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Topics - redtrinigirl

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Hey, found this on the BBC. It should work, if not try the international version. But here they showed the race, analysis, interviews after the race and showed all the celebrations of Bolt and Thompson after the race.




Football / Reports from WN (UK) Small Goal Tournament 2008...
« on: July 07, 2008, 06:35:55 AM »
We will post reports and pics and links to videos as the week progresses here. But we toooooo tired to write much now.  ;D

But, I had to let you guys know we had a few guests yesterday, including:

Stern John (& family)
Brent Sancho
Kelvin Jack (& wife)
Patrick Vieira (&family)

Yes, that Patrick Vieira..lol He came during the semis and took in the final match, which was quite lively. Real spanner and ting. lol

The winners, and still reigning champions of the WN UK Small Goal Tournament 2008 are Psycho 5. This makes it a 3-peat for these guys, well done!

Football / WN UK 3rd Annual Small Goal Tournament & Family Day!
« on: June 09, 2008, 05:31:55 AM »

We are pleased to announce that this year's event will take place at The Hub, Regent's Park on Sunday July 6th. For those of you who were lucky enough to be at last year's event, it's being held in the same place.

This is a wonderful day out for Trinis and friends, open to families and limers alike. It's gonna be food, fun and football in the park once again. So bring the kids and even the pets out and let's spend a great day together.


The football tournament itself is open to anyone willing to put a team together. The tournament adopts a round-robin format, through to the semi-finals and finals, where this year's champions will be crowned.

Entry fee - £64 per team, with a maximum of 8 players per team.
(Water and liquid refreshments included for players)


Will Psycho 5 be able to do the 3-peat this year? Will TnT All Stars finally get revenge? Last year we had Dwight Yorke as our special guest, who will it be this year? Only time will tell.

NOTE: 9 team places have already been booked so get your team registered now!

For more information contact Jan on 07951148098


 For further details check out Babash Events at    http://www.babash.co.uk/warriornation/ 

I'd heard rumours of this, but here's at least one confirmation. Thanks to the Soca Warriors at the World Cup and Kenwyne Jones this last season, more people are viewing Trinidad and the Caribbean as a viable market for good (although cheap) players.

Money-conscious Blackwell

Globe-trotter: Manager Kevin Blackwell is clocking up the air miles in pursuit of new talent for United

Date: 31 May 2008
By James Shield

HAVING vowed to treat the club's money with the same care he would his own, Sheffield United manager Kevin Blackwell has left himself precious little room for error in the transfer market.

So rather than place his trust in recommendations from agents and fixers, who possibly enjoy a vested interest in placing players at Bramall Lane, Blackwell is preparing to embark on a punishing round-the-world trip to ensure those being considered for transfers to South Yorkshire possess the required pedigree.

Port of Spain, where Trinidad and Tobago host England in a friendly international fixture tomorrow, is the first destination on Blackwell's cluttered itinerary.

Stopovers in Brazil and Dubai are also planned as part of an exhaustive search for potential signings.

"I'll be putting in the miles this summer," he said.

"I'm a big believer in actually seeing people you might be interested in yourself rather than leaving that to others.

"If you want to make a judgement then you have to have seen the person in action yourself.

"In my opinion, there's no other way.

"You can't get a proper idea about what somebody may or not be capable of by watching them on a video or DVD.

"Nobody is going to out anything bad in there are they?

"And, as manager, ultimately it is your responsibility to try and bring in the right people.

"So although you will have people filtering certain names out of the system, when push comes to shove I think you have to have seen them in action to be able to make a call."

Blackwell's old-fashioned approach is designed to minimise the element of risk inherent in any purchase as United's board of directors look to strike a balance between supporting their coaching staff in the transfer market and protecting their reputation for sensible financial housekeeping in today's increasingly difficult climate.

Blackwell's insistence on visiting Sao Paulo, where United are applying the finishing touches to their development agreement with the former World Club Champions, suggests Shirecliffe is set to receive its first intake of youngsters from the Cícero Pompeu de Toledo Stadium.

And David Carney, the United midfielder who has suffered from a lack of opportunities since Blackwell's February appointment, will be pleased to learn that Australia's World Cup qualifer with Iraq in the UAE is also on his club boss's agenda.

Blackwell's appointment to watch an as yet unidentified player in action against Fabio Capello's side means he will miss the first instalment of the Socceroos' double-header with their Middle East rivals.

But when Pim Verbeek's squad travel to the desert state on June 7 Blackwell will be watching from the stands.

"I'll be watching players on both sides of the Atlantic," Blackwell confirmed.

"It's certainly going to be a very busy time."

Football / Shaka speaks! (a Play The Game article)
« on: May 25, 2008, 07:42:01 AM »
I dunno if this was posted here before, but it makes for a very interesting read:


The Autonomy of Sport: Threat or Promise
A View from the Grass Island

by Shaka Hislop

Allow me to introduce myself- my name is Shaka Hislop, I was born in England, raised in Trinidad and Tobago and University educated in the US. I am married with 5 beautiful children, a direct result of the autonomy of my wife’s genes. I had played professional football for 15 years before my eventual retirement a couple of months ago.  I have represented the country of my birth in an international friendly, and most proudly my home country of Trinidad and Tobago at full international level, most notably at the World Cup in Germany in 2006.

I was contacted by Jens Andersen earlier this year and asked to present, on my interpretation of the theme “The Autonomy of Sport: Threat or Promise”. An interpretation that would no doubt reflect the naivety of my having lived on a 90mx45m grass island for the last 15 years and the arrogance of having been paid handsomely to do so.

I have always been intrigued by football’s politics, and indeed have paid a far keener interest in it than the vast majority of my counterparts.

In the last 12 months I have challenged Fifa Vice president, Jack Warner’s accounting skills and been installed as interim President of the Football Players’ Association of Trinidad and Tobago, the Caribbean’s first players’ association.

But still this has provided me with a new challenge, a fresh look into the often-murky world of football’s politics. A world that players either ignore or believe has no place on our 4000 square metered grassy Eden.

I started my research some 30 years ago on my own grassy Eden in Trinidad. Twenty-two kids running around respecting the authority of a referee’s whistle and the autonomy of sportsmanship and competition. No one outside of the grassy field needed to remind us to ensure that our opponents were okay after a tough tackle, remind us to shake hands after the game or remind us to assist with removing the nets from the goal and collecting the balls. Autonomy in its purest form.

I have always found sport’s autonomy and the relationships between its governing bodies and local governments a peculiar one.

The fact that Government has an obligation to sport at every level is beyond dispute. I find the often-heard proclamations that politics plays no part in sport, though, hard to believe. Ever since the earliest versions of sport, from Phillip of Makedon and his son Alexander erecting the Philippeion in the Olympic sanctuary in 338BC and holding political meetings during each Olympiad. Or be it football and depending on which historical account you believe- the early Romans or Mexicans playing with the chopped off heads of their enemies, or the ancient Chinese in about 2600BC using a ball made of leather, playing in celebration of the emperor’s birthday, the two, sport and politics, have been intertwined.

This co-existence and indeed co-reliance is no more evident that in present day sport. From the 60 member states boycotting the Moscow Olympic games of 1980, to the British government’s recent announcement that it will fund the 2012 Olympic games to the tune of over US$15bn or the South African government capping the cost on the World Cup stadiums at a more modest US$1.25bn.

Even in tiny Trinidad and Tobago the Government invested in excess of US$10m in the Soca Warriors’ efforts at World Cup qualification.

As the separation of State and sport was beginning to make some sense with the language in the EU’s White Paper on sport, Mr. Jack Warner, Special Advisor to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation, President of the Caribbean Football Union, President of CONCACAF and Fifa Vice President was named as the chairman of the United National Congress, the political opposition party in Trinidad and Tobago, for the upcoming general elections next month. What separation?

Over the last decade Mr. Warner has transformed himself into a larger-than-life character, based largely on his success in the rise to the near peak of football’s governing hierarchy. All this while navigating occasional run-ins with the FIFA Ethics Committee.

My relationship with Mr. Warner started some 13 years ago. I was in the third year of my professional life and the only goalkeeper on the books of modest second division club, Reading FC. I was being forced, by a curious TTFF mandate, to return to Trinidad for the anniversary ‘celebration’ of a game that we had lost some 5 years earlier. A game that had we won would have seen us qualify for World Cup Italia 1990. A strange thing to celebrate by anyone’s standards. Nonetheless, I resisted. A spell of 5 years in the international wilderness followed.

I had always put myself at the forefront of player relations with Mr. Warner and was called into action in March 2005, when we were called to a meeting with Mr. Warner and the TTFF Technical Committee; a committee made up of 8 of T&T’s most trusted names in football, to announce the appointment of Ron Atkinson, himself a larger-than-life, controversial figure, as our next national team manager. An appointment I reacted angrily to given Mr. Atkinson’s latest racially charged outburst, this time against the black, French midfielder Marcel Desailly, during a Chelsea game in which he was commentating on and thought the mic was switched off. It was far more interesting to note though that none of the TTFF’s own hierarchy were present, and the entire technical committee, to me, had seemed either unaware of, unconsulted on or unconcerned by the proposed appointment.

An announcement was made some 4 hours later that Leo Beenhaker was to assume control of our national team with immediate effect. And the rest is history as they say…or it would have been had we not negotiated a substantial share of the revenues raised should we qualify for the WC 2006, which of course we did.

In August of last year we were told that this would amount to a payout of US$800 per man for the 23-man squad.

Within months 16 of the squad had launched a legal challenge to the figures. Mr. Warner reacted angrily! Mr. Jack Warner, Fifa Vice-President, in a press interview with the Caribbean Media Corporation, accused the players of greed, and of holding the TTFF to ransom. Promising that we would “stay outside the pail of organized football’! Comments and threats which prompted me to write to him personally in response- pointing to our human right to legal counsel and, particularly, that despite his position within the region’s football he had taken leave of neutrality all together.

On reflection of these issues, and in particular in researching this presentation, I couldn’t help but think that football in Trinidad and Tobago and indeed the Caribbean had become far more autocratic than autonomous. The pure autonomy I experienced as a child on my grassy Eden had given way to the forbidden fruit of autocracy and I was living its consequences.

The “Nice Declaration” specifies, “sporting organizations have to exercise their task to organize and promote their particular sports “with due regard to national and community legislation”.

But still, the relationships between big business and football’s governing bodies, from Fifa to the TTFF, continues to push the bounds of fair play and ethics as perfectly envisioned by Jules Rimet all those years ago.

Don’t get me wrong, we as players are by no means blameless through all of this. We continue to ignore, turn a blind eye or be completely oblivious to our sport’s governing as we chase our boyhood dreams around the pitch. Our dreams neatly packaged and branded and sold to the highest bidder.

As the rewards of success grow even higher, we distance ourselves even further from anyone and everyone around the game. We’re only following everyone else’s lead though. The “Big Business Model” has become the model of the beautiful game. As clubs chase larger profits, players are treated as little more than cattle- warehouse stock. Our indifference, our self-absorption, indeed our “arrogant disregard” is as a result of our recognition and acceptance of this fact of the modern day game.

All of this plays perfectly into the hands of those who run our game.

The culture of the ‘bottom line’ is in perfect harmony with the perception of the game’s governance becoming more autocracy than autonomy.

As financial profit becomes the benchmark for success on the world stage, it is emulated at club level.

As clubs shift their focus in keeping with world football’s, so do the players. Bank balances have become far more important than medals won.

As we each rely on each other’s compliance, in a true Trickle-Down Theoretic, we know we can all rely on the seemingly blind faith and unwavering support of the true football fans.

Strangely, even in saying this, I know that I will be going to football matches week after week, my only concern being what I had just witnessed and been a part of for 90 minutes.

The point of my being here was to give my opinion as to whether the autonomy of sport was a threat or a promise. My answer is this- it is a promise in constant threat of the politics of power to control the riches within the game, and the apathy of those of us who benefit.

Dr. Uwe Schimank, of the FernUniversitat in Hagen, in his paper “The Autonomy of Modern Sport: Dangerous and Endangered” points out “Autonomy is usually a latent property…when it is talked about, most of the time there is something wrong with it.” What is wrong is that, even as my favoured dictionary.com clearly and distinctly defines the difference between autonomy and autocracy, we have all allowed a strange co-existence of the two within football’s governance. It is here the threat lies.

The existence of this autocracy is no more appeasing to the game than is the sheep-adorned wolf to the rest of the flock.

But don’t fear folks, all is not lost! There is hope for us yet.

Maybe I am once again showing my naivety; maybe I am still rosy-eyed from my recent involvement and appointment at FPATT. I find the game’s defenses within the defenses of the game’s true assets- its players, and its lifeblood- the fans.

Fifa’s credibility problems, real or perceived, are of its own making. I was recently going over a list of appointees from the CONCACAF region to a number of Fifa committees, a list from which my name was strangely omitted, (the autonomy of my own ignorance I guess) and was stunned at how many committees there actually were within Fifa, with the same names heading up or at least involved in a number of these committees. Fifa has become far too insular. With next to no outside involvement or input how can Fifa hope to be seen as transparent or just?

It is here that both Players’ and Fans’ Associations hold the trump cards in this game of football governance. A fact that Fifa is now alluding to with their signing of a “Memorandum of Understanding” with FIFPro, the world body of players’ associations.

With this understanding comes responsibility. A responsibility that football may soon come to rely on. A responsibly that the game cannot afford to be perverted.

I look at my six-year-old running around and scoring goals on her grassy Eden far away from the perversion I realize that I have become a part of. Now, in moving from the innocence of my youth, to the perversion as a player, to becoming an administrator with the heart and soul of a player and a fan, my own efforts are best served in preserving football’s autonomy.

Again, I find myself revisiting the point of my being here. I maintain sport’s autonomy is a promise; it is its perversion that threatens; it is its perversion we are called to resist.

Football / Kenwyne posing on awards night ...
« on: May 01, 2008, 12:41:31 PM »
Check out these pics from the Sunderland Supporters Club function the other night. Ah realise one set ah Tanties want to pose for pics with KJ.  ;D


Football / UK based - We going Sunderland vs Arsenal!!!!!
« on: April 12, 2008, 02:04:57 PM »
I have been really tied up with school this year (finals next month), but had to organise at least one road trip for the season. So what better match than the final game of the 07/08 season, at the Stadium of Light, against Arsenal? ;D

So folks, Sunday 11th May 2008, kick off 3:00pm at the SOL.

For more info (until Tallman put it up on the warrior nation website) check out the event page on facebook:


Let's come out and show our support! Not to mention ah damn good Trini lime!  :devil:

Football / Charity Project in T&T - Guys help me with some info...
« on: March 03, 2008, 05:00:52 AM »
Hey, my friend sent me this in an email this morning. Do you guys know anything about this charity project? Cause it's making the rounds of exec offices here in London.

Lewis Thompson
Trinidad Football Project - July 2008
The Foundation is sponsoring 18 year old Lewis Thompson to take part in a project run by the Trinidad and Tobago Youth Soccer Organisation which is a non- profit organisation dedicated to providing youth and social development to local children through football.

The project is based at the Larry Gomes Stadium in Arima, Trinidad. Lewis will be working alongside children, and other volunteers including parents of the children being coached.

Football / Apparently Carlos is injured again.....
« on: January 24, 2008, 06:34:26 AM »
Ok, true it is on the Sundeland forum site, but it doesn't look good. They usually have fans who go to watch the team in training, so they get to see stuff and report on it on the site long before official news releases come out.


Football / Entire country "dies laughing".....
« on: November 23, 2007, 04:39:43 AM »
This was too good not to post! (posted the day after england lost to croatia and crashed out of euro 2008)  :rotfl:

Entire Country "Dies Laughing"

TRIBUTES are being paid to Scotland this morning after the entire country laughed itself to death.

The alarm was first raised at around 10pm last night as thousands of phone calls and text messages went unanswered.

Small groups of volunteers from Berwick-Upon-Tweed and Carlisle ventured north just after midnight only to find houses full of dead people gathered around still blaring television sets.

By dawn, as RAF helicopters flew over deserted city streets, it was clear that the whole country had suffered a catastrophic abdominal rupture.
Wayne Hayes, a special constable from Northumberland, said: "We went into one house in Dunbar and found three men sitting on the sofa with huge smiles on their faces, still holding cans of 70 shilling. They seemed to be at peace."

He added: "In a house near Edinburgh we found a man face down on the living room floor with his trousers and pants round his knees.

"It seems he may have been showing his bare buttocks to the television when he keeled over."

Roy Hobbs, a civil engineer from Northampton , said: "I got a call from my friend Ian in Stirling at about 9.50pm.
"He was already laughing when I answered the phone, but after about 25 minutes of the most vigorous and uncontrollable hilarity, everything suddenly went very quiet."

Moving tributes are already being placed along the Scotland-England border with many mourners opting to leave a simple bag of chips or a deep fried bunch of flowers.

Football / Black Cats "Roadrunner" needs more than pace.
« on: November 15, 2007, 04:58:31 AM »
Black Cats "Roadrunner" needs more than pace.
By: Luke Edwards (The Journal).

Carlos Edwards is known as ‘Roadrunner’ at Sunderland in honour of the un-catchable cartoon character, but the flying winger know he will need more than just his pace to succeed in the Premier League. Edwards returned to the Black Cats side against Newcastle United last weekend and surprisingly played for the whole 90 minutes in his first game since the 2-2 draw at Birmingham at the end of August.
But the Trinidad and Tobago international, whose penetration and creativity has been sorely missed by Sunderland so far this season, admits his hard work starts now in terms of getting back to full match sharpness.
“I got through the Newcastle game on adrenaline because it was a derby and such a passionate game,” said Edwards, arguably Keane’s most successful signing as a manager. “But the real hard work starts here.
“Regardless of how I was feeling, if I was 50% fit I would have wanted to play against Newcastle. Those are the games you want to play in and it was just my luck that I did. On Friday night he (Keane) mentioned it to me that he wanted me to start and left it to me to decide if I was OK. He did not want me to rush into it, but I told him I was ready. However, make no doubt about it, I need two or three games proper before I’m back to my best.”
Nevertheless, as a player who prides himself on his pace, as well as his laid-back approach to life, Edwards does not believe it will take him too long to get back into the groove. He said: “I am one of those players who tends to keep themselves fit. I like a few drinks, I am not going to lie, but I am one of those who is naturally fit. I don’t think they call me the Roadrunner for nothing.
“It’s only at Sunderland they’ve called me that, I think Dean Whitehead started it. It has stuck and the physio and players make the beep beep noise at me. Everyone is scared to run against me. Some players challenge me by chasing after me – 99.9% of the time they are not successful.
“Sometimes Dwight (Yorke) tries to test out his fitness. He is only going to blow his gasket. I laugh, and say ‘what you doing Dwight?’ He is testing himself, he has a sense of humour. He is like the coyote, setting all the traps and he is ending up on the wrong side.”
Despite Edwards’ jokes at Sunderland’s training ground yesterday, the former Luton Town star admitted the hamstring injury which has kept him on the sidelines had been difficult to deal with.
He added: “There was one week when my head was down and I didn’t want to do anything. When it first happened I was not myself, I was a nightmare. The second week, I was back to my normal self. There was nothing I could do about it and I came to my senses.
“It doesn’t play on my mind and you can’t afford to think like that. If you do then it will go (again). Injuries do happen in football and I’m not going to go out there thinking about it.”
With Edwards already back, Keane is also set to welcome captain Dean Whitehead and striker Andy Cole into his first-team plans as long as the pair come through tonight’s friendly against Falkirk unscathed.
And Edwards added: “Players are coming back now who should be in the team and that means there will be much more competition for places. No matter what position it is, I don’t think any player is guaranteed his place, especially with the manager as he is.”
As for Keane, he was rather less taken with his winger’s new nickname. He said: “He is quick, but I don’t know about Roadrunner. Roadrunner never got caught and Carlos got caught a couple of times at the weekend! It’s great to have Carlos back. In an ideal world we wouldn’t have played him for the full 90 minutes against Newcastle – and he will get sharper. But, you could see last Saturday that he gives the team better balance when he’s in it.”
Meanwhile, Keane, who enjoyed more than his fair share of physical battles as a player, has defended Newcastle midfielder Joey Barton following his thigh-high tackle on Sunderland’s Dickson Etuhu during last Saturday’s 1-1 draw. He said: “It was high, but he was going to win the ball. The incident has been exaggerated. It is not as though Dickson needed treatment, he was not carried off. He is fine.
“The lad Barton has apologised and as far as I am concerned, it is over with. Maybe everyone made a big issue of it because it was Barton, but we seem to be losing that side of it. You have to tackle. The ball is there to be won, it is an important part of the game.”

Football / VOTE FOR KENWYNE!!!
« on: November 02, 2007, 04:24:15 AM »
On the Premier League home page there's a poll for summer signing who has most realised their potential for their new team (or something like that). Kenwyne is 2nd, behind Santa Cruz from Blackburn by about 12%. 

So go to the page and vote for him guys! :wavetowel:



Premier League's top 10

By Phil McNulty
Chief football writer 

The Premier League will again have an exciting array of established talent on display this season.

Cristiano Ronaldo, Didier Drogba, Steven Gerrard and Cesc Fabregas will all play significant roles as Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Arsenal battle for the Premier League title.

But there has also been an influx of exciting newcomers as clubs jockey for position and the big prizes on offer.

BBC Sport picks out 10 Premier League stars that could have an impact in the top flight during the 2007-2008 campaign.


Liverpool manager Rafael Benitez has made a symbolic signing in landing Torres in a record £26m deal.

The 23-year-old Spanish international is earmarked as the man who will make the difference between Liverpool being also-rans or serious title challengers - whether he or Benitez like it or not.

Powerful, confident and a goalscorer, Torres has everything in his make-up to be a major Premier League success after finally being prised away from Atletico Madrid.

Liverpool must hope he does not possess the same failings as his Spanish predecessor Fernando Morientes, who could not cope with the combative element of English football.


In many respects, a classic Arsene Wenger signing - but not the high-profile figure many would have expected to replace Thierry Henry.

However, Wenger's vast network of scouts and contacts believe the 24-year-old, of Brazilian descent but a Croatia international, has the quality to be a hit in the Premier League.

Primarily a striker, Wenger has also been impressed by his pace and willingness to work for the team - and he showed his qualities with a goal against England in a Euro 2008 qualifier.

Wenger may be taking a gamble on a player with no Premier League experience but who would bet against the Gunners boss producing another gem.

DAVID NUGENT (Portsmouth)

Harry Redknapp likes a flutter - and he went where others feared to tread when he paid Preston £6m for David Nugent.

Nugent was holding out for a move to boyhood heroes Everton but boss David Moyes was not to be tempted above £4m, with rumours suggesting there were questions about being short of pace and the lack of a prolific goalscoring record.

Sunderland were in - then out - of the race, leaving the field clear for Redknapp to capture the striker, who scored on his England debut last season.

Nugent's progress will be keenly tracked by many wondering if the 22-year-old can cut it in the Premier League.

If he does, there will be red faces all round, particularly at Goodison Park.


Coveted by Liverpool and claimed by Chelsea - Florent Malouda's arrival from Lyon is a testimony to Jose Mourinho's determination to give his side added width.

Last season's French player of the year will add quality and fit in with Chelsea's team ethic.

Malouda will provide flair as well as industry and has proved himself a top performer for club and country.

He is Chelsea's major purchase of a relatively low-key summer but will be worth every penny if the Premier League title returns to Stamford Bridge.

YOUNES KABOUL (Tottenham Hotspur)

Tottenham boss Martin Jol landed the France Under-21 captain ahead of Roma and Inter Milan.

The 21-year-old arrives from Auxerre with glowing references and a reputation for pace, power, strength in the air and good ability on the ball - in other words, everything.

He will have to force his way past Michael Dawson and Ledley King but good judges suggest he may have the ability to do that - and proved his bravery when losing a few teeth in a pre-season friendly.

Kaboul may find the Premier League is a culture shock but he has the confidence to make a genuine impact at White Hart Lane.

ROLANDO BIANCHI (Manchester City)

Sven-Goran Eriksson's first signing was last season's surprise package in Serie A, scoring 18 goals for Reggina.

Now the 24-year-old former Italy Under-21 striker must make the leap to the Premier League and, at £8.8m, Eriksson has gambled a sizeable chunk of his transfer fund on Bianchi's ability to make the transition.

He has already been on target in pre-season but is very much an unknown quantity in England.

City fans will hope he does not follow in the footsteps of miserable failures Bernardo Corradi and Georgios Samaras.

NANI (Manchester United)

Nani follows in the footsteps of fellow countryman Cristiano Ronaldo, with United boss Sir Alex Ferguson plucking another gem from Sporting Lisbon in the shape of this gifted 20-year-old.

Portugal legend Paulo Sousa was lavish in his praise, claiming that Nani and Ronaldo can be the best players in the world over the next five to 10 years.

Nani is a predominantly left-sided attacker, with versatility, pace and power. Ferguson's long-term aim may be to utilise the pair on each wing as Ryan Giggs reaches the twilight of his career.

Ferguson has brought Ronaldo to maturity brilliantly and if he does the same with Nani, the Premier League will be home to a glorious talent.


Everton have secured 25-year-old Pienaar on a season-long loan deal to boost their squad as they try to build on last season's sixth place.

And it will be intriguing to see if a player who established a reputation as one of the game's finest young talents can restore a reputation damaged by an unsuccessful spell at Borussia Dortmund.

The slight figure of the skilful South African will also have to cope with the more physical style of the Premier League.

But Pienaar, who can play in either wide or central attacking roles, was a big success at Ajax and Everton manager David Moyes will be hoping a change of scenery from the Bundesliga will re-ignite his career.


Sunderland boss Roy Keane wasted little time in snapping up Edwards from Luton when the transfer window opened in January.

It was soon apparent why as Edwards paid back his £1.5m fee several times over in only four months, with some outstanding performances.

Even more eye-catching were his two stunning winners from long range against Southampton and Burnley that helped seal promotion for the Black Cats.

The 28-year-old former Wrexham winger has no Premiership experience but impressed for Trinidad and Tobago at the 2006 World Cup and with his combination of pace, strength and ability he should take the step up to the Premier League in his stride.


Blackburn boss Mark Hughes feels he has pulled off a real coup in landing Santa Cruz from Bayern Munich - but there is an element of risk that makes it an intriguing move.

Hughes wants the 25-year-old Paraguayan international striker to add aerial threat to the Blackburn attack after he was pushed down the pecking order at Bayern following the summer arrivals of Miroslav Klose and Luca Toni.

But he has never been a prolific goalscorer, with 31 goals in 155 appearances for Bayern, so will he muscle his way into an attack already boasting Benni McCarthy, Jason Roberts, Matt Derbyshire and new recruit Maceo Rigters


Football / Southampton have rejected Derby's £5million bid for Jones.
« on: August 07, 2007, 05:00:44 AM »
Saints reject Derby £5million bid for Jones.
Guardian Unlimited.

Southampton have turned down a £5m bid from Derby for striker Kenwyne Jones, complaining that the bid "substantially undervalues" the player. The Rams returned with a second offer for Jones, after having an initial bid rejected last week.
Trinidad and Tobago international Jones hit 16 goals last season to help Southampton reach the Championship play-offs, where they were beaten by Derby in a semi-final penalty shootout. However, having already brought in over £8m from the sales of Gareth Bale and Chris Baird this summer, Saints manager George Burley is under no pressure to sanction further departures.
"A further unsolicited and unwelcome approach from Derby County for Kenwyne Jones has been rejected," read a Southampton statement. "George Burley sees Kenwyne playing a major role in Saints' push for promotion this season. Moreover, it is considered that Derby County's latest offer to pay a total of £5m for the player very substantially undervalues his ability and potential as a Premiership-quality striker in the making. The club hope the rejection of Derby's latest offer will now bring the matter to a close."
Southampton are understood to be unhappy with the manner of Derby's initial approach for Jones, although the club have yet to comment on whether they are considering taking further action. Burley reiterated his club's stance, insisting he is only interested in adding to his squad ahead of Saturday's opening game against Crystal Palace. "I am still looking for a couple more players because we are not quite there yet," he said.
Rams Boss: why I'm so keen to add Kenwyne to my strike force.
By: Steve Nicholson (Derby Telegraph).

Billy Davies has outlined why Derby County are prepared to break their club record transfer fee to land striker Kenwyne Jones. Southampton say they have turned down an offer of £5m for the 22-year-old and do not want to sell the Trinidad & Tobago international.
But the Rams, who paid Norwich City a club-record £3.5m for Robert Earnshaw earlier this summer, are still hoping to negotiate a deal for Jones.
Davies is facing a race against time to increase the firepower of his side before the transfer window closes at the end of this month. He says Derby need another two or three options in attack to help them cope in the Premier League.
Jones is his number one target and Davies believes the striker is a real handful for defenders.
"He a young player of good goalscoring ability, great pace and stature," said the manager.
"When you play against teams you see players and take note. Certain players make you nervous and worry you when your teams faces them and Kenwyne is one of those players.
"He's a handful, a major problem for defenders and it would be nice to have him at Derby."
Jones is 6ft 2in tall, strong and athletic. He could have been a cricketer or an athlete but his dream was to play football in England.
His career started with FC Joe Public in Trinidad and he also played for W Connection before joining Southampton three years ago.
He went on loan to Sheffield Wednesday and Stoke City in 2004-5 but made his mark at Southampton last season when he scored 14 goals in the Championship, helping Saints to reach the play-offs.
Derby already have strikers Steve Howard Jon Macken, Earnshaw and Craig Fagan but Davies feels Jones will bring something different. The Rams boss also has forwards Jon Stead of Sheffield United and Manchester City's Darius Vassell in his sights.
"Kenwyne is one of many we are looking to bring in to give us a chance of competing at this level," said Davies.
"We have to add to the squad, we have to try to conclude one or two deals very quickly because of the length of time we have left before the window closes. We have identified our targets and now it is crucial to get value for money.
"It's time to put our foot on the gas."
The first task facing Davies last season was to make Derby difficult to beat and he did so.
Now he says more firepower is needed to finish teams off.
"This is crucial in the Premier League because you may only get one chance in a game," he added.
"At this stage last year, we had to build a squad for a three-year plan.
"We won promotion and now we are starting again - and it is a very different ball game.
"We are building a team again but we are at a different level and in a different marketplace. The competition is huge. We are in the best league in the world.
"When you start to build a team, the balance is crucial.
"In some instances you have to go and find good, young talent. Players with a great future ahead of them, players who are excellent value for money, and players you can progress and improve. Kenwyne Jones comes into that bracket.
"On the other side of that, you have to be prepared to take on experienced players who maybe don't have the same value and type of future as regards progression but who have the experience to play in the Premier League and can keep the younger players calm and doing the right things at the right time.
"So getting the right balance between spending on young players and quality experienced players is crucial."

Football / Stern John scores in pre-season game
« on: July 30, 2007, 04:54:53 AM »
John spares Sunderland's blushes
by Setanta Sports

Sunderland kicked off their tour of Ireland with a 1-0 victory against Bohemians but Stern John's winner papered over the cracks for Roy Keane's new-look side.

Substitute John's 79th minute header decided a dreadful spectacle but the Trinidad & Tobago striker was one of three Black Cats players guilty of inexcusable second half misses.

With a number of close season recruits on view, the visitors struggled to find any rhythm and were almost undone when Paul McShane, by the far the best of the summer signings on the night, was forced to clear a goalbound effort by Darren Mansaram after poor defending by Nyron Nosworthy.

Michael Chopra saw a lob ruled out for off-side but the brightest moment of the first half came when Anthony Stokes cut in and bent a right-footed drive inches off target.

Marton Fulop saved from Mark Rossiter but there were few chances in the opening 45 minutes and a clumsy clash between Chopra and Dickson Etuhu epitomised the lack of understanding in the Sunderland team.

The Black Cats improved after the interval and Daryl Murphy volleyed over following a fast break involving Kieran Richardson and Stokes.

Bohs keeper Lee Boyle almost let in McShane from a corner but the youngster produced an astounding save when tipping Chopra's shot onto the bar from close range. Carlos Edwards's centre invited a simple finish from the former Newcastle United forward, who will soon be under pressure from the Sunderland fans unless he sharpens up his act.

Another glaring miss was to follow as Edwards again supplied a killer cross but Richardson could only hit David Connolly with his finish and the ball looped over the bar for a comical waste of a golden opportunity.

Boyle needlessly rushed from his line to gift Keane's men the winner as John diverted Ross Wallace's speculative cross into the unguarded net with his head.

There was still time for another example of incredibly profligate finishing as John muscled his way through but showed no composure when firing off target with the goal at his mercy.

should be what? I am taking suggestions, cause you may be aware, these things take alot of planning and time.

So should we aim for a Sunderland vs Man U, at Old Trafford?

Or should it be a London affair, and go for Sunderland vs Arsenal at The Emirates?

Keeping it in London, Sunderland vs Chelsea at Stamford Bridge?

Or back to the Stadium of Light for Sunderland vs XXX?

Let me know! I am partial to a London match, as more Trinis and friends will be able to come out. Though the point of a Road Trip is to go on de road. ::)

Though fair warning, the games against the big teams will be in excess of £40 for a ticket (Arsenal at The Emirates alone is £60!)

I put this in another thread, but this debate deserves a thread of its own!

Ok, let us recap. How many sponsors/contributors did the WC 2006 campaign have? I will add what I know, allyuh add in as we go along:

T&T Gov't

I suppose what needs to be worked out now is HOW MUCH these sponsors gave. We all know the Gov't figures (transparency). But what of the others?

And if the TTFF will not disclose what was given, surely these organisations can be approached and asked what they gave. There is more than way to get to the truth.

Yes peeps, the pics are finally on the WN site, and looking great. Have a look.

General Discussion / Which part of T&T have de best men?
« on: May 25, 2007, 04:43:40 PM »
I have been debating this with one of my girls. Ladies, you'll have to help us settle this one.

She insist men from south give de best sex. I disagree (though ah never had a south man tbh). I think brownin from Arima is de best.

Any beliefs/ideas on where to find de best....... um, men  ;D

Sorry if this was posted here in the past, but I found this compilation/dedication to them on YouTube. Fantastic! They really were the most prolific strike pairing of our time.

Have a look:


Football / UK CREW!!! - Sunderland match on Sunday....
« on: May 04, 2007, 07:37:52 AM »
Any of you guys want to meet up to watch the match?

If so, we can do one of two things:

a) get a pub/venue where they'll be showing the match live

b) contact the London branch of the Sunderland Supporters Club, and meet up with them at their venue

This is an urgent request for responses, as we've got Sky Sports wanting to come do piece, recording us enjoying the match.

Football / givemefootball's interview with Carlos Edwards
« on: April 25, 2007, 03:50:06 AM »
Carlos Edwards - Sunderland

Sunderland manager Roy Keane has told his players to keeps things in perspective as they come to terms with the unaccustomed taste of defeat. Last Saturday's 3-1 loss at Colchester was the Black Cats' first defeat in their last 18 games and it allowed Birmingham to later leapfrog them at the top of the table. However, Keane knows that two wins from their final two matches of the campaign against Burnley and relegated Luton will seal a return to the Premiership for the Wearsiders.

One of the many success stories for Sunderland this season has been flying winger Carlos Edwards and givemefootball's Mark Shail caught up with the Trinidad and Tobago international as he collected his commemorative medal after being named in the Championship Team of the Year at Sunday's PFA Awards.


A   It's third time lucky for me, having been named in the Team of the Year with Luton in League One and Wrexham in League Two, but it's the first time I've been honoured in the Championship and I'm very pleased. Hopefully, I can now go from strength to strength and keep playing well for Sunderland.


A   It was great to be involved in the World Cup playing against quality players and quality teams and it is something that nobody can ever take away from you. It's the biggest stage in world football and it was a wonderful experience and a privilege to be there.


A   It's every player’s dream to play in the Premiership and now Carlos Edwards has got an opportunity to get there with Sunderland. If we can win the last two games of the season we will be promoted and that would be a dream come true for me. We've got to stay positive but at the same time we realise there is still a long way to go.


People say good things always come to an end and I'm sorry that our run ended at the weekend, but like you say our fate is still in our own hands. Just two games to go now and we're not going to give up on what we have worked so hard to achieve all season. We'll keep doing the things that have brought us success and hopefully that will be enough to get us promoted.


The main thing he has brought to the club is belief. He has made us all believe that we can be better players than we think we are. He tells us to go out and enjoy our football, which he did throughout his long career. He never accepted second best as a player and the players here at Sunderland don't expect him to accept second best as a manager - and that has made a big difference.


A   It's very sad to see them relegated, but there have been a lot of negative things happening at the club this season. But next year they can start afresh, they have a new manager, and hopefully they can get back in the Championship where they rightfully belong. But we certainly won't be taking things easy against them in the last game of the season – we're playing for a place in the Premiership and need to win. But I wish them all the best.

Football / Carlos named in T&T Gold Cup Squad
« on: April 20, 2007, 07:26:17 AM »
Just saw this on the Sunderland website.

Anybody saw any press release or anything with the squad named for the Gold Cup? Any lists?

How come they are only reporting on Carlos, hasn't Stern been named as well?

Football / Road Trip: Sunderland vs Wolves
« on: March 26, 2007, 04:51:21 AM »
Please state if you're going, how many in your party, and whether you're finding your own way or taking the coach.

Please note that as there is now a coach available, the total cost for the trip is now £49 (match ticket + coach). We're meeting the coach at Kings Cross Station for 7:30 am.

To book your match tickets, call Maureen on 0191 551 5156, and make sure and state that you're from the T&T group.

For those of you who called earlier and already /bookedbought your tickets, you can call her and have them exchanged for one in our section. If you already have your ticket in hand, you will have to wait until Saturday to do so at the gate. They apologise for the communication mix-up.

Thank You.

Football / Carlos up for Player of the Month award.....again!
« on: February 27, 2007, 04:50:40 AM »
Carlos has now won three consecutive Man of the Match awards from the online poll from fans at Sunderland.

But more importantly, he's been nominated for the Championship Player of the Month award, for the month of February.

Back on the Actim Index, he's still the number one midfielder in the Championship, but has moved up one place to 8th in the overall best player listing.


Yes, people. It seems the league has finally seen what we have all known.

Carlos Edwards is now the top rated midfielder in the Coca Cola Championship, according to the Actim Index. Not only that, but he is also ranked as the 9th overall best player in the league. He is also the highest ranking player for Sunderland on the Index.

Also doing well is our boy Kenwyne Jones over at Southampton. He is ranked 12th among the leading goalscorers, with 12 so far this season. Another stat is that he has the 3rd highest individual score for any one match so far for the season, which he did on 31/01/07.

Well done boys, well done.

Here is a link to the online league publication, look on page 6 & 7 for all relevant Championship stats:


Also, the Coca Cola league site for more up-to-date information (as some of the info on the publication was before this weekend's fixtures):


On another happy note, Sunderland are now ranked number one regarding current team form, and are ranked 3rd overall for number of clean sheets held. Keep it up Sunderland!

General Discussion / Happy Valentine's Warrior Crew!
« on: February 14, 2007, 08:22:59 AM »
Just for you....

Football / Sunderland game live on Sky Sports.....
« on: February 14, 2007, 04:11:23 AM »
For those of you with access to Sky Sports, the Sunderland vs Stoke game will now be broadcast live. Details below:

Sunderland vs Stoke
Tuesday March 13th
Kick-off : 8:00 pm

Football / Kenwyne Jones makes Championship Team of the Week
« on: February 12, 2007, 10:48:40 AM »
Just saw it on Sunderland website (nothing yet on saints site)

So that makes it two weeks in a row that a Trini has made it onto the team of the week, with Dwight Yorke on it last week, and Carlos on the Team of the Month (for January).

Good going boys, keep it up!

General Discussion / What wrong with TnT......
« on: February 07, 2007, 09:53:23 AM »
Allyuh know I does speak my mind, controversial or not. I have a rather long rant to let off my chest. It’s been bugging  me for awhile now. I know people will disagree.

Why is Trinidad in the state it is in? Let me count the ways:
1.   How do you expect the crime situation to be dealt with by police, when same said police are most times taken from the very bottom of the barrel of our society. How can you take men, who have minimum qualifications, and usually questionable character, to become the guardians of society just because they tall or big bodied? What do you expect? They will be inept, they will be corruptible, they will get into their own lawless activities on the side. And how can you uphold the law, when you don’t know it? I say all police recruits should do at least one year of law studies before passing out of training. Too many police get into service just to ensure a paycheque, with no real desire to “protect & serve”.

2.   As long as we continue to be a transhipment point for drugs from South America, there will always be crime and violence. As long as lil youth men seeing these “businessmen” driving they expensive cars, running women and living the life as a result of their willingness to deal drugs or launder for the drug lords, there will be crime. All these youth dying every other day in gang warfare over turf are trying to be like the big boys. Some start out only as a means to survive, but greed is a human weakness.

3.   As long as laziness and lack of ambition continue to dominate the culture of certain youth, there will be crime. When they see all the money flowing in Trinidad at the moment (and it is flowing) but they themselves have no means of legally attaining it, then we have trouble. They will despair, or turn to crime. They see it as their due, taking a lil of what you have. To these types it never occurs to them to study and get an education, whether academic or vocational, and make a career for themselves. They are not willing to work hard, to sacrifice, to fight. The way of our forefathers – eat little, live long – are long gone. They want the easy way out, the quick buck, the instant success. And that ladies and gentlemen is not something that any government can do anything about. That can only be instilled in youth by their parents/family and communities.

4.   Unlike a snake, with the crime and gang culture, removing the head does not kill the beast. It only results in chaos. Take Iraq for example. They removed Sadam, de bad man who was keeping all dem warring factions in check, now look what happening. Chaos! Everybody fighting for a piece of the pie. When the UNC executed Dole Chadee and company, that was the start to a very wide spread gang war, as every criminal worth his salt tried to be the new top man. But why is this happening in the first place?

5.   There is a serious problem with deportees from the US at the moment in Trinidad. It is not something that is widely discussed. Everybody harps on and on about the crime situation getting worse, and de government eh doing nothing about it. But as usual nobody trying to find out why. The US government has been deporting criminals of Trinidadian birth for years, WITHOUT informing the government that they were doing so. Two years ago that figure reached just under three hundred. And it was discovered that this figure was about average FOR EVERY YEAR OF THE LAST THREE!

6.   Nobody cares or wants to get involved. We are allowing the criminals to rule because we allow them to do what they want. People see things, hear things, and say nothing. There is such a thing as an anonymous phone call. But everyone just wants to mind their own business and say as long as it eh happening to me, me eh care. Until it does happen to you, then is when yuh start blaming the government, de police, everybody.

Everybody is talking about the government, waiting on the government to fix it, to deal with it. I put it to you that it starts with you. It starts in the home, with parents instilling discipline and respect in their own kids. It starts with neighbours who see young boys involved in activities and turn a blind eye. It starts with teachers who see and hear things and don’t care as long as they get paid. It starts with the individual policeman hearing who’s doing what, and turning a blind eye cause he eh want no trouble. Too many people know too much and do nothing cause they don’t want to become involved, then moan and groan about the crime. Lie everything else, a life of crime starts out small, and grows with every act committed. Someone speaking up early on can prevent it getting worse

What happens when you put hard core “1st world” criminals in a small country with simple structures and security but lots of money? Absolute madness takes place. The police and security structures cannot cope. Whilst you might say this has been going on for years, what has the government done about it, get rid of the PNM, blah, blah, I might remind you that all this started under the UNC’s watch and they were even worse than the PNM in respect to crime.

This is not a government thing. It is a system thing, a structure thing, a matter of adapting to the new way things are done by the criminal element, and changing our policing structure, our laws, our methods of implementing said laws, everything. And that people cannot happen overnight. It will take time. Yes, you might say in the meantime the criminals continue to run amok. They are not really. The average citizen is fine. Those living in certain areas, or involved in running private businesses are most at risk.

People telling me they cannot go back to Trinidad, they kidnapping everybody, blah, blah. To them I ask… are you a business owner, a millionaire, a drug dealer, a drug-money launderer? Then what do you have for anybody to kidnap you. Do you think they will kidnap you to try and see if you have money? No people. They have their snitches working in the banks etc telling them who has money so they know who to target. The average working class joe has nothing that would be worth these modern criminals’ time.

These “1st world” hardened bad boys, gangsters, career thieves, gun runners, etc are very good at what they do, and for them it was akin to letting a kid loose in a candy store. They had a good run, which hopefully is coming to an end. Unfortunately they have recruited a good number of youths into a life of crime.

But all is not lost people, there are countries in a hell of a lot worse situation than TnT. We, the younger generation, have it within our power to take the country and turn it around. Just like the economy of TnT could be turned around after the devastation that was the recession years of the 80’s, so too can we turn the crime situation around. It took almost 20 years for us to be financial power house that we are today. Remember everybody cuss Robinson when he took drastic measures? The only question is how long will it take to turn the crime situation around. I pray it takes no where near that long.

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