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Messages - Trinione

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General Discussion / Re: Jack Warner to act as Prime Minister
« on: July 01, 2010, 09:34:08 PM »
I'm not scared by things....Jack Warner is a duly elected official and so his appointment is notable...In fact he got the highest number of votes in the election again...You need to fear the people who are electing our officials..They have the power..Jack only have power as long as people give him...!!

People does be wrong all the time, does not stop me from being scared for my country now jack have so much power.
Anyway a brick could have run in chaguanas west for the UNC and won by a blow out, so I don't count jack's election as a notable event.

General Discussion / Re: Jack Warner to act as Prime Minister
« on: July 01, 2010, 08:47:40 PM »
God help TnT... I am totally scared by how things have been progressing with Jack.

Thank you Germany, I absolutely love your team even more now for embarassing England like this!!  :-*
A 4 - 1 beating & it could have easily been 6 - 1 if it wasn't for some great keeping by Engalnd's man of the match!  :beermug:

"Revenge Of MOKO" is ah serious thing, those of you who didn't believe me about Moko not laughing now are you?!  ;D

Go home England go home!!   :beermug: :D


LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
100 years of bad luck to England for cheating against my soca warriors!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Huh ?..when did England cheat against socawarriors ?..the referee was from which part of England?..and in what game ?..

You had to be joking right!

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
100 years of bad luck to England for cheating against my soca warriors!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOVE THIS RESULT.... 100 years of bad luck to England for cheating against my soca warriors!!!!
 :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

General Discussion / Re: Full list of Cabinet Ministers
« on: May 29, 2010, 08:12:08 AM »
Cautiously optimistic that Jack might do a decent job on transport. Whether we like him or not, the man is great at getting the job done, which is not something Trinidad is renowned for. 10 years to build a damn flyover is ridiculous.

I'm sure Jack knows that rampant corruption during his time in office will only land his ass in court whenever next the PNM win...hopefully his FIFA shenanigans will be enough to keep himself sated while he is minister.

I for one scared sh*tless now that Jack is minister of works, he may "get stuff done" but then again so did udecott and calder hart "get stuff done". My fear is that he takes corruption to a next level (yes that is possible) in this country and we end up like Nigeria or something. God help TnT.

General Discussion / Re: The making of a cabinet?
« on: May 28, 2010, 07:02:38 PM »
Jack say he eh want no post. JW purpose has been serve he money get dem in power lets c he and Suruj coexist.
A ministerial role is beneath Jack lookout for a more major role or if not no portfolio at all.stay tuned

Minister of tiefing?


Well I guess Ministry of Tiefing = Ministry of Works!
God help us now that Jack is a minister, I for one scared.

General Discussion / Re: PNM interim leader
« on: May 27, 2010, 06:35:30 PM »
uhh. with all respect to dr. rowley, he did say that himself as well as others knew about the alleged corruption on UDECOTT since 2002. that's quite some time to be holding a secret from the public. he kept his mouth shut in the public domain up to the time he was relieved of his post. what would have happened if he was never fired? i would really like it if beckles decides to run for political leader. even thought rowley burst the government's files i havent gained much respect for him due to the circumstances in which he did it.

uhh... all dem UNC people sit through the airport tiefing, including Kamla, and they still ent say nutting to today (and dont fool yourself into thinking she did not know what was going on!)
At least Rowley fight corruption internally for a while now before going public. That is better than most politicians.

General Discussion / Re: Shelly Dass Clarke is leaving CNC3
« on: May 27, 2010, 06:29:08 PM »
apparently 2mrw is her last night  :-[
i wonder what's the reason behind it...

Where she going??... Minister of Media affairs?

General Discussion / Re: The making of a cabinet?
« on: May 25, 2010, 06:11:17 PM »
Jack say he eh want no post. JW purpose has been serve he money get dem in power lets c he and Suruj coexist.
A ministerial role is beneath Jack lookout for a more major role or if not no portfolio at all.stay tuned

Minister of tiefing?

General Discussion / Re: Elections Results thread
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:39:41 PM »
Jack waxing warm @ Rienzi ... interesting touch to note that today is Bas' birthday (May 25, 1933) ... political acumen is ah hell of a ting. Ent!

Jack = Scamp

General Discussion / Re: Elections Results thread
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:30:23 PM »
Did Jack just offer everyone in Reinzi have free drinks until 6 am???  :rotfl:
dis man know how to fool people yes!

General Discussion / Re: Elections Results thread
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:23:04 PM »
History books are usually written after the facts..no we can start the first chapter in the book, Trinidad and Tobago: The decline of leadership and path to a banana republic.

Well I ent no fan of either party but that kinna harsh boy.

General Discussion / Re: Elections Results thread
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:21:01 PM »
Let me just point out that the people's partnership did not win this election... the UNC did as it has won 21 seats and has the majority on its own. A collation is not formed until after the results, not before. Given that UNC has won 21 there is really no collation government officially.

your political science is weak

elaborate please

you started off by saying that a coalition is not formed until after elections. There is such a thing as a pre electoral coalition. Like the NAR. Like the PP. You just witnessed it.

Now whether it remains one is left to be seen... but Brutus is an honourable gentleman

Unlike the NAR there was no party called PP, there was UNC, COP and TOP in different areas.

General Discussion / Re: Elections Results thread
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:15:08 PM »
Manning look for dis cutarse...my biggest concern is Jack Warner in power, we are now going to be well f**ked...he will thief de whole country now.

well he cah complain he have to money for football, i hope he use it well  :-\

Allyuh men real schupid boy... football??  Allyuh feel Jack ever give a f**k about ah football??  Football as just a vehicle for he tuh line he pocket and now that allyuh hand him a government office it have real money to make now.  Football??


lets see....
Jack Warner construction company
Jack Warner quarry services
Jack Warner auditing services
Jack Warner accounting services
Jack Warner security services
Jack Warner taxi services
Jack Warner paper stapling services...

are just a few of the companies Jack will be starting up to rake in the government "contracts" probably in one of his sons names so he can say "it was not me!" when he get catch.

General Discussion / Re: Elections Results thread
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:00:36 PM »
Let me just point out that the people's partnership did not win this election... the UNC did as it has won 21 seats and has the majority on its own. A collation is not formed until after the results, not before. Given that UNC has won 21 there is really no collation government officially.

your political science is weak

elaborate please

21 seats is ah slim majority d coalition would give a constitutional majority not so ??? some enlighten mih

I did not say they would not come together for a constitutional majority, I just said that officially the UNC has won the election, not the partnership.

General Discussion / Re: Elections Results thread
« on: May 24, 2010, 09:38:00 PM »
Let me just point out that the people's partnership did not win this election... the UNC did as it has won 21 seats and has the majority on its own. A collation is not formed until after the results, not before. Given that UNC has won 21 there is really no collation government officially.

your political science is weak

elaborate please

General Discussion / Re: Elections Results thread
« on: May 24, 2010, 09:35:21 PM »
Let me just point out that the people's partnership did not win this election... the UNC did as it has won 21 seats and has the majority on its own. A collation is not formed until after the results, not before. Given that UNC has won 21 there is really no collation government officially.

General Discussion / Re: Elections Results thread
« on: May 24, 2010, 08:14:20 PM »
The latest on TV6 is 30 seats to the UNC and 11 to PNM.
This would mean they have a constitutional majority so lets all pray they use it wisely!

Football / Re: ANIL SAY
« on: May 23, 2010, 09:07:03 PM »
I am aghast because this is a 180 from what he said for years. What has changed? This is why I can't be in TNT politics, because I can't tow any party line. Sorry.

A.B. if you think this... then this is why you should be in TNT politics to try to put a stop to all this crap

How can a man whose character is  brought to question due to the scandalous handing of government funds/ FIFA funds/ TTFF funds and everyone's'  funds be  held in such high esteem that there is a chance that he could be elected and  be a part of  a government?

I dunno maybe they get mad when they see a 2 million dollar flag on their way to work everyday..
It has been done already. He is actually running for re-election. the first run should have been more difficult as he now has a record of representing his constituency.

I think most people in here dont undertand that ..dat controversial fella (Warner) has a record for representing his constituency unlike alot of MPs..

The moral of the story for those wish to get rich from corruption is if you going to tief plenty... then make sure and give a little back to the people and everything will be ok.
Jack could never get my vote no matter what he does for his constituency, I have to look at the big picture, otherwise I am just as bad as he is.

So we all can assume you will not be voting for Patos ?... :devil:

Yep, that is correct

Or hor ..ah had to ask since yuh was so specific about Warner and yuh forget to mention the current Prime Minister....at the end of teh day you have to choose the lesser of both evils

I personally dont think much people, if any, could be worse than Jack Warner, but that is my opinion. All I saying if is you voting Jack admit you voting for a crook and not a "good" man and that you are using the lessor of 2 evils reasoning.  Don't fool yourself into thinking jack is a good person.

How can a man whose character is  brought to question due to the scandalous handing of government funds/ FIFA funds/ TTFF funds and everyone's'  funds be  held in such high esteem that there is a chance that he could be elected and  be a part of  a government?

I dunno maybe they get mad when they see a 2 million dollar flag on their way to work everyday..
It has been done already. He is actually running for re-election. the first run should have been more difficult as he now has a record of representing his constituency.

I think most people in here dont undertand that ..dat controversial fella (Warner) has a record for representing his constituency unlike alot of MPs..

The moral of the story for those wish to get rich from corruption is if you going to tief plenty... then make sure and give a little back to the people and everything will be ok.
Jack could never get my vote no matter what he does for his constituency, I have to look at the big picture, otherwise I am just as bad as he is.

So we all can assume you will not be voting for Patos ?... :devil:

Yep, that is correct

How can a man whose character is  brought to question due to the scandalous handing of government funds/ FIFA funds/ TTFF funds and everyone's'  funds be  held in such high esteem that there is a chance that he could be elected and  be a part of  a government?

I dunno maybe they get mad when they see a 2 million dollar flag on their way to work everyday..
It has been done already. He is actually running for re-election. the first run should have been more difficult as he now has a record of representing his constituency.

I think most people in here dont undertand that ..dat controversial fella (Warner) has a record for representing his constituency unlike alot of MPs..

The moral of the story for those wish to get rich from corruption is if you going to tief plenty... then make sure and give a little back to the people and everything will be ok.
Jack could never get my vote no matter what he does for his constituency, I have to look at the big picture, otherwise I am just as bad as he is.

How can a man whose character is  brought to question due to the scandalous handing of government funds/ FIFA funds/ TTFF funds and everyone's'  funds be  held in such high esteem that there is a chance that he could be elected and  be apart of  a government?

Just goes to show how sad our politics is!.
I think people first believe they have to vote fro UNC so then they have to find a way to justify voting for Jack Warner, so they make up a story about him in their minds. If Jack was part of the PNM I guarantee that all those same people would say what a criminal he is and they cant vote for him.
Its Sad, sad, sad!

Darn vex but still supporting the PNM
Published: 22 May 2010

I have told many of my friends that I am vex, darn vex, but I am still supporting the PNM and they have all inquired of me if that means that I am not supporting Patrick Manning and my unequivocal answer is “of course, he is the leader of the PNM, and I must accept the good, the bad and the ugly and whosoever is the leader must be accepted by all supporters of the PNM.” I am vex because the PM called the election when he had two and a half years to put all actual/perceived wrongs right. I am vex because Manning’s style of leadership has alienated hundreds if not thousands of his supporters. But I am supporting the PNM because it is the only party on the horizon capable of handling the diversity in terms of ethnicity in this country.

If the PNM cannot properly manners Laventille and other hot spots it will be worse for the UNC/Partnership. And the PNM is slowly but sincerely evolving into a real multiracial party from the bottom up. The East Indians have benefited tremendously under the governance of the PNM. All together there are hundreds of thousands of East Indian teachers, lawyers, doctors, judicial officers, public servants, successful businessmen in T&T etc. But I would like to see an ethnic balance (more East Indians) in the armed forces, that is, the police, army, coast guard. There are many other things I would like to see implemented but we will deal with those after May 24.

I support the PNM because it is a unitary party, well structured and disciplined with a democratic/socialist political ideology, that is, mixed capitalism with a social welfare net for the have-nots. The PNM has promoted and perfected the fundamental rights to worship, join political parties of one’s choice, freedom of the press and free speech. There are no political prisoners in this country. But in spite of this Manning has made victory at the polls very difficult at this point in time. Who-soever wins this election will do so by not more that one or two seats. It could be PNM 20, UNC/COP 20, TOP one. I say so because in my own home the potential voters have different preferences.

My wife supports the view that a woman Prime Minister will be better for the country, one of my sons wants to see Dookeran in Parliament but not the UNC/accommodation, and another could not care less who governs this country. It is the same khaki pants as far as he is concerned.
Say what, life goes on after the election. We all have to live in this country. But this election has demonstrated that the people of this country have good and decent hearts. Look at the crossover to the UNC and the PNM. Thousands of East Indians are supporting the PNM while thousands of Africans are supporting the UNC. The other tribes’ political support is shared between the UNC and the PNM. This is a good sign and I say that in spite of all our problems; this country has a bright future.
See you after the elections.

Israel B Khan SC
St Augustine

i guess is not only poor, backward and illiterate people who does be 'pnm till i die' :o

Isreal Khan was a leading NAR LT. He was chairman of d NAR St. Agustine consituency. So he can neva b considered pnm till I die.

how bout converted pnm til i die?

I think it is biologically proven from several clinical studies to be PNM 'till you die you have to be born a PNM.

General Discussion / Re: GENERAL ELECTIONS COMING SOON IN 2010 !
« on: May 20, 2010, 06:47:30 PM »
lord they saying Kamala not capable and using Warner corruption against her

Makes sense to me. How can you have a crook like Warner in your party if you serious about integrity??! I cant vote for that ... (or for Manning either btw)

General Discussion / Re: How yuh voting?
« on: May 19, 2010, 06:51:08 PM »
not voting is comfortably in the lead... it would be nice if that meant we could remove all of dem and start again with a new bunch.

General Discussion / Re: Collapse a national disgrace
« on: May 19, 2010, 06:31:07 PM »
All the talk about Manning is a dictator who wants to force an Executive Presidency on the nation and nothing could take place without a two thirds majority in the parliament and no party getting that. As I recall both Panday and the people from "Principles of Fairness" proposed Executive Presidency. I guess it just real easy to give Manning any tag because he real shit it up.


General Discussion / Re: GENERAL ELECTIONS COMING SOON IN 2010 !
« on: May 15, 2010, 06:32:15 PM »
"1. Every child going on to secondary school from the SEA will be provided with a laptop to begin their
secondary school education."

WHAT??????? ??? ???

y i couldna have a child who write sea so I could get a new laptop boy.
trinis r de bess oui

seriously: That is great...but it eh happening

i sure it go be some cheap netbook
they would only be using it for Facebook and Twitter  :devil:

Well the laptops that doh get tief will be used for porn, facebook and twitter! What a terrible idea and waste of tax money! I still cannot believe someone could write that crap in a manifesto. This is so sad.

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