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Messages - Lil Jodie P

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my money on the Italianos

just a general piece of world cup info host nation has ever lost the opening game. always a win or a draw....

i have money on Mexico...

Prodigal daughters returnin is really time 4 d big dance Long Time Mrs. Jodie P

yuh know ah mus be here for the world cup!!!!

normally i wud jus pass thru and obsereve d scene...but iz world cup time now man!!!!

i have money on Mexico...

General Discussion / Re: All i want for christmas!!
« on: November 24, 2009, 01:00:13 PM »
X mas time is coming and ah decide for x mas ah not waiting to see what people giving meh.. so ah putting in meh formal requests.

Rookmin- ah ordering meh Roast fowl from now!!

I know the talk here is i doh drink...but i go make an excepetion this from miss
Socachatter ah want ah lil lick-yur....from you i hear thay drink does go down smoooth  :angel:

Madam OHW Jodie ah hadda do some house work this year...ah need MEH brush.!!!

the pt ah christmas is giving ah hope you ladies give generously

i still holding meh title!!!!! well yes ;D ;D

as for yuh gift from me....i wud happy to be could have yuh brush plus a few extras too....seeing that yuh have house wuk nah. ah feel one brush might not be enough to do de job.

but christmas will have to come early dis year for you cuz i have a wuk ah haf to put down come mid December...and ah feel ah wud not have de time to accomidate you then.

General Discussion / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!
« on: July 15, 2009, 07:23:24 AM »

 Allyuh eat energizer baterry for allyuh birthday or wha ? It going ... on an on an ....onn.

nah my birthday was friday....Organic birthday is today

General Discussion / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!
« on: July 15, 2009, 06:44:48 AM »
M J B  :-* :-* :-*

HAPPY BRTHDAY OLD MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 ;D ;D ;D ;D
:beermug: :beermug: :beermug:
(daz shandy eh...not beer) :rotfl:

General Discussion / Re: Stop jockin in public pools
« on: July 14, 2009, 05:49:39 AM »
Was she swimming naked? Was she jumping from the springboard feet first? or legs apart? It don't make sense.
Deeks, doh geh tie up like the Mother

There is no WAY, no HOW, That could HAPPEN ;)

well maybe she did breed in the pool eh ::)....just not how de mother making it out ..........

General Discussion / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!
« on: July 13, 2009, 06:10:22 AM »
Madam B...happy b day to you.  :-* :-* :-* :-*. Hope everything cool. We have to lime when ah return  ;)

thank you hunnie! the birthday was actually quite nice this year....barring the food aversions and the upset feeling. but when yuh come back we HAFF TUH buss a lil lime eh!

organic we share de same horoscope.happy bday  :beermug:.jodie p since yuh married yuh busy.take ah  :beermug:

Capo yuh eh even know the wisdom in yuh words dey! but ah duz still make time to come and read wha goin on up in de forum! anyway thanks fuh de beer....Lord know how bad ah want one...and the only kind ah cud get that safe now is a cyber beer! lol

General Discussion / HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US!
« on: July 10, 2009, 09:48:52 AM »
Mr. Organic.....i cah reach yuh to say happy birthday....yuh not in the country.....but i know yuh does come on here every now and maybe yuh willget dis in time for the 15th....


ps...getting old eh feel so bad this year!  ;D

General Discussion / Re: Man caught rooting goat
« on: July 06, 2009, 07:02:31 AM »
So wait, the woman caught him and (I presume) raised a ruckus before calling the Police, and he still continued so much so that the Police had time to arrive???  :flamethrower: :puking:

maybe she sneak up on him quiet quiet and the call the police before she tell him anything...maybe she want the police to see him for themselves!

not to be morbid or anything eh but i cud not help but think of this headline instead...

man axes wedding plans, family cuts off organ!  :devil:

General Discussion / Re: Getting tested
« on: June 08, 2009, 08:25:03 AM »
Where can I get an HIV test?
Testing services for HIV are available free of charge at all government health centres on a walk-in basis.  You do not need to make an appointment.   

The actual testing process usually takes one and a half to two hours, and results are available within two weeks.  However, you may opt for Same-day Rapid Testing (for HIV/AIDS only), with the results available within 15 minutes.


Same-Day Rapid Testing for HIV is currently offered only at the following Health Centres and at the Family Planning Association.  Please note that unlike the other locations, testing at the Family Planning Association is at a cost of TT$70.00.


Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago
79 Oxford Street

Port of Spain

Tel. (868) 623-4764

Fax. (868) 625-2256

Opening hours: 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays.


George Street Health Centre

George Street

Port of Spain


Tel. (868) 623-5155

Opening hours: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays.


Success/Laventille Health Centre

Espinet Street



Tel: (868) 623-6434

Opening hours: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays.


Arima Health Facility

Queen Mary Avenue



Tel: (868) 667-0207

Opening hours: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays.

Delayed HIV testing is available at all Health Centres and the QPCC.

Queen’s Park Counselling Centre

5 Queen’s Park East

Port of Spain

Tel. (868) 624-8663, 625-1643, 625-3944

Opening hours: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm, Monday to Friday, except public holidays.

excellent info weary!!!!!!!!!

how de ras twirlin he dreads so.

Dat man look like organic LOL

this was just toooooooooo funny!!!
sorry organic.....i had to laugh!!

General Discussion / Re: Happy Birthday Tallman!
« on: May 06, 2009, 02:33:43 PM »
Late...but still genuine...

happy belated birthday Tallman...hope you had a great day!!!

General Discussion / Re: GITA'S BIG BONUS
« on: May 04, 2009, 05:19:15 AM »
I stuck on the $45,000 US a month... I trying to think of all the things I could do with that salary here in the US, far more in sweet T&T.

But Bake n Shark right, if it there in the contract, she deserve it. How much value Duprey extract outta that company already and now the reporter asking if it morally right to ask for what is hers? So she supposed to take the hit for the company? Why they doh ask Duprey if he forgoing his salary or if he putting any of his personal money back into the company?

This reminding meh of the implosion of the US automakers and man who pulling in millions for years and have golden and platinum parachutes and protected retirement benefits telling men who toil on a line 20-30 years they need to sacrifice more so the company could survive... If it wasn't so damn sad it would be funny.

wat de ras she was doing so as a secretary to be making 45000US dollars a month???

General Discussion / Re: Crossword Puzzles
« on: March 27, 2009, 04:39:34 PM »
GOD BLESS are a life saver!!!

General Discussion / Re: Earthquake
« on: March 25, 2009, 07:45:48 AM »
i kno i wasnt goin couch jes start tuh give me a social wine i was like wat d f...

 :rotfl: :rotfl:

this is just sick!

rape is such a disgusting thing...but more so when it involves children and the elderly.

i just cannot believe it have people so heartless out there...

General Discussion / Re: PANDAY KIDNAP PLOT
« on: March 25, 2009, 07:35:38 AM »
imagine those girls used to have bodyguars that used to stay with them in school...all day sitting in school!!!

General Discussion / Re: PANDAY KIDNAP PLOT
« on: March 25, 2009, 07:04:14 AM »
ah sorry eh, but ah know Panday is ah evil son of ah bitch and he'll do anything and basically everything for attention. I find this hard to believe that somebody willing to kidnap he chile. All of ah sudden ah fisherman seeing 2 cars park up and gone to investigate ? Wha happen???  Since when he name maco ??

It jus plain damn fishy to me.

Ah gone

totally agree...
if something like this was ever to would have been a long time ago...he jus talkin up in his rass... >:(

General Discussion / Re: Schoolgirl, 14, hacked to death
« on: March 18, 2009, 01:06:44 PM »
First of all. Condolences to the young lady's family. And may God bless this child. What she did to deserve such a horrible is besides us.

Secondly, guys is a TRINI man of Indian descent who did this, ok. But Indians are not the only TRINIS who does commit horrible crimes. Look, most of the people shot to death are Afro-Trinis by Afro-Trinis!!!!! Let's put race aside. WE have some very sick people at home.


i agree...punto finale!!!

General Discussion / Re: Schoolgirl, 14, hacked to death
« on: March 18, 2009, 11:22:48 AM »
yuh know this just proves that men mentally inferior to women,ah might get pong from allyuh fellas,say wuh,f**k off.i neva hear bout ah woman gettin ah horn and choppin up de man then killin she self,she take it cool cool.she mighten cook or yuh wouldn't get some sex fuh ahwhile but atleast yuh alive.

Well I'll skate past the deliberately provocative parts of your post only to say that it speaks to the problem we have in Trinidad (indeed the Caribbean) where patriarchal norms are so prevalent that women are seen less as partners and more as possessions... to be controlled by men, directed and disposed of when we see fit.  This indicts not only the prevalence and acceptance of horning and marital infidelity in our society (can you imagine a woman being 'brave' enough to go have ah "outside" chile on she husband?).  To a larger extent it also helps explain the cavalier attitude we have towards domestic violence as well, and why tougher laws aren't yet on the books.

In fact, I often wonder how some of our female forumites even brook some of the latent patriarchal attitudes that sometimes creep into our discussions here on

Horn is help!

Listen to our music!
ofcourse horn is does help yuh make more passionate luv to yuh wife.

so wait nah...not to be a sour vibes or anything here...but allyuh really believe that having ah outside ting is helpful??
allyuh eh tink nuttin wrong with that?
and how it helping yuh make better love to yuh woman?

tell yuh husband try it,it will improve allyuh alone time. ;)

we already have excellent alone time...quite interesting! he doh need to go outside for eh have nothing he could want that he cyah ask for and get...or just take, cuz iz his own to take! and to be honest i am not one for sharing my if, for some extrodinarily starnge reason, he feel the need to sample elsewhere...i better doh even get wind of it...i doh want to know....better he doh let me find out. what i doh know, will not hurt him.

General Discussion / Re: Schoolgirl, 14, hacked to death
« on: March 18, 2009, 11:03:25 AM »
no jodie.

it is disrespectful, dishonest and dangerous (b/c of diseases). plus 9/10 time de man getting play for $$$ from woman selling cat in a clandestine fashion.

now that is what i thought!!!
that shit not right at really is disrepectful and dishonest and very very dangerous! not just because of diseases...but because yuh might be lookin to get yuh head rock with a big stone!!!

General Discussion / Re: Schoolgirl, 14, hacked to death
« on: March 18, 2009, 10:09:07 AM »
yuh know this just proves that men mentally inferior to women,ah might get pong from allyuh fellas,say wuh,f**k off.i neva hear bout ah woman gettin ah horn and choppin up de man then killin she self,she take it cool cool.she mighten cook or yuh wouldn't get some sex fuh ahwhile but atleast yuh alive.

Well I'll skate past the deliberately provocative parts of your post only to say that it speaks to the problem we have in Trinidad (indeed the Caribbean) where patriarchal norms are so prevalent that women are seen less as partners and more as possessions... to be controlled by men, directed and disposed of when we see fit.  This indicts not only the prevalence and acceptance of horning and marital infidelity in our society (can you imagine a woman being 'brave' enough to go have ah "outside" chile on she husband?).  To a larger extent it also helps explain the cavalier attitude we have towards domestic violence as well, and why tougher laws aren't yet on the books.

In fact, I often wonder how some of our female forumites even brook some of the latent patriarchal attitudes that sometimes creep into our discussions here on

Horn is help!

Listen to our music!
ofcourse horn is does help yuh make more passionate luv to yuh wife.

so wait nah...not to be a sour vibes or anything here...but allyuh really believe that having ah outside ting is helpful??
allyuh eh tink nuttin wrong with that?
and how it helping yuh make better love to yuh woman?

General Discussion / Re: Schoolgirl, 14, hacked to death
« on: March 18, 2009, 09:34:28 AM »
yuh know this just proves that men mentally inferior to women,ah might get pong from allyuh fellas,say wuh,f**k off.i neva hear bout ah woman gettin ah horn and choppin up de man then killin she self,she take it cool cool.she mighten cook or yuh wouldn't get some sex fuh ahwhile but atleast yuh alive.

Well I'll skate past the deliberately provocative parts of your post only to say that it speaks to the problem we have in Trinidad (indeed the Caribbean) where patriarchal norms are so prevalent that women are seen less as partners and more as possessions... to be controlled by men, directed and disposed of when we see fit.  This indicts not only the prevalence and acceptance of horning and marital infidelity in our society (can you imagine a woman being 'brave' enough to go have ah "outside" chile on she husband?).  To a larger extent it also helps explain the cavalier attitude we have towards domestic violence as well, and why tougher laws aren't yet on the books.

In fact, I often wonder how some of our female forumites even brook some of the latent patriarchal attitudes that sometimes creep into our discussions here on

Horn is help!

Listen to our music!

 >:( >:( >:(
let me not even get started nah

General Discussion / Re: A GRAVE MISTAKE
« on: March 18, 2009, 08:39:10 AM »
ah juss peeking in here....

guessing they haven't found the child yet huh?

<stares> Mrs Jodie B...hmmm

 ;D ;D
hey Cana :)

General Discussion / Re: Schoolgirl, 14, hacked to death
« on: March 18, 2009, 08:34:19 AM »
dis real friggin sad dread!!!!

why are acts of violence against women becoming so rampant??? ah jus cyah get dat at all dread...

dis really unacceptable

General Discussion / Re: A GRAVE MISTAKE
« on: March 17, 2009, 12:58:45 PM »
this real hard boy...they still eh find that little girl?
i really hope they fing her yuh know...but chances have to be real slim now...look at Vijay Maharaj...they never find that chile at all...his parents dead and gone and never know what happen to their chile... ???
when de parents dead?

last year sometime...his mother, father, elder brother and baby sister all died. their house caught on fire and they all burnt to death...only his big sister left now...she get away cuz she married now and not living home no more.

General Discussion / Re: question...
« on: March 17, 2009, 12:55:38 PM »
I attending some meetings as I on ah committee  and in dem meetings they only talking about higher power and spirituality and I is ah non believer ,,how I should handle these people boy?

what yuh mean yuh is a non believer??? ah lost...yuh doh believe that there is a supreme being? yuh doh believe in God???

Where you been?  :rotfl:

what yuh mean FF???
ah late or wat???

yup he does not believe in GOD  ;D Hope that helps , and yes yuh late  :devil:

 :-[ crap!

where was i ???

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