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Messages - Girl Warrior

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Football / Re: Watch how good Ronaldo is!
« on: February 16, 2013, 09:13:54 PM »
Im not a fan of Ronaldo but I happened to see the full show and its really impressive. I always knew he was a great baller but seeing it in this form shows how his speed, jumping ability, leg power and acumen are amazing. Everyone should see this, Im pretty sure you'd develop an appreciation for him.

Congrats to Renee (u have the bragging rights over Damian for the next year, lol)

oh hoorrr, is that so?!? Me thinks somebody need to put in a call to the Integrity Commission!  :thinking:  :waiting:

We need ah referendum. One team per household. Yuh hear dat Touches, Firebrand, Feliziano etc.  >:(

:shameonyou: I don't agree   

The servings will be hefty and the portions will be plentiful.. Pelau for all.. Licks in allyuh skin this year!!  :whip:
Congrats to Renee (u have the bragging rights over Damian for the next year, lol)

oh hoorrr, is that so?!? Me thinks somebody need to put in a call to the Integrity Commission!  :thinking:  :waiting:

Yuh know, ah forget meh password and ah was fine with just reading but then yuh had to call meh name, so ah reach.
Mr. Dinho, are you questioning my ability to manage my own squad? No need for Integrity Commission you can direct all queries to me.
Me thinks someone might have a problem with getting licks from a woman... hmmmm  :thinking:

General Discussion / Re: Navas
« on: July 25, 2009, 11:24:10 AM »
She seemed very nervous on the first day and the few words she spoke didn't come across too well. The Palin comparision did cross my mind though, but who knows, maybe with a little polishing up she'll surprise us.

She really mastered the beauty queen wave though...

Football / Re: TT ProLeague?
« on: April 01, 2008, 07:57:24 AM »
They are working on fixing it today, it eh make no sense to flood them with calls, calling them will keep them on the phone and not allow them to fix the problem in an expeditious manner.

Football / Re: Trinidad and Tobago stadiums
« on: October 01, 2007, 01:41:09 PM »
Hello...Dwight York stadiums..is missing....we have 5 stadiums not 4

Isn't the plural of stadium...STADIA  ???  ;)

lol! yes it is :)

Allyuh hear the Akon "I'm Sorry" song? He sings about Danah in the 3rd verse. Check it out:

Football / Re: Courts Pro Bowl final match report
« on: May 28, 2007, 07:17:58 AM »
The Connection game was on par to the semi finals match of the week before in terms of excitement. Ah telling allyuh straight... meh heart cyar take this penalties thing. It not easy.
Anyway, what I want to say is that the Proleauge is trying to encourage the fans to come out. They made sure that there were alot of giveaways, eg. free cornsoup, nuts, doubles, pies... They provide good entertainment... Ziggy Rankin performed last Friday. Since Courts was the sponsor, the quarterfinal, semifinal and finals all had appliances as giveaways, coffee makers, foot-spa, etc.. They even gave away two 27" tv's to the fans. The questionnaires that they were giving out was for a chance to win the one of the tv's but it was a little more than just that. The information provided by the fans will hopefully be entered on a database so that they can get an idea of which clubs the fans support and they will be better able to assess marketing strategies etc. Guys, the crowds at the matches make a big difference, please make the effort to come out and support.

Football / Re: Warrior Nation on Synergy Sports tonight
« on: May 16, 2007, 06:27:12 AM »
I caught this last night.  It dealt mainly with de Fun Match on Sunday.  They had some of the celebrities who will be playing and a few players from the WC (Sancho and Cornell).

So they didn't really have any in depth interviews per se, the programme was just to advertise and encourage people to come out on Sunday and support the event. 

That call came from all present, including the Warrior Nation reps, Weary, Andre Samuel and one other guy whose name I can't remember right now......

Good show....but come to think bout it ah still eh know where to get tickets....at the stadium on the day I guess.... ???

The other guy was Patriot....\

Tickets are available at the stadium on Sunday from 1pm

Jokes / Girls Night Out
« on: May 14, 2007, 01:51:16 PM »

Two women, who had been friends for years, decided to go for a Girls
 Night Out, and were decidedly over-enthusiastic on the cocktails.
 Incredibly drunk and walking home, they needed to use the bathroom.
 They were very near a graveyard and one of them suggested they do their
 business behind a head stone or something.

 The first woman had nothing to dry herself with she thought she'd take
 off her panties, use them, and then threw them away.

 Her friend, however, was wearing a rather expensive underwear set and
 didn't want to ruin hers, but was lucky to salvage a large ribbon from a
 wreath that was on one of the graves. So she dried herself with the

 The next day the first woman's husband phoned the other husband and
said, "This girl's night out thing has got to stop right now. My wife came
 home last night without her panties."

 "That's nothing," said the other husband, "Mine came home with a card
 stuck to her ass that said,



BC pires had a good one called the skettictionary.
but its no more sadly. people use to send in words / phrases and thier menaing.
was pure kicks

That was the first online trini dictionary that i could remember.... me and a freind in the office used to email a "word of the day" to coworkers. ah loved that too bad.
the ones i use to get kicks off..was the subtle diferences between words like jammet, skettel, etc
and how many definitions it had for panday .lol
ah remember that too... oh gorm dat was real kicks fuh true


BC pires had a good one called the skettictionary.
but its no more sadly. people use to send in words / phrases and thier menaing.
was pure kicks

That was the first online trini dictionary that i could remember.... me and a freind in the office used to email a "word of the day" to coworkers. ah loved that too bad.

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Distasteful Akon Clip
« on: April 18, 2007, 07:44:39 AM »

I'm sure he didn't have to carry on like that to please the crowd

General Discussion / Re: Nothing
« on: March 29, 2007, 11:22:36 AM »

General Discussion / Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« on: March 27, 2007, 05:55:33 AM »
bago make it on best week ever :rotfl: :rotfl:

You saw it Morvant??  :rotfl: Oh lawd oyi
I feeling bad how them comedians getting kix on we lil island boy.
Who wid a thought that we Tobago pastors woulda make it on VH1 this weekend.

i didn't understand what Morvie said...but Girl Warrior you mean we make TV - because of this ?

gimme more details nah please

Aye Cana, I didn't come back online yesterday, but back to the Elton topic, there are some pop music blogs that asking tourists to boycott Tobago because of this issue, I heard in this morning on 96.1 but I eh seeing anything online.

General Discussion / Re: Tobago pastors gunning for Sir Elton's head
« on: March 26, 2007, 10:59:09 AM »
bago make it on best week ever :rotfl: :rotfl:

You saw it Morvant??  :rotfl: Oh lawd oyi
I feeling bad how them comedians getting kix on we lil island boy.
Who wid a thought that we Tobago pastors woulda make it on VH1 this weekend.

It might have been Kisskidee Karavan in the stadium. The Cutty Ranks, Kid n Play and Colour Me Badd was before the Karavan? I trying hard to remember... and I not even that old.  :)

Bob Marley in de Oval.....allyuh evah see a cloud ah weed? I doh eve think I was ah teenager yet.

Yes I see a cloud ah weed already... in Skinner Park for the Bunny Wailer concert in nineteen ninety something... Ah doe remember if it was meh first but it ranking as one of meh first. It had a rasta man with a garbage bag full ah weed just sharing out.... fuh free.... i eh lying... and the Police eh do a thing. I was on the outskirts by the track and all yuh seing by the stage was a big cloud ah smoke...

Cricket Anyone / Re: I make him out
« on: March 20, 2007, 05:57:36 AM »
I see him jumping up at the end of the match when we win!

General Discussion / Re: But check dis man out
« on: March 14, 2007, 10:25:16 AM »
Look how dis man get busted nah

Hint, hint, is look ah licks like fire for dat gyul  :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :devil: :beermug:
u sure u have d e right picture

He use the url address, he eh use the picture properties

Football / Re: Happy Bday Sancho
« on: March 13, 2007, 08:20:03 AM »
Happy Birthday # 5. All the best!

Football / Re: Sancho in Team of the Day
« on: March 12, 2007, 05:47:05 AM »
 :applause: :applause: :applause:
Keep up the good work # 5

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Slaughter new Album for 2K7
« on: March 09, 2007, 01:37:26 PM »
Doe get tie up fellahs, Slaughter love he culture. He have real potential, according to one of my friend he could be our next Machel. I would agree, he keeps getting better... check out his official website...

i like slaughter a lot but de next Machel  :rotfl:

yuh had meh rolling with dat one girl  ;D

maybe the next bunji but not machel....

Edit: The album decent, but nowhere close to the Book of Angels.......

Hear meh... I eh mean he trying to be like Machel.... or look or sing  like him.... I eh mean lyrically either.....
I been to a couple of fetes that he performed along with other acts (not Machel of course) and I swear, he was the only one who really moved the crowd and had us going. I was talking about the vibe, the parties had real vibe when the man was performing, people hurry up for they drinks and girls run out the port-a-potty to see him perform.
So my comparison is about his effect, and I think its growing. Yuh catch wha ah saying?
Believe me I know Machel is #1 and I eh giving nobody else that status just so.

Football / Re: Injury rules Henry out for season
« on: March 09, 2007, 11:09:14 AM »
say it ain't so...   :(

Entertainment & Culture Discussion / Re: Slaughter new Album for 2K7
« on: March 09, 2007, 10:56:59 AM »
Doe get tie up fellahs, Slaughter love he culture. He have real potential, according to one of my friend he could be our next Machel. I would agree, he keeps getting better... check out his official website...

Fellas this one special is a fellow forumite in all her glory and splendor  enjoying de mass.
i got permisson from she doh worry..lol

she kinda cute! lol

buh a a look wholol
how u ressurect so.
long time i eh "see" u

hull yuh tail eh...
anyway i know i was gon for long but i still here luv
how tings wit you...ah see yuh start a post for de fellas

long time no see girl... it seems that organic have them special powers to bring yuh back to make a post eh, lol.  dats island people you were in??
gosh gw doh set meh up for no buss ass nah. u see how small i am. i cyah take de kinda lash i go get nah  :(
lol, I just shocked that so long we eh hear from her and today we get picture AND real time responses :)

Fellas this one special is a fellow forumite in all her glory and splendor  enjoying de mass.
i got permisson from she doh worry..lol

she kinda cute! lol

buh a a look wholol
how u ressurect so.
long time i eh "see" u

hull yuh tail eh...
anyway i know i was gon for long but i still here luv
how tings wit you...ah see yuh start a post for de fellas

long time no see girl... it seems that organic have them special powers to bring yuh back to make a post eh, lol.  dats island people you were in??

« on: February 23, 2007, 09:00:08 AM »
or is it just me???

Football / Re: Lucky Connection.
« on: February 14, 2007, 09:49:58 AM »
Ponnoxx I supporting them too, but I want better for them. I want them to shine and play with confidence and not settle for mediocrity or below. W Connection will remain my favourite PFL team. I will be in the stadium to support them in the Courts Pro Bowl, the Toyota Cup, the First Citizens Cup, the Lucozade Big Six and any other tournament they compete in locally.
Ponnoxx I understand everything that you're saying but i don't particularly agree with it, thats how it goes sometimes.

Football / Re: Lucky Connection.
« on: February 14, 2007, 08:59:00 AM »
Wha the jail is this boy? OK Girl-warrior and trini-warrior and touches and company...If Connection did try to play like Chivas and get f_cking wash 5-nil...then what would have been the argument...Whether it is luck, good skill, determination etc Football is 90 minutes and is about scoring goals...If allyuh cyah get that then I don't know what allyuh want...If allyuh coulda come and say "Boy, Hector rel rip, or Toussaint rel rip, or Goulart shred in that game...but W still get licks, would that have been good ?"...It would have been perfect if W Connection play well and win...It would have been good if I were a f-cking millionaire also but guess what in the real world (not fairyland) things don't be perfect...It would have been nice if Cornell Glen had scored against Sweden with that shot...It was a well executed shot but I personally would have been glad if he totally got it wrong and it deflect(look rel ugly) and went in the goal...But that is just me....Go T&T

Yuh missing the point Ponnoxx... nobody here vex that they win yuh know, i think we all happy them boys get them two goals in, but the football is not a short term thing. This wasn't the be all and end all of W Connection. I cyah see how allyuh raising allyuh hopes for what was played on that pitch last night.They still have to play in Mexico and they will have games where they in an international spotlight again. The harsh reality is that they need to improve. It eh have no maths in understanding that. Connection was moving so slow last night that if they had on a orange kit they would have made perfect cones for the Mexicans to run around

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