mainly defensive)?
Was the Belgian better than de Dutchman on Saturday in having his team play to their strengths?
Were Beenie in game changes effective?  Other than the obvious player changes, what were they?
What role did the coach play in the mental preparation for a game of this magnitude at home?

After looking at the game again today, I might try myself to answer some of these questions!!!

Football / Apologies List.................
« on: October 13, 2005, 06:03:40 AM »
Most man on this site no I eh no Waggonist, (might have been missing in action but ah still dey) and although we have not accomplished our goal of making it to Germany just yet, this is an appropriate time to not only say Thanks for the effort and dedication by all involved in dis Warriors campaign but to say sorry as well.  That being said I am a big man inna dis thing and will be the first to extend apologies to some of meh Warriors breds:

First up Stern "Half-Slab" John - Even going into this game I was still of the opinion that your scoring rate (number of times scored to number of chances) is too low for this campaign, but brother yuh raised and entire Nation on yuh back last night and for dat, I say I am SORRY for doubting that you will come thru.  Keep it up but, I will be the one fighting down man criticizing yuh from now on.

Marvin "Big Dog" Andrews - I have always supported you but at the same time, I was always disappointed in and criticized you for the mistakes made at crucial times in our World Cup games.  The truth been told, I was advocating to bench yuh if Sancho was fit.  Yuh played the type of game against Mexico last night that I have come accustomed to reading that you have played for Rangers.  I am SORRY for doubting the heart of the Lion.  Truly Blessed.

Cyd "Wild Man" Gray - Lawd boy, I am an Atiba man and then became a major convert for having Span in that wing back postion.  But yuh raised yuh game at the appropriate time.  I am SORRY.

Birchall - Although I have never fought you down since you put on our National team jersey.  I initially doubted your conviction to playing for a nation you never visited.  Well boy a little over ten games and counting, yuh is a Trini to de bone.  Dem genes from yuh mum strong.  I am SORRY for doubting yuh.

And Last but in no way least De Man in the back and de front of this whole thing, Jack Warner - I will be lying if I say that I am a big fan of yours, I have been around too long to make that hypocritical statement.  But I have and will always acknowledged your effort and your undoubted Trinbago pride in every aspect.  I will be proud to see you walk our nation's Team into the stadium for our first World Cup match in Germany.  I am truly SORRY for fighting you down in the past.  Thanks


Football / Trinibago Problem - Dem Early Goals
« on: September 03, 2005, 08:30:01 PM »
Every team in Concacaf is of the opinion, right or wrong, that they can score on us early.  Even our coach has pointed to this flaw.  Every game I am holding my breath for the first 20 minutes of play.  I then have to resort to looking forward to the second half performance.

Is this on the individual players?  Is this on the team as a whole?  Or is this a technical deficiency in terms of preparation?  What de hell is really going on here?

I have seen the last USA game and now the Guatemala game, where we conceeded goals in the first 5-10 minutes.  Both early goals were not of the same design.  The USA game was a major mistake from the right wing back and we were punished by good wing play from the Americans.  Against the Guatemalans we conceeded a free kick in a not so dangerous position but went down 1-0 off of a wicked defensive deflection from the resulting free kick.

I am curious as to what members of the forum believe to be the root of our problems in the first 20 minutes of a game.  More importantly I am interested to hear man opinions on what can be done, if something could be done.

Football / Service is Everything - Serious Question on Stern!!!
« on: August 22, 2005, 11:44:22 AM »
With the possible inclusion of Carlos Edwards and Latas in a starting eleven, does Stern fit in???

Without a creative midifeld, we need the speed and strength of players like Jones, Sealy and Glen to create something on the field up front.  If we are able to provide the forwards with much better service, where the forward does not have to create his own chances, would a goal poacher like Stern have a place??

I like the youths and dem, but experience could make the difference.  Stern cannot create his own chances and needs quality service without question, but is he so badly out of form?  The matches I have seen and they total 4.5 games (including 1.5 Gold Cup Games), the service to the forwards was lacking from the midfield.  This statement also applies to Yorke, since he has not scored in the six WCQ games.  Biggest problem with Stern is the lack of fight and movement.

I don't have an answer and will go with who is in form (de youths) but Stern based on past performance is still a viable option.

Football / Somebody tell me some Positives from de Gold Cup
« on: July 12, 2005, 05:31:43 PM »
I did not see the Honduras game.  I saw half of the Panama game And I saw the Colombia game.  For the 135 minutes of football I am real hard pressed to find positives.  But I will start this of:

  • Silvio Span deserves a place in the squad against the US on August 17.
  • We don't play anyone else after Colombia with this bunch of guys

Football / Putting Saturday's Game Against Panama in Perspective
« on: June 02, 2005, 05:48:24 PM »
Present standings after three games
Team        GP   W    L    T    PTS
Mexico        3     2    0    1    7
USA            3     2    1    0    6
Guatemala    3     1    1    1    4
Costa Rica     3     1    1    1    4
Panama        3      0    1    2    2
T&T             3      0    2    1    1

Saturday June 4th games (Most Likely and Favorable Results for the Warriors)
T&T defeats Panama (Any other result and reading the rest of this post is moot)
Mexico defeats Guatemala

Standings after June 4th
Team        GP   W  L   T    PTS
Mexico        4    3   0   1    10
USA            4    3   1   0    9
Guatemala    4    1   2   1    4
Costa Rica     4    1   2   1    4
T&T             4    1   2   1    4
Panama         4    0   2   2    2

Scenario 1: Wednesday June 8th games (Most Likely and Favorable Result for the Warriors)
USA defeats Panama
Mexico defeats T&T
Costa Rica tie Guatemala

Team        GP   W  L   T    PTS
Mexico        5    4   0   1    13
USA            5    4   1   0    12
Guatemala    5    1   2   2    5
Costa Rica     5    1   2   2    5
T&T             5    1   3   1    4
Panama         5    0   3   2    2

Scenario 2: Wednesday June 8th games (Most Likely Result for the Warriors)
USA defeats Panama                                USA defeats Panama
Mexico defeats T&T                                 Mexico defeats T&T
Guatemala defeats Costa Rica                   Costa Rica defeats Guatemala

Team        GP   W  L   T    PTS                                            Team        GP   W  L   T    PTS 
Mexico        5    4   0   1    13                                               Mexico        5    4   0   1    13 
USA            5    4   1   0    12                                               USA             5    4   1   0    12
Guatemala    5    2   2  1    7                                                Costa Rica     5    2   2   1    7
Costa Rica     5    1   3   1    4                                               Guatemala    5    1   3   1    4
T&T              5    1   3   1    4                                               T&T             5    1   3   1    4
Panama         5    0   3   2    2                                              Panama         4    0   3   2    2

Scenario 3: Wednesday June 8th games (The Soccer Gods Smiles on The Warriors (Plenty Prayers involved in this one)) :o
USA defeats Panama
Mexico tie T&T
Costa Rica tie Guatemala

Team        GP   W  L   T    PTS
USA            5    4   1   0    12
Mexico         5    3   0   2    8
Guatemala    5    1   1   2    5
Costa Rica     5    1   1   2    5
T&T              5    1   2   2    5
Panama         5    0   3   2    2

I would not go further and attempt to list other Scenarios (showing a victory for the Warriors in Mexico).  Maybe after Saturday's performance I might consider it but nothing in our past (recent or otherwise) suggests we will get a victory in Mexico.  The main purpose of the scenarios is to show that with a little luck we can still control our destiny going into the second half of the qualifiers once we start with a win against Panama.

I am sure most Forumites would settle for Scenario 2 showing us one victory (three points) off the third place qualifier position.  Showing the possible standings at the midpoint of the qualifiers shows how big this game is on Saturday. 

Fellas, plain talk bad manners, we need full points against Panama.  Most folks are aware of how daunting the tasks is ahead of us but there is still a lot of football to play in this campaign (and a number of quality warm up matches against good compettion in the Gold Cup and Unity Cup). 

Victory For the Warriors on Saturday and we cool, anything more after that is langniappe. ;D  It doh make sense listing any negatives for Saturday. :-\

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